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Everything posted by kelapa

  1. I'll check in again to see if Evo's CEO's are being loaded into a police van yet.
  2. "At times" is good enough for me. Certainly beats getting completely destroyed every single spin on some rigged wheel...
  3. Oh god no... I hate gambling when there's no element of skill or control. Methinks I'll stick to the occasional football/tennis bet!
  4. Oh yes. I quit playing for profit some months ago. And since last month I've also quit playing for the sake of recording evidence against Evolution. I think I've gathered enough weird videos...
  5. I don't think they will admit any wrong-doing, no matter what evidence I supply. Truth is they can always hide behind the fact that there is a 1 in several trillion chance that the ball really did just happen to land on the only losing number twenty times in a row. "In a universe of infinite possibilities" etc. So unless someone at one of these agencies genuinely takes this seriously, then there's absolutely nothing more I can do. I stopped playing for profit many months ago. Since last month, I've also stopped playing to gather evidence. Every single spin at their table proves me 100% right. I don't need to waste even more time and money, and I've got a whole bunch of recordings that back me up. I'll wait it out for now. At least you now get a lot of reports of fraud when you google for "evolution roulette". Not just mine; other people are becoming more vocal too.
  6. So far, the agencies I've contacted are all denying they have any responsibility for Evolution's results. That's a rather worrying answer. Still waiting for replies from two other agencies, so let's see if one of those want to pick up the hot potato... I'm not particularly optimistic, but I'll wait and see. Meanwhile, Evolution have updated their software (new interface, new graphics). They have also resorted to an old tactic: simply reject all winning bids. If you see the message BET REJECTED appear, rest assured that the ball will land on what would have been a winning number. Other bets that actually get accepted: you will lose each and every one of them. I don't really play with them anymore (for obvious reasons), but the twelve spins I played resulted in this: 1: BET ACCEPTED: lost 2: BET ACCEPTED: lost 3: BET ACCEPTED: lost (ball got bumped out of the winning number and into the nearest losing spot) 4: BET ACCEPTED: lost 5: BET ACCEPTED: lost (ball got bumped out of the winning number and into the nearest losing spot) 6: BET REJECTED: winning number 7: BET REJECTED: winning number 8: BET ACCEPTED: lost (ball got bumped out of the winning number and into the nearest losing spot) 9: BET REJECTED: winning number 10: BET REJECTED: winning number 11: BET ACCEPTED: lost (ball got bumped out of the winning number and into the nearest losing spot) 12: BET REJECTED: winning number In itself, a perfectly plausible streak of very bad luck. In the context of the previously mentioned occurrences, extremely worrisome. One more thing: I have noticed more and more other people reporting this exact kind of trouble with Evolution. Players are actively ditching them and seeking to play elsewhere. If this keeps on, Evolution should start feeling the consequences soon enough.
  7. The software can easily monitor hundreds of people's bets and instantly calculate which numbers must be avoided at all costs. It just becomes a little more glaring when there's not as many players online. Go ahead and give Evolution's roulette a few spins if you don't believe it. It's so unbelievably obvious that it's rigged, but the company is apparently exempt from certain laws (listing their studio as a recording facility instead of a casino, something along those lines). This means they don't get proper inspections and therefore they can get away with it. Pretty clever. Players will get fed up and leave, but new players will always show up. Best bet is to clearly mark this company as fraudulent. Let word of mouth take care of them. I will gladly help with that.
  8. I've often counted only about ten active players during some rounds, especially in the late hours. It's a lot easier to get away with than you might think. Then there's the question of "why me?" My strategy is not about nonsense like lucky numbers or gut feelings, but about pattern recognition. That's always worked very well for me. It's probably as close as anyone can get to genuinely cracking the system. Of course no casino likes it when a player does this, because it means they lose a bit of their edge. You can see in the videos that the ball actually keeps landing on the areas where I had the most money. That shows that there's nothing wrong with my predictive skills. And that's also the reason why Evolution sabotages these wins. It serves to discourage this style of play, preferably until the player gives up and leaves. It's a pity that I didn't want to accept this sooner. I just refused to believe that such a big company would do this. That was pretty naive of me. If I had quit right away when I started seeing weird results, I would've come away with a decent profit.
  9. Another theory is that they employ a kind of "Rain Man" insurance. As in: if they notice that somebody is doing the roulette version of counting cards (basically beating the system), then they specifically set that player's winning chances to zero. Whenever that player tries a spin, the ball will mysteriously land anywhere but on a winning number. It's the online version of physically kicking somebody out of a real-life casino.
