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Everything posted by volendam101

  1. I rest my point , I respect all different opinions ofcourse. But let me end with the following clause from AG about their blacklisting rules, it says : Additionally , some of the blacklisted casinos have an unfair policy toward matchbonus OR unreasonably slow withdraw times.
  2. Players who commit fraud are blacklisted by casinos. I was writing bout TOO slow paying, not slow. I dont like a 72 hours pending period , but when it is in their tc s , no problem for me, still they can pay within 7 days. Its about casinos which abuse their own withdrawterms and not once but many times. Greets
  3. Thanks all for your comments. I just gave my opinion, hope you dont mind. This is not happening to me altough it happened to me in the past, long time ago, years ago. Yes, in the end its up to a player where he wants to gamble, a big warning from affliates about continious delayed payments would be helpful for all newbies. Dear Valdes, issuing a warning ... Howmany warnings are you thinking about . Leo , I believe we live in the same country, you will certainly know about BKR. If I dont pay my bills in time continiously or for 3 or 4 months, I´ll get a notification at them. No way I then will get my electricity from another company or at least not without paying 2 or 3 months in advance. Too slow paying casinos just go on. I believe that in a few years casinos will be blacklisted which pay TOO slow , just as I am if I dont pay my bills in time. W`ll see. Greets to all.
  4. Afi, I cant follow you. I bet 1 euro at Videoslots, I win and get paid same day or next day. I bet the same 1 euro at some other casino and i have to wait 6 weeks or 3 months for my winnings, it was the same meal...(same slot ) Where exactly do you recommend me to eat my dinner ? Being a friend I assume you would tell me the other one should be blacklisted for dinner . Was not talking about waiting10 minutes longer for my dessert.
  5. Dear cocopop , no offense to you or AG , but for me it looks like there is a difference between waiting for your affilate/fee or waiting for your withdraw as a depositor. As far as I know affiliates usually get paid their fees once a month ? Even casinos who dont pay depositors within 6 weeks are not blacklisted, why not ? Naming casinos not necessary. Do you really believe these are ongoing mistakes and accidents. Come on please. Yes, you are right, depositors should play elsewhere. But affiiates earn their money because of depositors, no depositor wants to wait weeks, months for his withdraw. I could go back to landbased casinos, and then what with affiliate X or internetcasino Z ? Would blacklisting on fair grounds not be a better choice for all of us.
  6. Leo . as you are saying, a decade ago. And ofcourse, in the end its a players/ depositors choice whether he or she wants to play at a casino where you have to wait more than a week for your money. But that is also the matter when a casino is called blacklisted. Its my honest opinion, whenever you dont get paid within a week after your withdraw-request, providing you did noting wrong yourselve, dont play there anymore and this same attitude i would like to see at casinoforums. Mistakes can happen, I am speaking about continious ongoing behaviour. If you cant pay your customers their winnings within an agreed period, and this not by mistake but regurlarly, blacklisting should be done as a kind of warning for us, players. groeten
  7. Thanks for your comment Leo. However, I did not say payouts should be processed as fast as deposits. I said, make it a week, 7 days, for pay outs. I know about Skrill , Netelller etc , its about the period which casinos take to start processing.
  8. Can you and other sites stop this? Yes, for sure, Make it a week , for payouts. Whats wrong with that ? Yes, you are thinking too simple and in a way too much affiliate-answering, if I may say so. Pse let my comment resist and let more people giving a comment . Thanks in advance.
  9. No more, no less. Why do we keep on payin, gambing money while we have to wait for withdraws for days, weeks, even months ? Your deposits are received within a few seconds. I can live with a few days delay but not more, reading and knowing all the cases where people have and had to wait makes me sick. To start with dear AG , why not blacklst all casinos which pay out period is more then 7 days, including weekends ? Including reverse , pending periods. What is that for nonsense by the way. Should not be possible. Nobody ever asked me in a landbased casino to overthink my withdraw, never. They cashed out.
  10. Hi Daniel, thanks very much for you reply. best regards
  11. Hello Daniel , I am a fan and member of your casino for a long time. The best if you ask me. Lighning fast pay outs, cashback , race etc etc , splendid. What I was wondering, what is your companies goal to archieve when it comes to the number of slots offered ? What sense does it make to offer almost, maybe more, then 2000 slots games ? I mean, if I start playing slots at your site and I want to see all slots before I make my choice Ill need half an hour or more at the moment... Besides that,If i would try all slots for 100 spins against minimum stake.. pffff. Is the goal to offer all slots which all other casinos can or do offer also ? Cant be because some casinos have exclusive ones. Is your casino in some way obliged to offer new slots because of contracts with software developpers ? Its just wondering from my side, no complaint.Thanks in advance for a reply and keep up the good work.
  12. Dear OP, if I may ask , what is going to stop you from registering and gambling at another casino ? 888 is just one of many.
  13. Catapultaudio, good and fair comment as well as point of view. Am feeling bad now .. hope that feeling will be over tomorow. I once had a same exprience, lost my wallet somewhere on the street, money and ID and other papers included. A few days later I got it back by post , no sender mentioned. All papers and ID etc were there , however no money ...
