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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Oh dear... Told you back then Brexit was a massive mistake, but if you still doubt it (obviously you are ?) strongly encourage you to watch this movie (if you haven't done it yet). It's describing the truth about Brexit in a shockingly trustworthy and open way...
  2. Hey there @hansn and welcome to the forum. Please keep in mind that while you are totally free to share your disappointment and frustration at the forum and search/ask for further support from our forum community, AskGamblers Complaints Team strongly encourage you to refrain as much as possible from discussing an ongoing AGCCS case as this may compromise all the efforts to reach to a satisfactory solution of such a complaint.
  3. They actually nailed it! Couldn't agree more with each and every single word! Unfortunately.... ?
  4. The endless list of bugs and inconsistencies found in Season 08 is growing on a daily basis and there are hundreds of you-tubers talking about that showing proofs... And when I turn back just 2 years ago and compare their comments and reviews with the current ones... man, it's a real catastrophe! How in the name of bloody Seven Kingdoms they managed to ruin such an epic production?! That's the million dollar question in the last month or so I guess... ?
  5. Hey there and welcome to AskGamblers Forum To be honest, not the most appropriate forum topic to ask a question like yours. Feel free to browse the forum content by using our search option and I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of useful info.
  6. Usually on the same page, but this time, well, couldn't disagree more with you mate. ? You have no idea how many players are coming to our live chat straight after noticing some info inaccuracy on our reviews and were willing to report and request an edit. Not to mention the dozens of PMs sent by you and Fiekie for example reporting wrong list of restricted countries for certain casino operators and/or bonus offers. What better way to report these now but using our brand new and super convenient feature... And the reward... Well, what better reward than browsing casino/bonus/game reviews where info is being updated by players themselves. ?
  7. Err, where exactly did you get those numbers from? ... IMHO, mobile gambling, at least the good part of it referring to online casinos, is yet to reach 20-30%.
  8. Hello there @bella0101 and welcome to AskGamblers Forum Pretty sure a lot of our US members will find your feedback as pretty useful, so thanks for your post. Would be also awesome if you could share a bit more about you and your gambling experience - Introduce yourself to the world
  9. Hey there and welcome to AskGamblers Forum Would greatly appreciate if you could provide a bit more details so that we could be of better assistance OR at least understand better where your rant is coming from.
  10. All I could do unfortunately is just 'looking forward' without actually 'seeing and feeling' the new NetEnt slot game since their games are restricted for Bulgarian players. Sigh!
  11. Hey there and thanks for contributing to this very old but still helpful forum topic.
  12. Made some minor changes into the forum settings, so let me try the result with the 'spin' word. Should be linked to Spin Casino review but not adding 'casino' automatically anyway. Spin. PS. Seems it's working! Please let me know asap if you spot other common words with the same issue. Thanks.
  13. Had the same one... Just keep typing after the tagging is done. Usually it would automatically put a space after the tagged name but if not then you could always put your mouse pointer before the first word after the tag and add one. Hope the above works for you.
  14. The truth is I just don't know where to start from, it's just that much how frustrating and disappointed I feel about the GOT final season and finale and everything that happened with the series after the end of season 06... As a die-hard fan of George R.R. Martin's 'A Song Of Fire And Ice' and the HBO's series based on the book, I just cannot forget and cannot forgive such a cruel joke and beyond frustrating, illiterate, unjustified and totally undeserved downfall of the work which GOT writers Benioff and Weiss (a.k.a. Dumb & Dumber after S08e03) did with seasons 7 & 8. Obviously none of them was able to get close let alone keep the same level of the astonishing, stunning. phenomenal and absolutely brilliant way in which GRRM is developing his characters and story lines. And without his books Dumb & Dumber were obviously helpless and just rushing to the series finale. The key word when talking about GOT's ending is RUSHED! Why HBO decided to go that way, well, I guess we will never really understand and learn more about that. But the burning questions remain and I keep asking myself why rushing and shi**ing your most brilliant piece of work: - when you had unlimited resources to make the last season even greater than everything we've soon so far?! - when you had all the attention and love and passion and support and whatnot from tens of millions of die-hard fans like poor Guru?! - when you had the most amazing crew the world of TV business has ever seen or gathered before?! - when you had all these brilliant actors which are sooooo passionately devoted to their series characters and it's obvious they literally live and die with the script?! WHY?!!!!!!
  15. We've heard so many declarations from operators how much they like/love/appreciate their winners and yet, one starts getting all sort of weird limitations and obstacles once winning and withdrawing on a regular basis... Been there myself with couple of operators over the years and regardless how reputable these actually were it was all the same. Now you know why the vast majority of modern online casino players are considered as "casino nomads" rather than sticking too much to any kind of loyalty.
  16. Hmm, weird... Let me check further with the devs and will let you know when I have more details.
  17. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers forum Wow, for all possible ways of presenting at the forum the one which you have chosen has always been the preferred one! Congratulations and keep them coming! Cannot wait to hear more about your gambling adventures.
  18. One of the main reasons why postponing my rant for later today or tomorrow.
  19. Well, well, well, looks who's here! Game Of Thrones fans know the Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms have "Master of Coins", so if I may use some GOT analogy here, our beloved Goxy is AG "Master of Bonuses"! Warm welcome to the AG Master of Bonuses!
  20. Hey there Yeah, been a avid Rammstein fan from quite some time now and to be honest, despite the obvious provocation of their new album I just try to focus on their music and man, its great!
  21. Haha, absolutely! And of course, good morning to you too.
  22. Hey there and welcome to AskGamblers As suggested in the previous post, you'd better take a closer look across BitStarz promotional terms and check the ma allowed cashout from NDB as well as whether they require so called min verification deposit or not. As far as I remember they don't, but you never know actually with so many regulatory frames requirements changing on a regular basis... Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  23. And sooo, it's over, officially! ? Was kinda refraining from comments waiting for the season finale and hoping something with this new and final season for better but unfortunately, it sucks big time and I'm so sad and mad about that like I wanna break something! ? Anyway, my rant (reasonable one I hope) coming soon... Till, then, the stage is all yours to share your two cents and emotions.
  24. Terrible hangover after my sister's elder daughter graduation party. Aaaaaaand a terrible start of the week after watching GOT finale... Oh man, want to break something! ? My GOT rant here... soon...
  25. Just a gentle reminder for this one and that we still greatly appreciate any of your support on TP.
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