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  1. 1500x on Reactoons. £30 to £2.5k in 20 minutes on that slot
  2. Oh man I'm sorry I wasn't actually referring to you with that comment. Genuinely apologise for any offence I realise now that I was quoting you and so it would have seemed like I was having a dig. You're right I have been well advised and I appreciate your input too, it gives me a well balanced view of things. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for your time. Pierre
  3. The name on the card isn't as important as you might think, particularly not when you have the same surname and just a different first initial... Tbh I've never tested it but it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't check the name at all. Its similar to when someone sends you their bank details and insist on putting the Bank and their Name in there. The bank isn't needed (that's what the sort code is for) and banks don't check that the beneficiary agrees to the bank the funds are being sent to... You could put Problem Gambler 123 in when sending your nan a tenner and they wouldn't even know because they don't check.
  4. I appreciate your candid view on things. I need to manage my expectations, which are very low at this point. I get all that you're saying and your knowledge is far far greater than mine. But I have to ask somewhat incredulously... Can they keep my winnings AND my deposits? How do they get away with that?? I'm appalled that this is possible, sod my situation what about all the other people they've ripped off. I know you can have a laugh and a joke about problem gamblers which to a degree is fine. But these are real people. Some have kids, some might have no one at all just an irresistible urge to gamble until they get into such a mess that they develop all sorts of mental heath issues, push away anyone who ever gave a damn and are just left with this disease for company. Something like this would make people consider the worst things... Anyway perhaps not the best time and place for that rant. What is the deal with companies that hold my correct details, have fully verified my account to the point I am on the top level of VIP? Joined after Gamstop.
  5. Asked them for the results of their check with Gamstop yesterday too. Assuming they did one
  6. Registered for Gamstop around May I think. Signed up for Slot Fruity on 6th June. No verification carried out nor at a lot of other casinos signed up to since then. We are talking months and I've played at this casino at least every month if not more frequently. They have sent that email again. I will reply asking for the response they got at registration. This is a real help thank you.
  7. I started with £100 on £1 spins You'll see I already had £10k at that point so thought a few spins of £100 would be minor tbh - dangerous thinking from me. I've never gotten past £7k before and any instances where I've got to £7k and lost it all arose because I went to £20 spins. Against my better judgement I blew that out of the water and got very lucky. The slot was paying out on stakes of £10, £20, £40, £60 and £100 so it was a real one off opportunity. The fact I tried to walk with £19k speaks volumes. As you were. Pierre
  8. Pinnit Very helpful respond thank you for taking the time to explain all of this. I have received the below email from the casino, which I wasn't expecting as they surely already have my information from Gamstop? Keeping in mind your suggestion re. Subject Access Request, are there any further points or questions worth asking? Thanks for your time. Pierre
  9. And what about the other casinos where I am fully verified and a member of VIP. Have withdrawn even. My details on their system show my name as per my driving licence and GS reg. If they pull my account because I have a withdrawal do they get to keep that too? Slot fruity had ample time to verify me and check my status. They have done this because I had money to withdraw. Doesn't the GC say they can't delay withdrawals for verification? Or do they have the power as they suspect a breach? Which seems reasonable don't get me wrong. I'm genuinely trying to get the rules and precedence into my head as I had no idea where I stood until I posted on here.
  10. https://casino.slotfruity.com/lobby/slot-fruity/reader/footer/terms Terms and conditions state that I must be an account holder, which I am but used the wrong card in error. Sorry if I'm struggling to get my head around this. Just seems illogical that they won't pay fairly won winnings but will keep the deposits. Seems highly stacked in their favour.
  11. Well, no actually. I have lost money at other casinos and not complained. Fair is fair I knew what I was doing. I am just trying to understand the issue here what exactly have I done to contravene t&cs?
  12. Thanks for the reply. Yes I see your point. Just to add a bit more detail to each issue. Wife's card was used maybe once or twice. Pretty much all of my deposits were made using a card or e-wallet in the name included on my ID, proof of address and Gamstop registration. The use of third party funds should have been flagged at the time and I have never known a casino to not give a second chance when this happens. At the very least they have to repay the total third party funding back to its source. The name is my main concern. It is out by one letter, which hands up isn't doing me any favours. But mistakes do happen and as I use two spellings of my name there is an element of muscle memory. The rest of my details were unchanged and so they had ample opportunity to do all of this before now. I wasn't crying foul play when I'd lost money and neither we they. What's their argument in your mind, that I broke T&C by intentionally using a false name to circumvent Gamstop? Even if that were true, can they really take someone's cash and then not pay out when winnings are won fair and square? Genuine question as I have no experience here. Must go read the AG complaint decisions around this subject. Appreciate your input. Pierre
  13. Hey Will cut to the chase. So my parents signed me up for Gamstop after I lost my mortgage money two days after being paid. I signed up for a certain online casino perhaps two or three weeks later. Address the same, dob the same, everything the same except turns out that my surname as per my ID has Mc C... And my profile on this site only has Mc... I do go by both Mc C... and Mc..., but officially and more often its Mc C with a space. So I've lost about a grand on this site over the course of its run. Today I won £12k at lunch time (Tahiti Gold, was on £100 spins by the end) . Tried to withdraw, wouldn't work. Contacted support, didn't see their response as I was too busy getting my balance up to £22k. Eventually stopped at £19k. Account is locked. Email says verification. Information required a bit spotty so I call them. Get a list of all information needed, ask for confirmation of balance - £19k. Ask for it in an email - won't do it. He'll do it after security team finished verification. Oh and they just spotted I'm Gamstopped. Oh and they just spotted I used my wife's credit card to deposit. Just sent over the whole list of information requested and waiting for them to send the wording for the letter the wife needs to sign to say she's cool with me using her card. I pay the damn thing every month after all! So the question. What's my chances of getting the £19k? Thanks for your time. Screenshot of my final win attached because its powerful. Pierre
  14. Had this beauty on DOA 2 at lvbet Stake x 4,261 Was too slow with the screenshot but selected the multiplier feature, got the WL near the end and the last three spins were £60, £60, £70+ New customer so they returned my withdrawal and I of course lost it the next day Book of Ra Deluxe 6 is just too tempting!!
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