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oldernotwiser's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. First time I played Jumanji I won good, got onto the board and had some super dice rolls. Every day since then has been nada, zip, and rubbish.
  2. catapultaudio - The site closed shortly after my request was refused so I guess they knew the score. The site is down, they haven't answered emails or the telephone since then. Customer funds are safe? Where? How can you apply for the funds if there is no way to contact the company.
  3. Yes, I've just seen that CZ Trading is being dissolved on the 3rd July 2018. So where does that leave the players who have money in their accounts? I have over 1K just sitting there because my withdrawal request was refused on Wednesday, 27th. Surely there must be some redress? How come they were allowed to continue taking money. I guess there is no point in reporting this to the Gambling Commissioners.
  4. I tried to join Casumo. Filled in the whole page but got stuck when it asked for my mobile telephone number. I do not own a mobile phone, I hate the darn things. Finally, live chat came on and he was absolutely gobsmacked that I do not have a mobile. "How on earth do you manage" he asked incredulously. "Beautifully" I replied. Anyway, upshot is that unless I do as he suggested and go buy a pay-as-you-go mobile, I can't join Casumo !! Apparently they have no other method of verification. What a crazy situation. They also contacted me on Facebook. Asked if we could still be friends. "NOPE" I replied. I'm beyond disappointed.
  5. Jewel Jackpot finally got reinstated with the jackpots intact. Swamp Rat, with 3 jackpot levels, is still missing despite being promised for end of August, then 25th October, then 1st November. Wonder when they will run out of excuses? Withdrawals still take a week for them to be authorised, no change there, but if you're a premium player and write directly to Anita, she arranges a faster authorisation. She does good.
  6. I again wrote to Dr Vegas and finally (after slightly threatening to report them to the Authorities) got this reply on the 18th July - Jewel Jackpot will be back on the site in 2 weeks time and Swamp Rat will be back on the site in 6 weeks time (by August Bank holiday the latest).
  7. Anyone else noticed that Dr Vegas removed 2 games that had cumulative jackpots? They took out Jewel Jackpot over TWO years ago, that had two very nice jackpots going. At the same time they removed Swamp Rat that had 3 cumulative jackpot levels, all doing very nicely too ! They first removed both games when they were allegedly "improving" the site a couple of years back, it could even have been up to 3 years back. Eventually, after more than a year, Swamp Rat was reinstated with the proper jackpots still in place. No sign of Jewel Jackpot although promises were made that it would return when the site was "improved". Earlier this year, they again "improved" the site and took Swamp Rat away again - still with the three jackpots in place. I've asked many times when both games will be re-instated and they either ignore me completely or fob me off with an excuse as to why they're missing. Anyone else written and asked them about those two games and missing jackpots?
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