Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Well, we just have to wait for the Rep to get here and make some comments. It's really puzzling if you had used the same email address, yet the casino's system failed to track it down. Must have been a glitch it's best the Rep looks into this. She's taking her time to get seems...
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Well, we just have to wait for the Rep to get here and make some comments. It's really puzzling if you had used the same email address, yet the casino's system failed to track it down. Must have been a glitch it's best the Rep looks into this. She's taking her time to get seems... Puzzling indeed. I'll chase this up Monday if we don't get a reply before then.
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 Hi Kevin, I have been asked to contact you on behalf of our finance team. They have been advised regarding your duplicate accounts and confirmed that your original account 'kevind72' will remain open for you to play. In line with our terms and contions, your newset account 'kevind9672', will remain closed. Whenever subsequent accounts are opened, we will attempt to detect and block them simply because it can mean claiming the same bonuses more than once. Also in line with our terms, your pending withdrawal has now been declined and confiscated. You can check these for yourself here: If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, Danielle The bgo Customer Care Team This is what you get after making a formal complaint they think about it for a whole 10 minutes to consider it and then make a considered , fair view then Hi Kevin, Thank you for your email. I am afraid both your deposits and withdrawals have been confiscated as per our terms and conditions. And as stated in the previous e-mail, our stance on this will not change. You must now take this up with eCOGRA, should you wish to escalate this further as we now consider this matter to be closed. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, James The bgo Customer Care Team My email to them I did not remember I had another account < i had made one deposit of 300 sometime ago. Why would I waste time using exactly the same details which you didn,t even pick up on nor did chrome remember the account. I did not claim any bonus and you can not confiscate my deposits and withdrawal when it was a simple mistake. All money gambled was my money , you cannot just steal my money. I used the same name , email , address everything and refused the bonus. Not only will you lose my custom but I am going to take this to the gambling commission but in the meantime I will be posting this on reptubable online forums I am a member off. I profited from nothing with that honest mistake I even withdraw less then I deposited. In the meantime I require a name for the upcoming correspondence , you are supposed to be a reputable company and should be ashamed of your actions . Sorry about the spelling on my email to them I was upset but now everyone can get a flavour of BGO customer service even have the nerve to tell me what to do when they dismissed my complaint in 10 mins . See I am telling the truth , they know it , I know it and I hope other people will see this and will save money. Remember I spent 4000 pound that night and get treated like this , what will it be like for people that cannot afford to lose it. Please be careful !!
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Aww I'm gutted for you Kev Maybe take it to eCogra and argue that you shouldn't have been allowed to register using the same email address and try to get your deposits back, but your winnings are definitely out of the window here mate. Regardless of whether or not this was an accident, the stance on duplicate accounts will never change.
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 Why have you changed you mind so fast yesterday you said I would get some help cocopop
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 They will change because my MP office said that Terms and conditions will be regulated with in 6 months across all casino,s so it will be uniform. I was also told they nearly lost the right to regulate itself last time and promised to improve and more complaints they pass on to the commitee
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Why have you changed you mind so fast yesterday you said I would get some help cocopop I haven't changed my mind, but if this is the decision the casino has given Kev there isn't much we can do to change it since they said they aren't willing to change their stance on this. There's nothing more our rep can tell you. I you have proof that you used the same email address that their system did not pick up then I believe you could take this to eCOGRA. Have you asked the casino why they allowed you to register two accounts with the same email address since it is impossible to do as my screenshot proved?
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 What do you mean you Rep can do no more , she hasn,t done anything . All of those pasted emails are before I even started this thread , they 4 or 5 days old. So you rep has told me nothing , how is your website's rep they employ her. Does this website have cosy relationships with all the casino,s . All of your posts seem to be supporting this casino , when what they have done is immoral , I,m sorry if I am wrong but you seem to jump on anything that may excuse them. I just hope readers realise we dont have to accept this from casino's , look at their rating on trust pilot 2.7 out of 10 anywhere except this sector they would be closed down. I expect better and refuse to have money confiscated full stop , this is not 1939 Berlin . There email says this is to stop people claiming a new bonus well I didn't have one. I haven't changed my mind, but if this is the decision the casino has given Kev there isn't much we can do to change it since they said they aren't willing to change their stance on this. There's nothing more our rep can tell you. I you have proof that you used the same email address that their system did not pick up then I believe you could take this to eCOGRA. Have you asked the casino why they allowed you to register two accounts with the same email address since it is impossible to do as my screenshot proved?
