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Everything posted by fb_585338638309728

  1. Hi everyone, I answer to goose, OI!, and hey you! Seems like a very helpful and friendly place to have joined. I look forward to getting to know everyone.
  2. Thank you for taking the time to give me that very helpful advice. I have a mate that is very talented with computers and Internet security, he has informed me that they brute forced the account. I only use NETELLER because I can get nearly instant withdrawals on some sites I use bit I have found out the hard way it's not worth the few days wait instead. I really wish I'd known there was a call back service but it was the first time I ever had to contact them in a hurry. I will be using it by the end of the day if I have still not even received a courtesy email confirming the investigation. I extremely persistent when it comes to matters of this nature and if they want to stall at all their customer service and investigation team will be hearing my voice while they sleep. If they actually sort it out in a reasonable time frame I may let it go that they allowed someone to access my account, change email then clear it out without even noticing. I'm pretty sure a lot of people using their services will be closing accounts if that information went public. I was looking forward to my first post here being about me having a nice win but that will have to wait. Thanks again
  3. Yesterday morning I deposited money into my NETELLER account then decided I would have a nap before hitting the casinos. When I awoke a few hours later I checked my emails and there was an email from NETELLER telling me my change of primary email was successful. I quickly logged into my account to find that I was left with 27cents. 2hrs in the queue waiting for a customer service rep I was getting very stressed. When I was finally connected it started dropping out every 30 seconds or so. I informed the rep that my account had been hacked, email changed and money stolen. How did this happen when I need to verify everything I do on my NETELLER account via SMS code? How did they not notice this suspicious activity? After some security questions he froze my account and informed me there would be an investigation but I shouldn't have logged in on a public or shared device. I informed him that I only ever log in via my phone and have never given out my details to anyone. He said he had escalated the investigation but couldn't give me any timeframe as to how long or what the outcome may be. Before the account was frozen I had enough time to get the email address that the account was changed into. Surely they must be able to track the thief down with the info they are able to access. To access the money the thief must have a bank account verified or similar. I also emailed the fraud investigation team directly to get any kind of idea as to what will happen but no reply as yet. I am not bad mouthing NETELLER just yet just want to get anyone's opinions or experienced regarding neteller. Thanks
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