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Everything posted by Hellridah

  1. The point that is being considered specifically is the operation of software in legal environments basically any attempt to defraud is being examined or should be getting examined I've lost count on the amount of errors I've seen that prevent a person from entering a game when its on a hot streak : or even shut the game down with errors mid win streak its as obvious as the sun in the sky that something stinks I mean how are these people even still operating is it the software companies or the bloody casino's im lost honestly . I mean Krikey I use to hit 5 posters on the dead or alive every 3 months now im going on two years e.g , I've estimated some software running at easily below 50 percent RTP its not complicated math and the casino's that have been running software where the games have actually been running at 95-97 percent have had their software e.g Net Ent , Relax , and Elk suddenly vanish industry is weird these days I blew past my win loss ratio rule fing ages ago I know there's imbalance due to cheating my evidence is me im telling you its RIGGED BRO . !
  2. Ok .... I guess I've been a bit harsh on High Roller everything else seems polished I guess its "that" time of year I have this thing about bots tbh I can't fing stand them outside of that just a slight rant place is looking smooth and sharp .
  3. I fell asleep waiting just for an agent to pop up and now their asking which games I wagered on its like come on your the casino you should know the bar hasn't moved an inch from two games book of the dead and gates of Olympus 35 wagering to effect zero against a 2.24 bonus / 67.2 wagering . Hence is maybe broken guys ? I might as well have ordered a pizza would have been delivered faster .
  4. Ok so its 9:45 am Wednesday, Central European Time (CET) High Roller Casino which is within your live support times and I'm being handled by a bot that repeats over and over the same nonsense about a couple of minutes its been now 40 and with an email sent .
  5. Yeah its kinda a new one been hearing it more and more lately I thought it was isolated incident : updates to browser , drivers , and etc have made zero difference its likely a core coding embedment / triggered by command its happening on more than one software was isolated to pragmatic now relax and etc . : seriously the games are over I feel like I'm playing with kids and wtf are the regulatory authorities doing maybe its rogue coding and maybe the odd dummy server but its about time there was a major audit . Happened a few more times too over Christmas and the New Year I'm sorry you people are not smart the tactics are being noticed now you can either play fair or you will loose your license trust me .
  6. Update 25/12/24 Watch out for the random game reset mid win streak man will you guys ever quit with your tactics . P.S Umm Merry Christmas no seriously . -T
  7. Interesting could you possibly be a bit more detailed guys ? Think ill go in there and give it the ole fire and brimstone routine and test it properly then report back .
  8. Hey anyone from New Zealand Having Casino Withdrawal Problems right now ? one casino I'm with and have been with for ages currently has ZERO ways to withdraw money not even banking and is meant to be some big shot million dollar company wow awesome I can't card withdraw and can't bank withdrawal just amazing stuff . Do we have a Rep still for WINZ.IO Casino honestly the new model their using is not working and I'm told others in my country are having the same issue be good to get some feedback going you know some communication ? . Edit 11.12.2024 12:15 am For whatever reason the new system is now in place for bank withdrawals I've gone ahead and figured it out myself Where it Says Account Number : it means the last 9 digits (7 of the account number and 2 of the suffix) Where it Says Banking System Sort Code : it means the first 6 digits of the 15 digit sequence . Customer Service is friendly but I'm sorry mostly clueless and the communication via emails is lacking furthermore the minimum amount for bank withdrawals has increased to 300 dollars and there is now a roof of 6,000 on card and bank withdrawals for whichever reason not a rhyme or a single email detailing this literally this is fishing in the dark . I strongly suggest WINZ.IO Casino gets a REP in here ASAP and improves everything ASAP for those that were confused that's how you get your money . Over and Out ! . -Tane P.S Im not being paid by the hour to fix up your messes WINZ.IO learn to provide more instructions and communicate more . 1
  9. Bro it comes down to to basic stuff if people aren't getting a fair go why bother brother its that simple I mean even an AI told a bunch of people recently that it estimated 50 percent of the gambling industry to be corrupt kuki.ai . And that's coming from a machine that analises data in a nano second ...
  10. My Friends you cannot cheat the powers that be : All your Technology will not save you from the powers that be at all times there are parallel dimensions running opposite ours we magi refer to one such one as the Invisible world you cannot cheat an Arch Daemon who commands Scores of Warrior Angels you show no respect and will be shown no mercy I know this because I know how things work . 

