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Everything posted by Toiletseat

  1. Is this a joke? 8 GB Memory, including 4GB Graphics card is an absolute minimum configuration, The 8 Cored processor seems a bit out of date.... I definitely would not go any lower . Offcourse this excellent top of the bill PC will do. How many USB- and HDMI ports this baby has? Is the OS stored on SSD? Just a small edit: Keep in mind allthough the 4GHZ sounds amazing, the Intel chips I7 and I5 are generally better. But for online gambling and normal PC ussage this PC will absolutely do. On the other hand, if you want to play the commercial RPG / Shooter games wich demand the whole lot of your pc, be wise then and spend your money on Intel.
  2. Dearest Luciana, thanks for your symphatic concerns. You think I couldn't handle the excitement? Please forgive me my absence, I needed some time to sort things out. Thanks ValDes !! No doubt I will survive these tasty hot dealers, I saw my wife this early morning totally naked, and my heart is still beating
  3. Currently I am playing at another casino, with great success. After my hunger is satisfied I promise to try out this topless casino. But: As soon as I see a topless dude I am out of there
  4. Dear Ganowe, When it comes to reliability the official authorities in Curacao do not have such a great reputation, I am sorry to say. Have you ever considered trying to bribe the E-gaming commission? (sorry ValDes). That usually helps the good cause
  5. Okay, who knows a bookie where I can place a bet on 'AG to win ' It would be dumb not to use such inside intel
  6. Afi my friend, when of all people even you are using such words, then this casino really must have deserved it.
  7. Congratulations on winning that particlar award. Surely I'd love to vote for you as you requested, but what is in it for us players?
  8. Hi Marvin, Try his Facebook page, there you'll find all relevant info. In case it doesn't work, try the yellow pages.
  9. Nope, depending on your 'broker' you can buy "calls" and "puts" on commodities (oil, gold etc) and some major stocks (Apple, Coca Cola) as well. They are not exactly the same as the traditional call and put options you can trade at the stockmarkets. The lack of an expiring date is perhaps the biggest difference, also you are able to back up your binaries in case the value goes the opposite way as you have anticipated (opposite of your position )
  10. So I've read. Incredible , what an fantastic event Have fun there, behave and please come back with the award in your hands
  11. Done. Are you planning on attending the gala evening in UK, Lucy?
  12. Hi PacificRim, Been there, done that. Sorry, but it is not my cup of tea. Interesting however that you post this in a gambling community. Are you more or less saying that binary trading is the same as gambling?
  13. I would if I could, but your question is far beyond my knowledge
  14. Their reply was customer service unworthy I wouldn't dare to give such an answer to an external customer. It makes you wonder if they even bothered to read the question. Be asured I won't give up and will contact at least 2 Netent powered casinos. By the way, until this 'no can lowering bets' issue is resolved, I will not deposit anymore on any Netent casino. It is a matter of demand and supply. Netent can't deliver what I want, but others can.
  15. And? How are mom and Jessica doing so far? I hope everything goes as it should be, and that you are all happy, healthy and enjoying eachother's company,
  16. Netent answered back on 21 october: Thank you for contacting NetEnt. We kindly ask you to contact your online casino's customer support team with your question. The casino will have the best possibility and tools to help you with any game related questions that you might have. Best Regards, NetEnt Not a very satisfying answer
  17. True !! I couldn't live without my cigarettes, allthough I've tried to quit several times. I hated the hospital for not letting me smoke in the Coronal Care Unit , instead they gave me sleeping pills and sedatives for the night to overcome my nicotine addiction. And that did it for me. After smoking for about 25 years I am very happy to say I still did not touch those nicotined tar tubes . I would be really stupid to start smoking again.
  18. My dearest sweeties, I appreciate your concerns, but my heartproblems were not caused by smoking, nor by bad dieting. . However, I still did not smoked, now for almost 5 weeks
  19. Done
  20. And again a great interview Thanks Keith, thanks Luciana !!
  21. Do I sence a 'double tongue' here?
  22. Thank you all for your kind, sweet, lovely reactions and support :give_rose:They do me good and are much appreciated. So far no real news to tell, since the last pacemaker adjustment I feel much better, but I am not there yet. I don't know if it is a matter of further pacemakeradjustments or more training, but I am short of breath on (too) many occassions. Perhaps I should start smoke again? Anyway, I have made an appointment with the PM technician. let's see if he can help me further. Take care, and behave , I'll keep you posted. Happy gamblings and happy winnings to all of you
  23. Dearest AG Members, We are a friendly and thight community, and that is the only reason why I write this. Perhaps you have noticed that I've not been around much lately. Almost 3 weeks ago I had to face some very serious cardiac arrythmia, wich resulted in a total of 10 cardiac arrests. I was in the hospital for 1 week, got a pacemaker implanted, and had to rush back to the hospital 1 week later for some pacemaker adjustments. I am very glad and happy to say all is fine and okay now. It takes about 2 months before the pacemaker is grown well into my heart, and I need to take things easy during that period. Therefore I won't be around that much as I would like to be, but I expect to be fully recovered and fit for AG duty in january. Best regards, Seat
  24. Sorry for my late reaction, but what a cutie. A big Congratulations and all the best wishes for you dear Sharon, and for Valleys and your family.
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