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Everything posted by Astaroth

  1. I see people talk about this all the time building up bonus features , playing low volatility/medium volatility , and sticking to a particular software is still subject to random number generation and how busy the games are at the time which cycles the rng faster but its not a ticket to ride : I personally have played so called hot games and lost 10k in a go. -T
  2. Hey Raverbabe it's profitable you just have to find Innovative ways of curving the cost and knowing which hardware to use Currently I'm packing Antminer Series 7 with the new chips which use less power ...its a roll of the dice with bitcoin the market is volatile but my babies keep hashing away 24/7 .... and hey I like that Idea about an Askgamblers team hehe ..as to the market things are slowly picking up pace here in New Zealand and Bitcoin is becoming more widely used this increases its usefulness as a medium of exchange and thus will effect the value of this form of currency . As to the Volatility of the Market Half of the Investor Confidence Scares are drummed up by inaccurate speculation a lot of the time but this is common with any market your always going to have pros and cons : Satoshi's dream has been made manifest and the people driven currency is picking up speed being transparent from the control mechanisms of other currencies Bitcoin will hold store of Value for years if the Market Becomes more Mature that is in their Long Term Projections. As to AG ...I'm open minded I'm already a solider here AG is my crew.
  3. V99D99 , A good majority of establishments are subject to Legal ramifications and there are mediation and legal options in place things aren't as "wastelandish" as they appear although in certain Jurisdiction's finding justice can be difficult trust me I've been there and done that e.g Costa Rica . It sounds like you've been in the wars as I'm sure we all have why not maybe ...submit a complaint or approach some legal channels ...unless they are located on mars you should at least find a resolution in some form or another ...mob justice wont work man I mean its already the wild west out there personally I say thank the maker for places like askgamblers which gives the average gambler a chance to mediate .
  4. My Point in regards to these reviews is there's no real content involved and it sets a benchmark for standards if it is allowed to proceed that said most people who look at the reviews would know that a couple of lines are not exactly a deep analysis of things .
  5. I had this put to me : Coin Palace (Coin Palace) Aug 25, 10:55 AST Hi Tane, Sorry for leaving your message with no response. Right now the Quickfire games are not available in all casinos under the SoftSwiss platform. We will let you know as soon as this problem is solved, but for now we have disabled these games so they don't appear in the list on our website. ((To me Stability is everything raverbabe ill keep regulars that are stable , pay fast , have good customer support , run ongoing promotions , don't have over the top rules , have good Payout limits (or reasonable) , and seek to better themselves))
  6. Yeah their Legit they paid up my 400 Euro took a bit of time but it was the weekended Ill admit they could do without the spam reviews though. [i would suggest disabling reviews for the time being seems like their still going at it]
  7. Wasn't my intention to break the rules Coco my bad about the links and yes there were more restricted countries .
  8. Roger that Fiekie247 I've let the gods know their obvious spammers I wont comment as to why its being done but its so obvious .
  9. In this case that's not their claim their saying something else but i Do see your reasoning that would appear to be one logical scenario .
  10. Well , This would be the second time I've struck this in the last 72 hours and the last time I struck this error code I was told by someone that Quickfire were undergoing an update not that I don't believe the story I've been handed but I thought I'd jump to another site and Alacazam Quickfire games seem to be working ?? I Dunno I mean : Can somebody explain how its working on one site and not another is it to do with the casino itself ?? these technical errors do happen I guess . Is anyone else having trouble out there ??
  11. Without naming any names on the subject I've seen it all with regard 'ole' dead or alive ...custom modded version's that spin slower , the higher bets taken out , and even the ability to hit guns on free spins : the nature of DoA is high Volatility yes it can hit big but it can guzzle money too its not a sure in the bag bet High Vol's can suck you dry quick as look at you ...and then there's that slight chance they will actually pay . If I'm to take a wild stab in the dark here the move to exclude DoA is from a Risk Management Point of View based on the ability to meet Liabilities in the short and long term : based on the capital structure of the business in question this I understand fully but in regards to launching an operation I think it must also be considered that DoA is but one of many games that could hit big and to remove simply DoA would seem nonsensical and if indeed the move is based on Risk Projection then perhaps a complete restructuring should also be looked at or even the odd merger here and there ...I see Jetbull is good like that .
  12. I'm Noticing it too Can't really see the dif I mean Dead or Alive is just one slot there's others that can hit big too dodging dead or alive is a question mark in my books .
