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Everything posted by OshiHugo

  1. So how it is going with your New Year's resolutions? 3 weeks have passed, another 49 to come.
  2. Yeah. It is. A very good one I think. It has many features, it is fast and cross-platform. I am using the newest version and I am amazed - I used to use Chrome and then Firefox but I ended up using Maxthon
  3. Well that's true, but the adrenaline is part of gambling. Very important one I believe. And of course, winning great money is fine, but after some time you would get bored.
  4. Well, but loosing is part of gambling just as well as winning. It would be no fun if you could only win.
  5. Hope it went okay! Toothache is really terrible and I don't know how about in your area but it is really expensive to cure and fix it here :/
  6. Yeah!! and with not getting stressed so easily so it doesnt graduate
  7. “Everything in the world is about se!x except se!x. Se!x is about power.” ― Oscar Wilde
  8. NSFW videoclip but it's worth it And some (metal) classic:
  9. [YOUTUBE] [/YOUTUBE] Classic! BTC is worth $1100... I would say this is kind of a ... Perfect day
  10. Well it might be a problem sometimes but still, snow is fine. I am expecting to have there about 0.5m of fresh snow by the morning and I am really looking forward to it!
  11. If you live in a city than I understand that you hate snow, but otherwise especially in the countryside it is so magical! It just covers everything and everything is just white and really beautiful! I guess I will work behind the bar all the night so no much party for me either...
  12. For the most of us Christmas are over now and there is less than a week of the year 2016 left. How are you going to spend it? Probably a weird question, bit: is it snowing at your place?
  13. Anyway - for all those who celebrate Christmas today I wish you merry merry Christmas!
  14. Well I have a younger brother who was born in tne early 00's. He has never joined any forum. He uses just SnapChat, Facebook, Instargram etc. and that's the only way (besides real life of course) how he meets new people and how he communicates with his friends. And generally if you were born in Central Europe after like 1995 and wasn't playing any game like World of Warcraft or something like that you have probably never posted to any forum. So I think that many of nowadays kids don't think that forums are a thing of the past, but the only reason is that they don't even know what forum is.
  15. Hi guys! I am kinda new here but I am really looking forward getting you known! I am really glad that Facebook hasn't killed all those internet communities, because let's admit it - forums and things like ICQ groups etc are just the best and I feel really sorry for all those children born after 2000 who know only big social sites :/
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