  14. Sorry for this late comment , was just reading this topic. Its not about gamblin and winning a jackpot, but in a way yes , at least almost : I have a twinbrother, he is a bit handicapped and has no pc so his banking matters were and are still handled by post. He gets written overviews every 2 weeks. One evening he phoned me and was wondering about the balance on his account. If I could come over and have a look at it.... There it was , more then 3 million in dutch guilders on his account ! Some pensionfund transfered this amount to his account by mistake. Holy s.it . We both could not sleep that night. Next morning we went to an ATM , not completely without some naughty ideas. Too bad lol. That payment was done a few days before , they had discovered the mistake in the meantime and the money was reversed. He still has a very nice copy of that bankaccount-overview hanging at the wall, he was a real millionaire for a few days without knowing it.
  15. MacdoniS, these 2 cases happened a few years ago and I did not play again at these 2 casinos. They were not very reliable altough I must admit, they were very kind. Greets and I wish you luck with your gambling.
  16. Afi4wins, these are nice screenshots. Congrats ! Sorry I started a topic which has been started many times in the past, I did not check on beforehand. ps : i did not say one cant win again on same slots later on. Its only my humble opinion new slots pay better in the beginning, just a few days. My experience, nothing more but not at all an opinion, its experience.
  17. Dear casinopro, problem is that Martingale system does not give you 0,01 percent advantage when playing. Just imaging, you put 20 dollars on black... Red colour falls . Right, then you have to gambe with 40 on black again, and so on and on. Just to get even, mind you. I can tell you from own experience its very good possible that Red will fall 8, 10 times, even more after each other. Dont forget maximum stake ! And there is also the 0 , Zero ..... I agree with the person here above, there is no system for Roulette to win.
  18. Hi MacdoniS , thanks for your comment. I am not telling jokes here, believe me. Believe me or not, it happened , as well as a casino paid me twice my withdraw. Speaking about vague, I find a lot of tc's vague... just being there to avoid winning pay outs from players. Except ofcourse a lot of reliable casinos. Just sorry I will not give you full details.. Casinopro, thanks for comment. I understand your opinion and in a way I think you are right. Just dont forget to step over the 100 dollar which you see on the street and walk on next time.
  19. Hi members ,Would like to know your opinion : In most cases , not every time, with every new released slot I do get better winnings for one , two or even 3 days. Am I dreaming this or do you have the same experiences ? I know casinos cant change your luck but might it be possible that the sofware developpers have 2 or 3 different settings for each slot and new slots pay out a bit more in the beginning to get your attention for the new ones ? This happens to me with MG slots, Relax Gaming slots, RTG etc . As said, not always but certainly in more than 50 percent of try outs.
  20. Dear ValDes, I agree with you . If one accepts t and c s you have to play according to these. What I would like to know from you , do you find it fair to forbid playing with Martingale system, do you think this is in favour of the player considering the max bet rule. Thanks in advance for your personal opinion. greets
  21. Its redicilious to forbid Maringale playing with roulette. Its not a winning system because of the maximum stake, as simple as as that. It would only be a winning system if you were alllowed to double your losing streak forever....which is capped. On a side note, if any casino has it written in their tc s that its forbidden to play a martingale system up to maximum, then they should be backlisted to my opinion yes, but in that case forums like AG and others will support casinos in wihdraw disputes. Only reason : its in their tc s and you re supposed to read them first before you start playing.
  22. Your still are my favourite casino. Lightening fast pay-outs and 1900 or so slots to play. Great job. But I keep complaining abt your battle of slots, about the need to have Google Chrome as browser . Last 2 days also all Wiliams slots dont start, they stop downloading halfway . I have Window Edge as a browser. Grim Muerto from Play n Go also not possible to play , and this last one was never possible to open with Edge. And all this is not a cookies- cache- empty cause. Strange. But to be honest , I am not perferct too,, it comes close, just like your casino.
  23. Indeed, you are right. Its mentioned as a moral question . However it really happened to me. In fact it was more than 2000 euros. I also know what happened, as I could see this in account history. I made partly withdraws and played a bit each time on different days , before i requested for these withdraws of abt 500 euro. as you wrote, making a withdraw immediately of the total amount would have been a stupid thing, knowing they would check your play and most probably deposit history. I did not win inbetween with the founded money so a part of it stayed at the casino afterall. Am not proud on this, the way I did, but I was wondering howmany pple would have been 100 percent honest and would have contacted the casino in order to deduct this money from your account ? Cococop3011, I have to be a bit vague, this was not too long ago, pse dont ask me the name of the casino and the exact amount plus what exactly happened. Am sure you will understand why.
  24. Usually I play with 1 euro per spin, sometimes 0,80. If balance is in my favour I try 2 or 4 euro per spin . My fav slot still is Gonzo but I never won a nice amount gambling 4 or more euros per spin.
  25. Long story short, a number of years ago I was logged in at a casino and my balance raised without playing A few minutes, lets say 10 minutes... I was not the one who was depostiting. Can you imagine the situation that appeared ? Now my question to you is, you readers , what would you do ? Make a withdraw request , send the casino a mesage there is something wrong, play on with the gift ? I dont want to tell what I did, but before you give your answer , think about a situation that you will find a 100 euro biljet on the floor somewhere. Do you walk on and leave it there, do you pick it up and bring it to the nearest police station reporting , or do you pick it up and keep the 100. Pse tell me , what would you do. In my case it had to do with more than 1000 euros.
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