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 What do you mean you Rep can do no more , she hasn,t done anything . All of those pasted emails are before I even started this thread , they 4 or 5 days old. So you rep has told me nothing , how is your website's rep they employ her. Does this website have cosy relationships with all the casino,s . All of your posts seem to be supporting this casino , when what they have done is immoral , I,m sorry if I am wrong but you seem to jump on anything that may excuse them. I just hope readers realise we dont have to accept this from casino's , look at their rating on trust pilot 2.7 out of 10 anywhere except this sector they would be closed down. I expect better and refuse to have money confiscated full stop , this is not 1939 Berlin . There email says this is to stop people claiming a new bonus well I didn't have one. Well yes you are wrong Kev, because the thing is you didn't tell us about these emails at the start of the thread. You said and I quote.... No they do not help it,s been going on two weeks I still have not contact name and do not reply to emails they just say no we are not changing their mind if that is good customer service no telephone etc your expectations must be very low This is why I asked the rep to get involved as you said they do not reply to emails. If you had posted their emails in your original thread I wouldn't have turned to our rep for help. The fact of your email address being the same is obviously still unanswered but again there's no supporting evidence or mention of this in the email. I'm not excusing the casino at all, I am actually completely biased and if I think the casino is in the wrong I'll say just as I'll say if the player is in the wrong. With your case I really don't know because if you did use the same email to register two accounts I physically don't know how this is possible. And maybe it's this you need to raise with customer support. The fact your winnings have been confiscated is because you have two accounts, there's been no explanation as to why the casino allowed you to use the same email address so why don't you raise this issue with them
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 What I said then was true I have pasted 2 they did reply to , do I have to show the 10 to 15 there was no reply to. Even what you quote is true it,s in the email , I think people reading this thread are going to wonder about this. How do those emails change what you know , it doesn,t it just shows I'm telling the truth. You know nothing more with me pasting those emails then you do in the begining. In the first place you didn,t even remember I had used the same email this is all becoming very selective yesterday it was help is on it,s way since then thinks have become strange. To say I mislead you in this thread is complete nonsense and I suggest you read the whole thread , those emails tell you nothing more then when you asked your rep infact they prove I was telling the truth and anybody reading the whole thread will agree. I said in that thread they do not reply to my emails TRUE they just say they are not going to change their mind TRUE TWICE . So what are you going on about nothing changed , I have not lied but we will let the readers decide this your motives are worrying me more and more. Now you think the rep should do nothing because nothing has changed ?. It started on the 10th so yes it has been 16 days again I am telling the truth.
