I was wondering what people & there opinion is on this .
Well known casino. I wont say any names for the moment , I was playing a 1 line machine, I was playing on a 25 cent bet , I decided to start playing a few at 50 cent , I noticed as i was playing, it was paying the same on wins as 25 cents was.. when I won a larger size bet , I really noticed , I have screen shots of the winning spin, pay ,bet etc. & even more , live chat screen up etc. also the machine has clear as they what it is supposed to pay .
I have gone spoken up big time to live support , there like 48 hours this that etc.. usual rubbish coming from a billion dollar enterprise that cant even attend there members like they should, guess I'm wondering how far something like this goes ? as in, iv'e played for a few years with this site & some of my friends , is this not more of a fraud type case , & couldn't there entire past members and games played be put into question ? as I feel I want my entire history checked now , talking about a serious amount of money here, I was lucky to spot it being a 1 line machine .. Iv;e felt numerous times in the past something was not right with that payment etc.
this is a known & trusted casino , and the Proof I have is 100% please share your thoughts , I have added a close up without the other details for your opinion , I also have a video of the same win captured with the 3 bars on the right with the amount it pays flashing and lit up , which is 20 x 50 cents, is set at 25 cent machine with 2 coins , the pay you see is what I was getting on the 25 cent but with only 1 coin selected,