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Everything posted by Conor@Trada

  1. Hey AG Community! Just something I have been wondering over the past couple days, and then I thought why don't I ask the pros over at Ask Gamblers! What kind of things do you like seeing your favorite casinos post on social platforms? Daily/Weekly Competitions? Weekly big winners? Random things that are somewhat related to gambling and gaming in general? This list is essentially endless and I could go on and on about the hundreds of things different casinos post. But my question remains, what do YOU like/want/think casinos should post about on their social channels? Thought it'd be an interesting topic considering everyone uses ever social media differently.
  2. Well, if you put it that way, then I was possibly on the lower end, I came out with about 250x odd or so... Still though, I kept going back for more! Damn fine game, gonna go play it now!!
  3. I am the same as was said above. Except unlike Afi or Coco I managed to get 10 retriggers on safari heat. Still came out with very little though. Just my luck aye
  4. I love Facebook promotions! A lot of casinos will post some kind of promotion or free spins giveaway on their Facebook or twitter pages before they send out an email I have found. I find it even cooler when casinos reward you JUST for following them on social media.
  5. Hey Coco thanks for the welcome. Completely valid points in all fairness and I would see why maybe many players would agree with you on some, if not all of your points. Sometimes a blog is just lengthy, and more often than not they're boring! What you said about the reviews though, I think that yes, the players would understand the game in look and feel, personally I love reading the stats and numbers on the games, the background boring stuff. But hey, that's just me.
  6. Hey AG Community, I was wondering, as I have seen many casinos with their own blogs. Usually they are full of game reviews and sometimes special offers... Nothing ever too appealing enough for me to deposit imo. What do you guys think? Do you read the blogs of your favorite casinos? Do you comment on them? If you do, what do you like to see in them, off-topic light hearted stuff, or full on promotions and game reviews? Or do you just avoid them because you don't see the point? Obviously excluding AG's blog... it is my bible after all! Really interested on what you all think of them!
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