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 What I said then was true I have pasted 2 they did reply to , do I have to show the 10 to 15 there was no reply to. Even what you quote is true it,s in the email , I think people reading this thread are going to wonder about this. How do those emails change what you know , it doesn,t it just shows I'm telling the truth. You know nothing more with me pasting those emails then you do in the begining. In the first place you didn,t even remember I had used the same email this is all becoming very selective yesterday it was help is on it,s way since then thinks have become strange. To say I mislead you in this thread is complete nonsense and I suggest you read the whole thread , those emails tell you nothing more then when you asked your rep infact they prove I was telling the truth and anybody reading the whole thread will agree. I said in that thread they do not reply to my emails TRUE they just say they are not going to change their mind TRUE TWICE . So what are you going on about nothing changed , I have not lied but we will let the readers decide this your motives are worrying me more and more. Now you think the rep should do nothing because nothing has changed ?. Okay Kev. Well you let my motives worry you dear if that's what you think. I sided with you originally because you said you used the same email address (even though yes I originally missed this). At that time you had told us that the casino were not replying. I contacted the rep to come here and explain to you why your winnings were confiscated because you said you had not got a reply to your emails. Now you've shown us emails of the casinos explanations as to why your winnings have been confiscated. Our rep cannot change that as the matter has been closed. If you think you are due your winnings because you used the same email address then take it to eCogra. I will again email our rep and ask her to come and explain as to why this was allowed to happen. But you have not given any evidence to prove that you used the same email address. So what exactly do you expect me to do! I don't need to explain myself anymore than I already have and if you continue to speak the way you have in your last post this topic will become locked
Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Lets's get some things straight first before 'shooting' at anybody... Firstly, Kevin, you insisted and kept telling us that you had used the same email address as that used for your first registration at BGO Casino. From the emails that you have shown, your original registration at the casino was with the email 'kevind72'. Your recent registration was with another email address, 'kevind9672' instead, which is NOT THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS as the original email address used! This is why the system allowed you to make a new registration, simply because it wasn't using the same email address. For all intent and purposes, the system will not disallow 'kevind9672' from making a new registration because that email address does not exist in the system's record. Had you used 'kevind72', then the system would have automatically detected it and prevented you from making a new registration. Agree Kevin? From this fact alone, a duplicated account has been created by you, Kevin, intentionally or otherwise, but as far as the casino's T&C goes, any duplicated account is not allowed, for whatever reasons it may have been created for, or caused to be duplicated. The only way to make a duplicate account is with prior approval from the casino's management in writing, but even so, only one of the duplicated accounts would be allowed to be active - the other account would automatically be closed. Your play in the casino with your deposits, without taking any bonuses, may or may not be a valid reason, which only an arbitration procedure could determine for certain. Your 'mistake' and 'loss of memory' needs to be proven in the arbitration procedure, to prove beyond any doubts that an abuse was never intended by you when you made that duplicated account. This is the only valid point that you can fight for, Kevin. I'm not a lawyer, so this is only my personal opinion. I am not sure if eCOGRA would want to do this arbitration procedure. It can be a messy process, which no one would like to be involved in. Nonetheless, if eCOGRA can agree with your reasonings, your proof on your 'mistake' and 'loss of memory' due to your medication and health condition, then they may take some alternative action instead, perhaps in your favour. So it is worth a try! But if eCOGRA replies that it is a 'no case' situation, then that arbitration procedure need to be started by your efforts, which would cost you money no doubt. I hope I have made things very clear for you Kevin. Please don't jump the gun and accuse Cocopop for being prejudiced or taking sides. No one in Askgamblers are like that. We are here to help, not to sink people! cocopop3011 1
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 This is what I mean three posts ago you said you think the casino is in the wrong the last one in which you threaten me it,s I sided with you originally. Why can you not be consistant for longer then 2 posts. Are you here to help gamblers ? or to be a censor ? No from you can have a sending default my sending default is gmail so that is only beause I haven,t changed the sending address. There is not 1 email in gmail from any gambling firm. So it is the same email the you are using casino usernames not email addresses my email is kevind5 so please read first Ali4wins before you use uppercase letters before you were helpful. I used the same email address anybody knows it would be in their interest to use this as a excuse if I didn't. Just beacuse someone tried it once and it didn,t work is not science and to say impossible to do is just wrong , why because it did,t happen once well it worked for me and I was mugged 2000 pound.
