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Afi4wins last won the day on February 17

Afi4wins had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    Somewhere in hot Asia...but you can always find me here! ^_^
  • Interests
    Drooling over Supercar beauties, especially 2-legged ones! Can never see enough of them, hehehe. ^_^


  • Member Title
    Playtech & Supe It Up Master, Winner Screenshot Virtuoso

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  1. @karolcia Yes, it may make a big difference, because if your laptop uses a diferent IP address than your handphone, then the casino can consider it another player playing for you, hence a collusion breach of terms.
  2. @karolcia Did you by any chance play with different devices, like on smartphone then on laptop? This can be seen as collusion with another player and is of course prohibited as well.
  3. @Jouz666 That Svannah Legend win would have put you at 1st place mate!
  4. @karolcia Hi there and welcome to the forum. I have been accused of similar accusations before, but at a different casino, and my account was blocked from all bonuses. I have since closed my account there. No casino can treat me unjustly like that because the glitches happened whilst I was playing my games at MINIMUM BETS PER SPIN, when all of a sudden, it CHANGED TO MAX BET without my choosing it! I lost 300 EUR in just 3 spins!!! This happened a few times so they accused me of abusing the max bet rule! Didi this happened to you? Or did you at any time played at higher bets than the allowed max bet?
  5. @Jouz666 Didn't you read thru the contest rules mate??? That's twice already your screenshots do not qualify!
  6. Geeees maaaan! 21st Feb is such a blardy long way to go for this contest to end! I'm totally bored now, simply because all the Prag games are nothing more than pure DRAG now!
  7. @All4Suits I think it is time for you to stop waiting and best to file an official complaint here using the AGCCS as soon as possible. Months more to wait is a very ridiculous answer by the casino staff!
  8. @Fiekie247 That's not really surprising bro. I myself have done about two thousand spins on BB Splash today (not counting yesterday's spins) and couldn't even get a 200x win. The Prag games have gone into hibenation!
  9. @Fiekie247 Bro, I would say just forget about that 129.2x win gamelog and try to get a better screenshot to get back onto the leaderboard.
  10. Trying my very best...but this is the best so far... Bigger Bass Splash - 866.4x (iWild)
  11. @Damien7780 Where's the winning screenshot bro? You always tend to forget!
  12. Bigger Bass Splash - 284.6x (Wikiluck)
  13. @Akermannen A potential partnership? Sounds very dodgy to me! And how the heck did they find you in the first place? This is most probably a scam and a trap!
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