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Everything posted by kelapa

  1. Well, that video was just one example of the ball jumping out of the winning area and into the nearest losing number. I have many others. But how many is enough? Let's put it this way.. See this bet? Would you find it plausible if the ball lands on the ten unchipped numbers, twenty spins in a row? Additionally: each of those spins, the ball appears to fall comfortably within the boundaries of the winning area. But after it has landed, the ball moves out of its winning slot and calmly "walks" over to the nearest losing number and abruptly stops there. The second spin in that video I posted was an excellent example of that. Does that sound like unusual behaviour to you? If yes, then you agree that something very, very strange is happening at Evolution's tables. If no, then... then... come on, there is no "no" here. This is not an incident. This is what systematically happens at their tables. I can go there right this second and put that bet on, and the ball will fall on one of those ten numbers with 100% certainty. I've verified it hundreds of times.
  2. I was very surprised to see the "rigged roulette" topic locked. Nobody was out of line, people were contributing their experiences, evidence was posted. What on earth was wrong with it?
  3. I'm a programmer; I can think of a few ways to make that possible. And a few reasons too (good old "greed" springs to mind). Not being paranoid here. Something most definitely is happening. And that's not a conclusion I reached in a few afternoons. I'm not whining about a 20% chance bet not turning out in my favour after a few spins. I'm talking about systematically losing every 60% - 85% chance bet, every day, indefinitely. Hundreds and hundreds of times. And every other time, the ball does the aforementioned little trick, where it lands on a winning number, sits there for half a second, then calmly gets up and moves to the nearest losing number (run the video on fullscreen if you must). Literally right NOW, as I type this, I have just placed seven bets in a row on 30 out of the 37 available numbers on the wheel. All of them lost, as usual. Please, let this sink in for a moment. Thirty out of thirty-seven. With all the good will in the world, it's NOT possible to deny that this really, truly is fraud.
  4. Don't you see that the ball falls on a certain number... but then gets up and starts "searching" for the nearest losing number? This will happen endlessly, round after round after round. It's impossible to win, although my theoretical chance of winning a round is between 60% and 85% (depending on how many chips I put on). You don't play roulette, fine. But do the math. This is impossible.
  5. Well, have a peek at the two spins in this video. Note how both times the ball lands on a winning area, pretty safely surrounded by other winning numbers on both sides, but then decides to go for a walk. The second spin is especially typical: the ball clearly lands on 32, then calmly ambles over to the nearest losing number and stops there. Now imagine this happening every single round that you play, without exception. You would start scratching your head as much as anyone.
  6. Looks like everyone that has anything to say about Evolution roulette has exactly the same stories: - Playing two dozens => ball always fall on the other dozen - Playing 80% of all numbers => ball always falls on the other 20% - Ball makes very strange jumps (not just your usual carambole effect) About that last thing... I did a little experiment to confirm that. I played about ten, maybe fifteen rounds, and with each round I chipped more numbers. As usual, I kept losing, losing and losing. But the weirdest thing was the ball. The more numbers I chipped, the fewer losing numbers it had to land on, the crazier its jumps became. There was a very clear increase in ball acrobatics as I filled up the table. It looked like a cat on a hot roof, frankly. By the time that I had chipped 30 of the 37 numbers, I just started laughing out loud at the sight of it. The ball bounced back and forth insanely, not in smooth curves, but with strange jerks in opposite directions. Then it would stop dead whenever it found one of the remaining few losing numbers, and drop there.
  7. I have been playing Evolution's live roulette on and off for a good ten months now. It is absolutely 100% rigged. Reading the experiences of funkyt111 and bradztheman is like they took a xerox copy of my exact experiences. But I'm happy to share a few of my own. 1. I normally don't bet on colours, but I thought I'd give them a try. I steadily bet on black every round. The first four all land on red. Fine, red streak. It happens. I persist. When it falls on red for the TWENTIETH consecutive round, I finally surrender. It goes on to form a streak of 31 reds in a row before things return to normal again. So yes, this streak started exactly when I began my one and only stretch of betting on a colour. And this was probably the least weird experience out of the ones I'm about to post here. 2. I don't like gambling. I really don't. So I figured I'd minimize my risks by putting roughly the same amount on both 2nd12 and 3rd12. I did this 10 times in a row. To my surprise, all 10 rounds the ball fell on 1-12. I was already getting suspicious of Evolution by then, so I thought I'd do two more rounds WITH an additional extra amount on 6-12... leaving ONLY 1-6 uncovered. These two rounds, the ball dropped on 3 and on 5. 3. A week or two ago, I foolishly gave them another go. I covered ALL of tier and orphelins plus zero game... except the number 5. When the ball was already spinning, I noticed I'd accidentally somehow left that number blank. Of course, already being suspicious, I held my breath and feared the worst. Indeed. It fell on 5. I laughed, shook my head, still somewhat in denial. I hit repeat. It falls on 5 again. My eyes widen with disbelief. But I hit repeat again. It falls on 5 for the third time in a row. 4. Sick of constantly losing, I brashly cover the ENTIRE wheel except the numbers 11 36 13 27 6 34 17 and 25. It falls on those numbers four times in a row. I skip a round to see what happens. It lands somewhere on the opposite end of the wheel. So I try again. It falls on the same eight numbers again, for another four times in a row. I give up. The ball immediately starts landing elsewhere again.
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