  10. So it seems. I'd ask them how they do it, but the users in that little "list of winners" never say a single word, not even when you address them directly. For what it's worth, many players believe these are fake accounts to keep the punters interested ("wow that guy wins 4000 every round").
  11. Depends on the dealer. Some (!) of them throw more steadily than others, and it's possible to roughly estimate where the ball will land. I've made plenty of easy money this way in the past, but I guess Evo didn't like it much...
  12. Meanwhile, here 's two successive examples of Evolution's invisible forcefield. [video=youtube;A_nb76GGa7s] Please pay close attention to which numbers are chipped. I always play with neighbouring numbers, making sure that large connected patches of the wheel are covered. SPIN 1: The ball is about to land right in my winning zone, starting with 3. But alas, the ball is bounced back by... uhm.. an invisible wall? SPIN 2: Optimistic as I am, I try for that same winning area again. This time I decide to cover a few more numbers. Unfortunately, the invisible wall is still right there. And it throws back the ball a little further. Just enough to jump OVER the additional numbers I covered and to make sure that I lose again. This is not a fluke. This happens up to twenty times in a row. Also note the chat. Lots of people calling them scammers and saying the wheel is rigged. Nobody wins anything. And if the invisible shield won't do the job, then Evolution's magic jumping ball will. [video=youtube;o-zKcO6I5Ls] Note how I basically predict every spin correctly, but the ball jumps away from the big wins "all by itself". SPIN 1: Lands on 18, which means profit for me. The ball decides to go for a walk, past 22, 9, 31, 14, 20 and 1... until it finds 33 (loss). SPIN 2: For the next spin, I've estimated that the ball should drop somewhere around the number 9. The ball indeed lands exactly there. Then it freaks out completely and scrabbles its way back past a bunch of other winning numbers... until it reaches the 3 (loss). SPIN 3: The ball again threatens to land on the number 9, which again would mean profit for me. It actually edges into its neighbour 31 at the last moment, but I guess whoever/whatever controls these jumps wanted to play it safe, so... From a standing still position, the ball suddenly leaps five spots over to number 33 (loss). Have a look at this one. It's ridiculous. SPIN 4: Again, I bet on the same area. The ball first lands on 12 (profit), then 7 (profit), then 18 (profit), then has to jump over a few BIG PROFIT numbers before it finally reaches the safety of number 16 (total loss). SPIN 5: Ball misses all the big wins, but seems to at least land on number 24 (tiny, tiny profit)... NOPE. The ball takes another crazy leap and lands on 27 (total loss). This was all recorded within the space of a few minutes. It's typical Evolution behaviour. Again, note the angry people in the chat ("this casino is rigged asf", "scamming people", "rigged", "scammer"). If you're too bored to watch the whole video, at least have a look at 1:42
  13. Hi there and welcome back from *insert sunny place*. I've already sent the data to two different agencies, but both of them said that they were not responsible for player issues. I guess I'll run the list until somebody picks up the glove.
  14. I'm not even sure what the ball consists of exactly... there's probably a metal core, but the outside looks like fake ivory or something. Hmm.
  15. Thank you! Maybe it shouldn't be in the "Suggestions & Feedback" forum though?
  16. I'll reply properly tomorrow... but I just had to drop this one on you: I tried to recreate the insane triple 5 scam that occurred two weeks ago. Unfortunately, my recording proggie is misbehaving, so I didn't get this on video. But look here. As you can see, I've got lotssss of numbers covered. Pay special attention to the number 24, and its neighbour 16. (The oval wheel on the right shows the positions of the numbers.) So I played these exact numbers three times in a row. Each time, the ball made a weird curve to steer away from the winning areas... and landed on 16 three times in a row. How about that, eh?
