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Everything posted by Icy

  1. Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @Icy 1841.55x 2nd @loceff13 1435.7x 3rd @Blackjax 1087.8x 4th @Afi4wins 866.6x 5th @marius1978 669.1x 6th @Ultras34 535.9x 7th VACANT
  2. @cocopop3011 TY as well as AG! Funds received today!
  3. Other issues include seeing reactions go through the categories above. Want to see a magic trick @cocopop3011?
  4. Ah, I see what you meant now. Straight as in straight forward to a single sentence! The winding road is a breeze tbh You didn't see anything....especially in the forum suggestions thread!
  5. Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @Icy 1841.55x 2nd @loceff13 1435.7x 3rd @Blackjax 1087.8x 4th @Afi4wins 866.6x 5th @marius1978 626.2x 6th @Ultras34 535.9x 7th VACANT
  6. And yet your beautiful mind of ideas invigorates what was once an average forum into one that provides sparkling wholesomeness to all members! Have you considered renaming AskGamblers into AskCoco? I mean your the only administrator who can address our requests and concerns in the quickest way possible. No offense to the other mods out there but they have their own section like for other countries and categories. Sports, we rarely discuss them versus slots which we are like 1000% on it daily.
  7. #3 - Sugar Rush 1000 (Previously used) 1841.55x Total = 6435.55x
  8. #2 - Razor Ways (Previously used here) LC confirmation used 1296.6x Total = 4594x
  9. I'll see what happens for this accumulator, I'll try it out win or lose. March 2025 #1 - Zeus vs Hades - Gods of War (Previously used here) 3297.4x Total = 3297.4x
  10. (Apologies in advance for this comment, I'm not going to do this too frequently, testing out my theories though) Out with the old Snatch and in with the new Snatch! So, what I wanted to do was deposit the minimum on Snatch casino but made quite a lucky mistake to not receive their welcome bonus. Had I received their match bonus the winnings I got were to be subjected to 60x wagering! Minimum was $25 CAD for Interac however what I didn't realize was the currency was fixed in USD so I only received about $17.48 USD without their bonus! Initially at first it was disappointing until it unveiled it's smoking hot revelation. Last night, as I spent time with this new casino adorned in yellow using only my lone deposit wanting it's attentive flirtateous gaze I immediately set forth to my old roots....my carnal addictions to Sugar Rush 1000. I spent about an hour and 25 minutes inserting my bet coins into her hollow metallic crevice repeatedly pulling her awaited lever to produce wild sensatonal wins! Her loud noises and coin shows were attractive as they are arousing! And just as the moment reached it's peak, my laptop was ready to seize the gold, it's F11 print screen button poised to capture the victory! Left with a smile on my face and a once disappointed demeanor turned into warmly positive thoughts of "ooooooohhhhhhhh" I was more than satisfied to be curious of this awesome eye candy that is this updated casino! In with $25 CAD, cashed out with $509.59 CAD! Sugar Rush 1000 (Snatch casino) 1841.55x Here's the REPLAY: https://euioa.jxcsysekgu.net/IGmek3VNwJ
  11. Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @loceff13 1435.7x 2nd @Icy 1296.6x 3rd @Blackjax 1087.8x 4th @Afi4wins 866.6x 5th @marius1978 626.2x 6th @Ultras34 535.9x 7th VACANT AC: Spoke to Miss C. in PM about the last screenshots & LCC, she says they're fine.
  12. @cocopop3011 Please state for the record for the fellow members, in regards to the new Snatch casino you have issues with the SND currency when taking bonuses there BUT.....you have no issues with raw deposits in that casino? If not, this screenshot is going to be so sweet!
  13. @cocopop3011, in case you pop into this thread first, I sent you a PM regarding two matters. Monika then Carolina and finally emailed the KYC on Trino to try to get a more concrete game log or evidence if the above posts aren't sufficient to your young and restful eyes.
  14. Okay, in that case better to wait for the game history after 11:59pm. I know he was just joking. He's fair, witty, uses puns and helps around when he can! No worries, I didn't take it badly lol @Afi4wins seriously though berate me! I'm asking for it! This theory has to work or maybe the idea is to not force it.
  15. @cocopop3011 permission to edit above post? I placed the screenshots in order now they're scattered for some odd reason.
  16. @cocopop3011, two questions. #1 For Snatch casino, are we steering away from it due to their new bonus system? After cashing out on Betano I went on Trino, the game history isn't updated until tomorrow. The replay on Push Gaming isn't available in the slot on Trino. #2 Live chat confirmations are still good right? This big wild hit was after @Afi4wins's comment. My other theory is if big hits like these keep appearing when I get berated then Afi needs to continue! Tell me off Afi, tell me I'm crazy, unhinged and a slot weirdo who gets lucky! I was planning to scare @marius1978 very late in the comp so now I have to do it early. My intention was to get mid rank into the contest but these slots.....have there own plans for me. Razor Ways (PENDING) 1296.6x (Base hit)
  17. Why would you say that!? If Cocopop3011 is a man then I deserve to be burned by your comments.
  18. Nvm the order of screens turned out to be in reverse, 1st and 2nd screens are supposed to be 4th and 3rd!
  19. 3rd screenshot is to point out I played on Betano. Match the total in the background of the 3rd screenshot with the 4th screenshot. Razor Ways (Betano) 216.8x
  20. @cocopop3011 Is it too early for payments? For AG's birthday, what kind of cake?
  21. Oooooohhhhh sweet moderator @cocopop3011! ❤️ 

    I hope your really her and not some made up fairy tale about to end it's story!

    A happy ending in the forum is a must!

  22. Ah scr ew it, why not. Renewed! Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @loceff13 1435.7x 2nd @Afi4wins 866.6x 3rd @Ultras34 535.9x 4th @marius1978 512x 5th - 7th VACANT
  23. Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @Ultras34 535.9x 2nd @marius1978 512x 3rd @Afi4wins 348.33x 4th - 7th VACANT
  24. Unofficial Leaderboard 1st @marius1978 512x 2nd @Afi4wins 348.33x 3rd - 7th VACANT @Ultras34 349.75x (PENDING, casino name/logo requiring visibility)
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