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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. well,boys you are distracting me and iam working ,to earn some penny,for gambling
  2. ahhh why mentioned that I am going !!! I am not going nowhere,noway ,anyway ,who will go on Gurus nervs from time to time
  3. Platinum Reels Casino 25 free spins on Max Cash slot code PRFRMAX20 for depositors only! valid till 2nd November!
  4. well ,if I am bored ,i would probably gone from here,right ??
  5. ahhh Valdes,Valdes ,what Iam gona do with you and Afi
  6. ahahhaa nooo way,thats my hubby favorite parfume
  7. Afiii you are playing 24h a day hun,I bet you have reels in your eyes rolling
  8. I like Gucci ohhh Awena congrats. on your new job or business ,I wish you big success hun
  9. but you said ,you are off to bad now !!!
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  11. Today I have day off ,so hoping to have a lot chit chatting with you,if you dont hide from me heheee
  12. Winaday Casino code:TREATS 5$ free chip for eveyone Halloween !!
  13. Good Morning Valdes ,hmmm..we didnt say anything bad ,even if your honey reads this,she should be happy ,because she has hubby like you
  14. i am not better ,then you,i won 1.60 euros and if you deposit today 20 euros ,they are giving 50 free spins tomorrow ,well nice promo
  15. hey Afiii,did you used the 15 free spins on Jack and The Beanstalk slot at Thrills??
  16. congrats.Th3 Runn3R ,we have experienced Thrills casino withdraw ,we know they are great!
  17. I thought the same Afi ,yees ,sure you are tired Guru ,we all know that ,sweet dreams Valdes !
  18. aha ...tired ,you said ,ok good night Guru
  19. hmmm...Guru is off and on all the time this days,so maybe he is getting Love calls from his beloved women,more often ,just saying !!!
  20. didnt want to be so cruel,but dont like them either,like i said ,little ones yes,but big cats,no way Jose
  21. I like cats,but only when they are small after that i dont so much,dont know why ,well maybe ,because they are cute .little babies
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