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Everything posted by Flatzem

  1. do you want our chances of winning to be decreased by making such a suggestion?
  2. you lost 1.5 million USD and this case is about 1700$ which is only about 0.113% of the total. lets make it simpler say you had $1500 balance and you lost $1.99, thats what 0.113% is.
  3. wheels when unsensible (the coins balance goes on wild roller coaster and sometimes results in very heavy losses and sometimes into profit, the worst run I had when it went 24 wheels without a coins win!, more recently I had 3 consecutive wheels result in coins wins) and tickets when sensible... (mostly for the monthly tourneys, I have at least one attempt on the weekly tourneys, and I don't bother much anymore with the daily coin progressives), the wheel buying is like bonus buys. you can start chasing your losses by buying more wheels trying to get a good coins win. sometimes I think it would be better if they didn't allow the buying of these addictive wheels. and just let us get them for free which we do 3 times a week , tuesday, friday, sunday and also free wheels for playing tourneys and earning points in the social pass which unlocks more free wheels. It's great when you get a coins balance increase but it also is not a great feeling when you have dropped tens of thousands of coins and you say to yourself that's the last time but only to do it some weeks later to go on a coins wheel buying rollercoaster.
  4. you could just end the contest now there won't be any changes in placings.
  5. hey such a nice slow stroll could give you time to write some reviews... 15 reviews to give you 75USD and the 2nd prize money is 50USD for a total of 125USD, just like as if you had won a 1st place
  6. let's take a look at the current monthly tourney; my best so far has been 50,650 , in 4 attempts..... it was the 4th attempt.
  7. almost everyone buys wheels or tickets but you still get the occasional exclusive avatar purchases such as this one seen tonight. they bought one of these;
  8. I watched so many hurdle falls videos but I found this one to be one of the funniest. oh ok one more, I like how these runners try and don't give up
  9. here's an idea those members that don't participate in at least one competition contest a month get excluded from review writing contests. I mean especially if there are competition contests running during the same month.
  10. had a splurge on wheels and then went to check to see if I appeared on the activity feed.... sure enough I was there but while checking the feed, I noticed someone using this name; why?!?
  11. what you think would happen if you left a slot after a winning spin. nothing bad ? or would the session get worse? is that what you worried about which makes you do another spin until its not a winning spin. I know of a slot streamer that does this too, he can't leave a slot after a winning spin, he has to get a losing spin.
  12. do you consider a "winning spin" even those spins that return less than stake? which makes them really a losing spin but its a loss disguised as a win.
  13. @Blackjax you sometimes playing slots on phone and desktop/laptop at the same time?
  14. that reminds me you know its been a while since we had a meme contest... just saying
  15. the raising stake strategy doesn't work well on Pragmatic slots?
  16. price of canned beanz went up at my local shop! outrageous! butterbeans up 10.1% ! spotted beans up 16.16% ! red kidney beans up 38% ! however Tesco just happens to be doing a 30% off today on various (not all) canned beanz.
  17. cause of the coming food shortages
  18. after what they put me through I deserve the double payout, I will buy a dozen cans of beans with it.
  19. no other tourney wins besides the one win from Feb 2022, in the wins history it only shows the one win.
  20. they have discord but on another matter is that I had already been paid by them for the 10e tourney win and money was received on March 1, but in the wins history the payment was pending... until today I received this email that said "your winnings are on their way" and now it says in status that it was sent on Mar 21, 2022... so does this mean they will pay me twice? a 2 for 1 kinda deal cause their system has flaw. We are happy to confirm that your prize of €10 is on its way. Thank you for being a part of the Social Tournaments community and best of luck in the upcoming tournaments as well! €10 (€0 Pending) Total Winnings – Paypal, Neteller and Skrill: Within 24 business hours. – Bank Wires: Between 3 and 10 business days – Cryptocurrency: Between 5 and 7 business days.
  21. something strange here, there were 5 players on over 2 million points each. but now its only 4.... why did "Jackncola" get removed ? did they get their score reset by playing a new try... or what? maybe they were new and didn't know that you would lose your score... I know some tourneys on other sites allow you to keep your best and you can retry to try beat your best... but not with socialtournaments where if you want to improve your score you will get your score entirely reset!
  22. never been able to , sure I would want to just for those slot battles. also can't play at BitStarz.
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