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 This is what I mean three posts ago you said you think the casino is in the wrong the last one in which you threaten me it,s I sided with you originally. Why can you not be consistant for longer then 2 posts. Are you here to help gamblers ? or to be a censor ? I think you'll find Kev I've been extremely consistent, it's your lack of proof and the emails from the casino that was inconsistent. Lets's get some things straight first before 'shooting' at anybody... Firstly, Kevin, you insisted and kept telling us that you had used the same email address as that used for your first registration at BGO Casino. From the emails that you have shown, your original registration at the casino was with the email 'kevind72'. Your recent registration was with another email address, 'kevind9672' instead, which is NOT THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS as the original email address used! This is why the system allowed you to make a new registration, simply because it wasn't using the same email address. For all intent and purposes, the system will not disallow 'kevind9672' from making a new registration because that email address does not exist in the system's record. Had you used 'kevind72', then the system would have automatically detected it and prevented you from making a new registration. Agree Kevin? From this fact alone, a duplicated account has been created by you, Kevin, intentionally or otherwise, but as far as the casino's T&C goes, any duplicated account is not allowed, for whatever reasons it may have been created for, or caused to be duplicated. The only way to make a duplicate account is with prior approval from the casino's management in writing, but even so, only one of the duplicated accounts would be allowed to be active - the other account would automatically be closed. Your play in the casino with your deposits, without taking any bonuses, may or may not be a valid reason, which only an arbitration procedure could determine for certain. Your 'mistake' and 'loss of memory' needs to be proven in the arbitration procedure, to prove beyond any doubts that an abuse was never intended by you when you made that duplicated account. This is the only valid point that you can fight for, Kevin. I'm not a lawyer, so this is only my personal opinion. I am not sure if eCOGRA would want to do this arbitration procedure. It can be a messy process, which no one would like to be involved in. Nonetheless, if eCOGRA can agree with your reasonings, your proof on your 'mistake' and 'loss of memory' due to your medication and health condition, then they may take some alternative action instead, perhaps in your favour. So it is worth a try! But if eCOGRA replies that it is a 'no case' situation, then that arbitration procedure need to be started by your efforts, which would cost you money no doubt. I hope I have made things very clear for you Kevin. Please don't jump the gun and accuse Cocopop for being prejudiced or taking sides. No one in Askgamblers are like that. We are here to help, not to sink people! Thanks for jumping in Afi - I believe this subject is now closed with that perfect explanation.
Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 You're welcome darling. Kevin, please read my message real carefully. We are trying to help you out, nothing else. I have clearly explained why the casino confiscated your money, because the two emails you had used were not the same ones! This makes it a clear case of 'duplicated account. Period! If the two said emails were not used by you for the registration at BGO, then you need to prove it beyond any doubts. The 2 emails 'kevind72' and 'kevind9672' are the affidavits. Prove that they are wrong, that you did not used those 2 email addresses, then you can have a case against the casino.
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 So now we have moved on to closed , I have proved everything I have said read my posts and then yours
cocopop3011 Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 So now we have moved on to closed , I have proved everything I have said read my posts and then yours What more do you want us to say?
Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Kevin, be calm please! Have you read my message? Have you understood what I've been trying to tell you? I cannot understand your dragging this matter longer...I thought everything is already made clear for you now.
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 they are usernames not emails my email is kevind5 , how can it be clear to me when you won,t read I ONLY USED 1 EMAIL ADDRESS FOR SIGN UP I REPLYED FROM THE DEFAULT ON KEVIND5 WHICH IS A DIFFERANT ADDRESS SO I DONT HAVE TO USE 2 AT ONCE. I am not shouting , I,m frustrated am I talking Turkish . Usernames have nothing to do with email addresses and really after 2 week and 15 emails don't you think they would have used that by now. I can prove I idin't sign up with those email addresses anytime because they are not email addresses. Or read this I did not remember I had another account < i had made one deposit of 300 sometime ago. Why would I waste time using exactly the same details which you didn,t even pick up on nor did chrome remember the account. I did not claim any bonus and you can not confiscate my deposits and withdrawal when it was a simple mistake. All money gambled was my money , you cannot just steal my money. I used the same name , email , address everything and refused the bonus. Not only will you lose my custom but I am going to take this to the gambling commission but in the meantime I will be posting this on reptubable online forums I am a member off. I profited from nothing with that honest mistake I even withdraw less then I deposited. In the meantime I require a name for the upcoming correspondence , you are supposed to be a reputable company and should be ashamed of your actions . Sorry about the spelling on my email to them I was upset but now everyone can get a flavour of BGO customer service even have the nerve to tell me what to do when they dismissed my complaint in 10 mins . See I am telling the truth , they know it , I know it and I hope other people will see this and will save money. Remember I spent 4000 pound that night and get treated like this , what will it be like for people that cannot afford to lose it. Please be careful !! I did not remember I had another account < i had made one deposit of 300 sometime ago. Why would I waste time using exactly the same details which you didn,t even pick up on nor did chrome remember the account. I did not claim any bonus and you can not confiscate my deposits and withdrawal when it was a simple mistake. All money gambled was my money , you cannot just steal my money. I used the same name , email , address everything and refused the bonus. Not only will you lose my custom but I am going to take this to the gambling commission but in the meantime I will be posting this on reptubable online forums I am a member off. I profited from nothing with that honest mistake I even withdraw less then I deposited. In the meantime I require a name for the upcoming correspondence , you are supposed to be a reputable company and should be ashamed of your actions . Sorry about the spelling on my email to them I was upset but now everyone can get a flavour of BGO customer service even have the nerve to tell me what to do when they dismissed my complaint in 10 mins . See I am telling the truth , they know it , I know it and I hope other people will see this and will save money. Remember I spent 4000 pound that night and get treated like this , what will it be like for people that cannot afford to lose it. Please be careful !!
Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 they are usernames not emails my email is kevind5 , how can it be clear to me when you won,t read I ONLY USED 1 EMAIL ADDRESS FOR SIGN UP I REPLYED FROM THE DEFAULT ON KEVIND5 WHICH IS A DIFFERANT ADDRESS SO I DONT HAVE TO USE 2 AT ONCE. I am not shouting , I,m frustrated am I talking Turkish . Usernames have nothing to do with email addresses and really after 2 week and 15 emails don't you think they would have used that by now. You see Kevin, if you have let us know that 'kevind72' and 'kevind9672' were your Usernames and not your email addresses, I would have saved myself a lot of words! You did not say things that clearly then, but never mind. Okay, if kevind5 was used for both registrations at BGO, then obviously something went wrong somewhere, because the system should have prevented you from making a duplicate account, but it didn't. The casino has not made their point on this, so a confirmation answer from them is still needed. If they insist that 2 different emails were used, they need to prove it. If they agree that only 'kevind5' email address was used for both registrations, then they have you state why their system did not prevent you from making a duplicated account. The relevant administrator, Valdes, is not around this weekend, so you have to be patient and wait for Monday. He will look deeper into this matter for you. Please understand that Cocopop is only a moderator in the forum. She doesn't have any power or control over disputes such as this. Alternatively, the casino Rep can be called upon again to provide more clarifications. Whatever it is, Kevin, you just stay calm! Be patient, because it so happen to be a weekend, and weekends are hardly ever the right time to do such things.
kevd72 Posted November 26, 2016 Author Posted November 26, 2016 Are you drunk I,ve been writing it for 30 minutes , you just couldn,t wait to weigh in with rubbish. You may of been here along time but read the thread before you rescue damsels in distress . I had been trying to get it into her head for 20 minutes before you came no one can read ?. You both are trying to make me look stupid which is unfair everyone's views are changing like the weather. I am also more then happy to post a photo of the 15 or so different tablets that get delivered to me. My shame is that I am a christian and shouldn,t be gambling , here I can promise I have told the truth as for " many incosistances" show me one Don,t dish it out if you can,t take it 10.18 This is what I mean three posts ago you said you think the casino is in the wrong the last one in which you threaten me it,s I sided with you originally. Why can you not be consistant for longer then 2 posts. Are you here to help gamblers ? or to be a censor ? No from you can have a sending default my sending default is gmail so that is only beause I haven,t changed the sending address. There is not 1 email in gmail from any gambling firm. So it is the same email the you are using casino usernames not email addresses my email is kevind5 so please read first Ali4wins before you use uppercase letters before you were helpful. I used the same email address anybody knows it would be in their interest to use this as a excuse if I didn't. Just beacuse someone tried it once and it didn,t work is not science and to say impossible to do is just wrong , why because it did happen once well it worked for me and I was mugged 2000 pound. I suggest this was clear to you both at 10.18 that was written yes pretty clear to anyway with a basic grasp of English . In fact it was the first thing I said to you? Very Consistent ? 25/11 20.14 Kev you have to give it time please, I've already been informed that help is on its way. 25/11 21.11 I guess we really have to see what the rep says as there's definitely conflicting information here. If we don't get a reply tomorrow Kev I'll chase it up again for you. Things like these take time, so a little patience please 26/11 14.27 Puzzling indeed. I'll chase this up Monday if we don't get a reply before then 26/11 21.31 I'm not excusing the casino at all, I am actually completely biased and if I think the casino is in the wrong I'll say just as I'll say if the player is in the wrong. 26/11 22.10 39 minutes after above I sided with you originally because you said you used the same email address (even though yes I originally missed this) 27/11 22.14 I think you'll find Kev I've been extremely consistent, it's your lack of proof and the emails from the casino that was inconsistent. 27/11 22.14 Thanks for jumping in Afi - I believe this subject is now closed with that perfect explanation. Yes perfect explanation shame he didn't read anything I wrote , thank you for your consistency it's plain for all to see