    Well good luck with your "Technology" and mafia's etc still wont make a difference very little . 

  11. Ok , It goes like this "We" Know what your upto Pragmatic , Relax Gaming , and Play n Go Your little error Party is Over 1. We know that you break play sessions using errors to break win streaks to profit shape to reduce outgoings . 2. Some of your Ex Employees have already let secrets out of the bag its game over in so many ways (if your going to be crooks pay your peeps) 3. We know about the recording sensory built into the software but what you didn't consider is third party recording like a camera mounted on a Tripod . 4. We are about 99 percent convinced that your being allowed to operate by rogue jurisdictions who aren't doing their job and it goes like this ill be vague and to the point : (a) We aren't interested in Malta and giving up info on how we earn money (b) We are running out of jurisdictions that can be trusted that have Ecogra doing third party auditing (Nothing can be trusted anymore 100 percent) (c) The Industry is being bled dry by young vampires that think that you can keep taking and nothing will happen to them ever . In Conclusion , Unless the industry is tidied up as far as I'm concerned this is the final chapter for me and a lot of others I can't in my right mind tell people to trust this **** . -T
  12. Yeah exactly what I'm talking about tbh i've only had one decent hit in demo mode with that game also RELAX gaming starting to see long streaks of DEAD SPINS on games that are meant to be up there 94-96 percent RTP which just isn't the case . And as for a lot of these buy the feature bonuses I'm sure it messes with the pool each time someone buys it changes the structure of the program and reduces the feature generation basically their chasing the high rollers and they get to basically manipulate the pool which is a bit ridiculous : this is all about money end of the day and it is what it is though they will argue that its fair its almost not worth it anymore I swear its X number of times harder than 5 years ago to get a hit of any kind its increased by five fold times the difficulty Dead or Alive is another example can't get complete 5 poster hits anymore its always this partial nonsense.
  13. I'm just sticking to my regulars have not had any issues at Bitstarz , Winz.io , Arcanebet , and Casinovibes its all been smooth sailing there but outside of those I was seeing the errors across the board when I did a Safari was to the point where I was forced to play accumulators at some places .
  14. True going back there doesn't help the situation though what these guys understand I'm sure is its not a private party there's agents in Casino's 24/7 checking on things and making sure everything is running right its part and parcel of maintaining the license my main point here is their players need to feel safe that they can trust where they are playing or hey what's the point ? What are we all doing here if we can't do good business we need to shut down any cheaters and clean up the industry we are all in the business of makin money here .
  15. A fair question Administrator , Well looking back over the years I think the conversation has been done to death about game errors occurring mid win streak as most would probably know that by resetting a game the current mode of program operation is terminated and any processes that were in motion are cancelled out along with any current hot streaks which one probably spent thousands to fluke . As for evidence I think that needs to be examined by the proper authorities though I was curious if any others have similar opinions about possible corruption in the gaming industry : I'm not pointing the finger at all software companies just a few from the data that I'm working with . Posting any evidence here would create a Legal Dilemma without investigation by regulatory authorities and the proper procedure being followed it would be non sensical though I thought I'd explore the theory with the community to see if anyone else has a personal take on the matter from their own experiences ? . What certain people have to consider is that we are the life blood that flows through the industries veins that keeps things running without us things would come to a rather sudden halt the wise would do well to remember this there are forces in this world that see beyond the physical and see through you all that is being asked is to play fair that isn't too much too ask now is it ... -T P.S Kind of reminds me of that Movie Reservoir Dogs guy says at the end “You don't need proof when you have instinct.”
  16. Greetings , After viewing a lot of data and I mean a lot and conducting my own research personally I've determined that there is indeed a possibility there is something quite not right with a lot of software companies : I believe some are blocking players from winning using their ip address/machine id and making it look like game errors to confuse people including casino's I believe . I noticed a steady trend of errors around the same time I had wins and others that I've discussed the matter with have also given examples of errors around win streak times : there's something programmed into the games which can determine when "big hits" will occur and is somehow interfering or is programmed to interfere to reduce losses . (Not all from what I can see probably to make things look good) I strongly believe some Software companies are using profit shaping techniques to cheat players to maximize profit and are doing so quite cunningly but the evidence is mounting up and it will be submitted to the regulatory authorities : we the players want fairness its all that we ask and cheaters have no place in the gambling industry . My Latest issue revolved around an error that basically prevents a player from continuing play for a period of time and the standard procedure to "remedy" the problem is for the customer to clear their cookies and their cache , and restart their machine which is just utter nonsense as its basically asking the person to get rid of the evidence . Another thing that surprises me is how this behavior has not been detected by the regulatory authorities I tell you there is corruption in the industry that needs to be rooted out : I could name the companies and show evidence right here but I don't think people are stupid out there I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm sayin here . -T
  17. "Does he cheat , Does he do this , Does he do that" ..."No the gods respect bravery and honor so this is My Way" 

