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Flatzem last won the day on September 27 2024

Flatzem had the most liked content!

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  1. what blardy tokens what cashout, you haven't showed a screenshot of the cashout.
  2. and when the crypto token owners decide to pull the rug, then the token value will crash to near 0 or 0. and all those still holding the token will have nothing left.
  3. looks like he holds 628.5k tokens, they dont want him to cash out anything so they give him incentive to just hold it to earn some % if people were cashing out then the value of their crypto would drop. its some scheme where the owners of the casino want to stay rich and have the players doing spins to earn more tokens and raise the value of those shareholders.
  4. yeh they are all willing to swing their big wallets around for ego/bragging/competition to get in those placing.
  5. so this contest is for premium members only right? no exceptions no invites?
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