  17. Both good questions, with good answers (I hope). As far as I can see, the only way to gather any evidence is by playing, and thereby provoking all these weird results. More people should do it (if they can spare it ). I know plenty of others have similar experiences with Evolution, but they just go play elsewhere, leaving Evolution to continue doing this to other people. I want to actually do something to stop it! Yes, there are often other people betting at these tables. Some of those are bots, btw. Many people have noticed that the big winners never say a single word, not even when talked to, which has led to suspicions that these are fake accounts used as bait. I have my doubts about this, but that's the rumour floating around the chat. The reason you ask, I presume, is: Different players place different bets. Can't rip everyone off all at once! That's what kept me skeptical for a long time. One theory is that the roulette software takes all the different bets into account and then calculates the preferred outcome for minimum RTP. Thing is, that requires a certain amount of players to look credible. If it's late at night and there's only two or three people playing, then these poor people will lose many more spins than if there were more people covering more numbers. (Unless they coordinate their bets, so that they don't leave a number uncovered between them. ) I have definitely noticed that winning at night is virtually impossible. The results are always far worse than during daytime. So that might support this theory (or one like it). Also, if you keep an eye on the chat, you'll notice nobody ever cheers or anything. It's a non-stop stream of "cant win anything", "wtf lost 8 in a row", "winning is impossible here", etc. At least, so it has been since April of this year. Something seems to have happened then. A recalibration of sorts. Everyone noticed right away that the results were coming out very differently, and everyone started losing en masse. Before that moment, I - and other people - would frequently scrape together some very decent wins. Whatever they did with the table around that time, it's been nothing but misery since.
  18. Oh yeah, and forget about the traditional outside bets. If you put your money on red, it will fall on black, and vice versa. Thirty times in a row if it has to (not hyperbole; this has literally happened). Same for 1-18 and 19-36. I've tried 13-36 ten times in a row, followed by another two bets on 7-36 (!). Nothing. The odds of that are 1 in several million.
  19. For your viewing pleasure, here's what happened in the past two minutes: Note how the ball always lands right next to the winning areas, usually just one spot off. Watch in slow-motion if you must. Spin 1: The ball lands around the 0. "Can't have that", says Evolution. So the ball suddenly starts moving again, accelerates and doesn't stop until it reaches 23, on the opposite end of the wheel. Spin 2: Ball is about to land on 16... then swings back in the opposite direction before magically slotting into one of only TWO losing numbers on that entire side of the wheel (31 and 9). Spin 3: Ball lands on 26. "No way", says Evolution and executes a perfect backflip away from all the winning numbers. I was lucky to have at least half-chipped 2. Spin 4: Ball touches down around 9, but it has too much momentum to stop dead this time. So it rolls and rolls until the nearest loser is found, exactly where the chipped area ends, as usual. And, as I said, it gets far more extreme than that. I'll capture more of these moments next time I feel like wasting my money.
  20. Howdy, neighbour. Ok, that sounds weird coming from Spain here, although I spent a few hours at Kuala Lumpur airport. Now that you mention Thor... the ball on Evolution tables behaves exactly like Mjölnir (Thor's hammer, for those not in the know). It looks literally like an invisible hand is moving it to exactly the wrong numbers, and they don't care either that it looks unbelievably obvious. The ball settles on one end of the wheel... sits still... then gets SUCKED out of that spot and RACES all the way to the other end, to the ONLY losing number. And no, it's not a normal curve caused by ball/wheel spin. I know physics, I know statistics. This is rigged. 110%. After the 20th round in a row, you just have to laugh out loud. It's so ridiculously shameless. If you don't put too many chips on the table, then the movements still look relatively natural. The ball then still has enough room to move in curves. But the more numbers you chip, the fewer losing numbers it has left to pick from, the more bizarre its movements become. I wish I'd recorded the time when I experimented with this by gradually chipping more and more numbers, until there were only five free numbers left. The ball went increasingly crazy... it zig-zagged, it accelerated, it stopped mid-air. And not once did it land on a winning number, of course.
  21. Well, this is not really about me playing or not playing. I just want this exposed. I want to see justice. Ideally, I'd like to see my money back too, but I'm not counting on that. Where are you from, btw?
  22. Yeah, I'd figured that there wasn't any 100% proof that anyone could provide. Not without taking a plane to Malta, breaking into the studio and taking a peek under the hood of those wheels... But these statistics don't lie. It's impossible for this to happen without tampering. I may not have proof, but I do have evidence towards it. I'm currently trying to figure out what agency I have to send it to. Trickier than I thought... And I've been playing at the Unibet website, so nope, nothing Asian. But I am half Indonesian, so that explains the username.
  23. Just did a bunch of spins again. That's my third attempt with the exact same numbers... loss after loss after loss. You can see the previous two results at the top right: 4 and 9. Not cherrypicking. This is just the first thing that happens as soon as I try... anything. I can't stress this enough: this happens NON-STOP, for days, weeks, months. It doesn't make a difference if I take a break (for an hour, a day or a week). The second I put money on Evolution's table, it's gone. No matter if my bet is a 98% guaranteed win.
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