    Hail Astaroth ! . 

  18. Keep seeing these BIG WINS posted on something called "The Degeneration Nation" on Facebook can anyone actually vouch for that page personally I think their full of it they never show the casino name or hard core details ??? I could use free mode too and and bit of video editing / AI assisted but can't see the point as I'm real been in this game since 97 .
  19. [rubs hands together] Do tell us more ! Well put it this way if they run things better than Malta and Curacao , Don't ask for stupid SOW/SOF document requests , and maintain high standards it will become a go to place for a lot of punters just make a requirement that all Casino's must be E-Cogra approved and bobs your uncle .
  20. As I see it not providing the actual reason is poor communication it leaves me wondering and probably a lot of others if this practice will be invoked at a whim one of things i wish winz.io would tidy up is email responsiveness : many times I've communicated to the general email address and 1/10 times actually heard back from management there needs to be better communication going on informing the player about the actual reason is good business practice treating people like a number can seem like batch processing lacking of professionalism .
  21. When it comes to Casino Sites I'm fussy about them and quite meticulous 1winn seems ok though for speed I would go with Bitstarz.com or Winz.io that said a lot comes down to how a Casino Treats a player especially ones that have received many deposits and in some regards I would take smaller operations over bigger ones if they treat me right it all depends : places that comp one minute then stop it due to a few withdrawals are not really playing the game properly in my opinion ill test 1winn out and do a review .
  22. When it comes to reviews player feed back is essential as it gives a full spectrum analysis of what to expect from my knowledge of processers I know its possible to do most things within 24 hours banking , cards , and etc that's the benchmark I'd be aiming for the upper 10 scoring but a lot of feed back from players helps to give a Full Spectrum View of things : I'll chip in where I can with things but I gotta tell you im fine with the four I'm playing with but I'll go on safari and try to feed back to AG ok peace !!! , And Be Well Cocopop3011 . P.S Things can't be expected to be perfect ill admit but its just a heads up k .
  23. I'm paying close attention to the reviews we are doing of a lot of casino's a typical example is Retro Bet Casino I'm quite certain that this review needs some alterations 0-72 hours pending , 3-5 business days for a card withdrawal , and 5-7 for a bank withdrawal hardly means a "Fast Withdrawal" process an 8.2 rating is absurd we need to better inform punters before sending them off to war I personally would give them a 5 tops 5 grand per day 20k per month we are talking grandads back garage operation at best k . Only Casino's I would even touch with a TEN foot pole now are Bitstarz , Winz.io , Arcanebet , and Casinovibes who knows maybe an operation comes along that will be a perfect 10 but im yet to see one .
  24. To be fair the industry in general I'm getting to the point where I'm wondering if its worth it anymore what with all these stupid document requests about how a person makes their crust lol and the authorities that do pretty much bugger all and leave it upto places like AG to do the heavy lifting I've only had about 121 people tell me personally the industry needs to be audited by E-Cogra its the only trusted Audit company .
  25. I mean , Let's me honest here people how many of you think what's going on here in the gambling industry is normal I've lost track of the petty little tricks you casino software companies are trying / along with the casino's to cheat people your obviously using profit shaping software : what assurances can Licensing Authorities give us that everything is being audited and is legitimate because i have reasons for doubting a lot of Casino's Right now . As for the place I was playing at recently everything was recorded the silly little errors that you monkies think you can use to hide the fact your blocking wins because your dirty I swear I will break you over my knee in front of everyone and this profile ***** needs to stop ...also the sof/sow checks needs to go we all know your just using it to block withdrawals and reduce outgoings you don't give a rats about players come on who do you think your dealing with here come on . Feel free to jump in anyone not like there's a gate here or anything .
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