Afi4wins Posted November 26, 2016 Posted November 26, 2016 Am I drunk...or are you??? I've been trying to keep you calm, which isn't working. Read your messages again...are they absolutely clearly written for correct meaning??? They are not! Such behaviour from you would have seen you got a warning message from Valdes! Now...if you insist on being so righteous...I wouldn't bother with you anymore. I'm getting very annoyed with you and I've already wasted lots of my blardy time for you, which I should have spent on my other work. Sheesh! amiga500 1
cocopop3011 Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 Okay enough is enough! I believe you have already been given help. Hurling abuse against members who are clearly trying to help is not acceptable and this topic is now closed. I suggest you take the advise of the casino and take this to eCogra should you wish to continue the matter. amiga500 1
ValDes Posted November 28, 2016 Posted November 28, 2016 Posted 25 November 2016 - 01:41 PM I made 5 or 6 deposits to BGO using my real details . I had forgot I had opened a account with some months ago and made one deposit of 300 pound. Due to heart failure I am required to take morphine for pain so I rely on chrome to remember my usernames/ passwords. However using the same name , DOB , email address , home address , telephone number another account was opened and I was not informed I had a account all ready . I did not accept any bonus and did not profit from this honest mistake in any way. I made 5 or 6 deposits not once did they tell me . I could of gone on for ever until I had won something. I then nearly won my money back withdraw it and was told in would be in my account in 2 to 4 days. The next day after spending another 2000 pound I looked for the withdrawal and could not find it anywhere. They did not even email me to tell me the money had been confiscated otherwise of course I would not of carried on playing they say for duplicate accounts . But I had to fight all the way to get even this information out of them as my copies of chat will prove. I asked for a name and number that was refused. How is this possible , I followed online guidelines I looked for casinos's with the gambling commission although I admit I have only just seen there truest pilot rating of 2.7 out of ten how is this possible with a national company. I made 1 honest mistake , i was not dishonest and I benefiting nothing for opening a new account. Why would I take the time to fill the new one in when I refused the bonus. These terms and conditions are like playing god and something needs to be done about it. I played with only my money and they have stolen only my money. They will not even talk about returning the deposits to me. Due to my heart failure I have to do everything online as I cannot get out. Not only has the worry affected my health but I have Lost confidence in myself and online shopping which I have no choice but to do. Finally the most upsetting is the dishonesty every website online tells you if you forget and try to open a new account , it is not complicated software. The old account at that time I had used only once some months ago , why am I being treated this way. Please help me. Please keep in mind that your complaint has been reviewed, accepted and processed by the AskGamblers Complaints Team. Below is the relevant link to your case: Bear in mind you have also been officially warned for your abusive behavior towards cocopop and Afi4wins. I find your overall method of communication as harsh and arrogant, especially with people who were in fact trying to help you and won't tolerate it any longer. Next time when you afford throwing insults towards any forum member here your account will be immediately suspended. Afi4wins and cocopop3011 2
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