  13. Picked up a new one on my Radar Recently apparently they don't take players from my country but it doesn't state it anywhere cash journey gave this break down on em . <SNIP>
  14. For one Coco I love our conversations , 2 for the juice love the rush from win streaks , and 3 can't have people walking around blind out there getting stuck back into reviews .
  15. Be good I'f they could fix their chat Gui the subject headings keep appearing empty and chat conversation will hang for 3-4 minutes and just random crash most time then you have to start all over again never get this at guts , redbet , and unibet they need to up their game hard .
  16. ***** with it I'm back in the game guns strapped back on lol
  17. Hey guys , Yeah in all honesty still low rolling but I'm turning my attention to a series of other pursuits including Bitcoin Mining ill have all me electronic chickens out the back Burrrk Bok Bok laying Mining rewards , resuming contract work , MMO's , helping out at the family restaurant , and ill even keep an eye on a few casino's there's some real potential out there and I must say things have changed over the years . All this instant paying stuff ahhh to think back in the day those long 4 day pending waits , being tied up with excuses , no weekend cashouts lol , and etc etc Instant pay's are a godsend ...and hats off to Bitstarz , Limoplay , Betchan , Videoslots , Casumo , and the others (so many) Imho your leading the pack though compared to redbet and the larger businesses the only thing you are lacking is the limit issues once you get to 50-100k per month this will be more appealing to a greater majority of the market. Though in saying that I still don't mind waiting for some Fortune Lounge , Vegas Partner Lounge , Casino Rewards , and Red Group you guys are cool in my books have been for quite some time I might add and yes Royal Vegas expect a round 3 at some "random" point in time Muhuhuhuhahahaha ! . [Vanishes] Peace Crew !!!!!
  18. Well , Its been a whole bunch of fun out there I must say but comes a time when the win:loss ratio needs to be looked at and I'm well up I must admit and with all the "game errors" and muck around's lol Time to give up for a bit been here before . So guys and girls stay cool out there give em heaps Peace !!!! Ciao ....
  19. In life sometimes you can feel what is right its a feeling and if you pay attention to the signs and vibe certain energies the path can become more clear as to systematic patterns these are subject to randomization and are simply random as you mention ....but sometimes the universe can be rewarding when we pay attention to certain things ...that is how I sometimes win mi'lady [tips hat].
  20. I know this is a done deal but for the record I did Indeed Sharon : I guess they were having one of "those" days I guess we all do sometimes .
  21. Its cool Sharon and I did indeed play with both of the welcomes fun to the last drop although as fate goes it doesn't always work out that way as many Win's as I claim to have had : like most of us I've had losses as well [nod nod] .
  22. You would be amazed just how lucky you can be if you stick to places that get audited , have a good reputation , and don't crash on you mid win streak ....as to bonuses well that's all up to the Rng no such thing as a sure bet or sure win ...though the illusion does present itself fashionably ..or as Doc Holliday once put it "Isn't that a Daisy?" .
  23. Heya Its solid Sharon I've been with them for a bit now I can tell you that their GTG good customer service , stable environment no lag etc , couple of cashout's , no problems to date , and its a very positive vibe there imho.
  24. Hey Coco usually do as you build points and vip levels your rolling dice with competitions along the way ...the odd bonus here and there ...as long as you keep your Deposit:Bonus ratio right CR is pretty good all around and in 6 years only seen one time where I was logged out mid gaming outside of that been solid gaming with their group. Hey Raverbabe I know what your saying ...well I'm running Cable and I'm testing the Con constantly between server and client ...that said there's still room for anomalies to occur one thing I would suggest for a lot of the instant play casino's is to develop clients although the Inherent problem of the casino's connection to the software providers would still pose a problem ... through as to the nature of how valid that argument is I think is a case by case basis ...based on merit . One Constant that does ring true is that if a Casino's Connection to Software providers is experiencing issues those issues should be resolved in the most effective manner that is least disruptive to clients as previously suggested maintenance down time ...though I see the arguments for and against this suggestion.
  25. Anyone Else Having Trouble ? 12:36am Gmt +12 Be good to hear a status update from a rep or some such the groups solid sounds like they hit a snag come on guys shake it off , bucket of water on the head , and back into the ring. Update 1:26am gtm +12 : They hit a snag but their working through it spoke to support just before .
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