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Everything posted by fb_10207597095980861

  1. My TwinSpin screenshot from earlier today :-)
  2. Discipline is the hardest - keeping emotions right out of it and playing to your own rules whatever they are. I made so many mistakes in the past and will no doubt make some again in the future. In the meantime ... Kept rules nicely intact this morning - played with the money that had not been withdrawn and dipped into one withdrawl only. Stopped at first significant win and ended up with EUR 400 more banked than at the start of the day. Time to leave the casino in peace for a while ...
  3. Reversing withdrawls has IMHO always been the psychological "edge" that the casinos have over the players. At some point virtually any win will turn into a loss (as the house wins overall anyhow) so by reversing a withdrawl you are just continuing to play for longer and playing into the hands of the house. Many times I have reversed a withdrawl and lost it all (and more) - and many times I have had the patience to let it go through, stop playing at that casino for around a week - and wait for the money to arrives. My method at the moment is to "bank" at least 50% - but usually 75% of a big win and continue to play with the rest, repeating the procedure when the next win comes up. This often ends up with having a few "pending withdrawls" concurrently -usually with one big one being the first withdrawl followed by withdrawls in various sizes. I continue to play with my "excess winnings" and have a rule NEVER to ask to reverse more than one withdrawl in the queue. So i might have withdrawls for EUR 1000, 500, 750, 500 and so on and say EUR 200 in play money. Should the 200 be spent I allow myself to reverse ONE withdrawl - in this example the 500 - but everything prior to that is sacred and not touchable. As I continue, time ticks on, and suddenly the first withdrawl has been paid out by the casino anyhow. This method - which of course requires self-discipline - has worked for me on several occasions Hope nobody minds me sharing a bit of strategy on my first post here ... All the best and good luck to everyone .
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