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harryheadbutt's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Thank you all. Yes , play2win it is! Afi4wins,Leodubbed, & cocopop3011 I cannot thank you enough for this grey area conclusion I shall take the 250 as i am still happy to recieve something The $50 chip was never given but am not about to worry The wagerimg on that im guessing would be x100 or something quite out of reach I am overwhelmed by AG response And exactly what I was expecting given your stats and friendly/ straight up Conversations i have read previously That in my eyes is huge, Given the fact that nothing is what it seems these days You are a beacon of light in a dimly lit industry THankyou once again...........Harry
  2. Wow..... This is truly a lucrative industry isnt it! Am i able to put the name of the casino here? I dont mean for you great people to do the ground work for me....... But would "Greatly" appreciate the general understanding of such terms read through your eyes I have seen you help so many people and the stats are overwhelming I dont expect anyone to do the boring t&c trails But if i am allowed to print the casino name I would be more than definitely happy going halves with the person that can pull this off maybe ( am i allowed to do that???) Sorry for any violation But i see that as an incentive thats fair and not wanting of anything for nothing. Once again i thankyou all for your time and congratulate AG on what it is and stands for
  3. Playtech Master, I do appreciate your reply and time for this situation. I am still in a state of the unknown. Do i just lick the window and accept the very mi-nute amount offered or not...........? Do i have a leg to stand on? The toll of unpleasant-ness i am not looking forward too but, Is there an admin who strongly suggests i have an argument worth processing.? I see myself not really bothering with whats right and taking the lesser amount just to move on Story of my life
  4. I would just like to add i have not yet gone through with the withdrawal until i seeked AG admin advice. Thanks
  5. Thanks everyone in taking the time. Im pretty sure this has no links and definitely no bad language. If theres any questions , please ask. I believe all the info is here in relation to my comments on the actual bonus .. Thanks again......... [Draft] Saved on: Mon 8/05/2017 7:12 PM This message hasn't been sent. ×A customer representative will be with you shortly 17 : 26 : 32 (Me): Hi 17 : 26 : 50 (Me): Hi Stephanie 17 : 26 : 51 (Stephanie): hi aaron 17 : 26 : 59 (Stephanie): how are you love? 17 : 27 : 09 (Stephanie): i see you are on fire today 17 : 27 : 42 (Me): Its a good day i hope! Have i met wagering reqs please? 17 : 28 : 05 (Stephanie): no love 17 : 28 : 12 (Stephanie): you have more to go 17 : 28 : 33 (Me): Could you let me in on how much? 17 : 28 : 39 (Stephanie): 11113 left 17 : 28 : 42 (Stephanie): in wager to play 17 : 28 : 56 (Me): How much have i done? 17 : 29 : 10 (Stephanie): 13386 17 : 30 : 14 (Me): I was talking to Melinda earlier and she said the wagering was only x35? Can you see my chat log from earlier? 17 : 30 : 32 (Stephanie): x35? 17 : 30 : 35 (Stephanie): let me chyeck 17 : 30 : 37 (Stephanie): check** 17 : 31 : 17 (Me): Cool....check chat log. The reason i made the deposit! 17 : 32 : 22 (Stephanie): you right he said x50 on the 600% 17 : 32 : 29 (Stephanie): let me recalculate for you then 17 : 32 : 45 (Me): ☺ 17 : 34 : 03 (Me): Im nearly 5000 over by my calcs?? 17 : 34 : 35 (Stephanie): you actually finished your wager already 17 : 35 : 08 (Me): So its ALL MINE then?? 17 : 35 : 22 (Stephanie): lol no i wish 17 : 35 : 27 (Stephanie): you deposited 25 17 : 35 : 33 (Stephanie): which mean your max cash out is 250 17 : 35 : 57 (Me): ? 17 : 36 : 02 (Stephanie): yes 17 : 36 : 04 (Stephanie): 250 17 : 36 : 28 (Me): Hmmm 17 : 36 : 39 (Stephanie): anyway go to cash out now 17 : 36 : 41 (Stephanie): if you want 17 : 36 : 44 (Stephanie): 17 : 37 : 05 (Stephanie): if you deposited with a credit card choose the wire transfer option ( no the UPAY) OK? 17 : 41 : 35 (Me): Hi Stephanie? 17 : 41 : 42 (Stephanie): yes aaron 17 : 41 : 43 (Stephanie): im here 17 : 42 : 49 (Me): Im not sure of this is correct but from the t&cs it says the bonusamount not the deposit amount.......... 17 : 42 : 59 (Me): A maximum cashout of 10 times the bonus applies 17 : 43 : 19 (Stephanie): its x10 deposit amount 17 : 43 : 24 (Me): Which is 2500 yeah? 17 : 44 : 19 (Me): No....it definitely says the bonus amount which was $175 17 : 44 : 46 (Stephanie): i know aaron , from what i know it x10 deposit amount 17 : 44 : 54 (Stephanie): this is wht you can do if you want 17 : 44 : 59 (Stephanie): send an email to support inbox 17 : 45 : 19 (Stephanie): which will get directly to your accout manager and ask him about the max cash out 17 : 45 : 27 (Stephanie): i will email him as well on the matter 17 : 45 : 31 (Stephanie): i promise 17 : 45 : 43 (Stephanie): anyway ask to cash out all of it if you want 17 : 45 : 47 (Me): Read the terms on the deposit bonus. Theres only 7 or 8 lines. Wont take long 17 : 45 : 57 (Stephanie): no no i know 17 : 45 : 59 (Stephanie): totally 17 : 46 : 30 (Stephanie): it's just that i know from the casino rules that its x10 amout, though you might be right on this 17 : 46 : 37 (Stephanie): lets do what i said anyway 17 : 46 : 38 (Stephanie): ok? 17 : 46 : 55 (Me): Ok. You sound fair Stephanie 17 : 47 : 14 (Stephanie): honestly 17 : 47 : 19 (Stephanie): only want the best for you 17 : 47 : 36 (Me): Wot a bummer though. All prepared to book a weekend away 17 : 47 : 47 (Me): Thanks 17 : 47 : 50 (Stephanie): sure 17 : 47 : 55 (Stephanie): sorry for the mess 17 : 48 : 25 (Me): Understandable. Thanks again 17 : 49 : 13 (Stephanie): you here? 17 : 49 : 31 (Stephanie): my manager has complete the bonus so you can ask to cash out your max 17 : 49 : 34 (Stephanie): which is the 250 17 : 49 : 43 (Stephanie): again if you have any doubts whatso ever 17 : 49 : 49 (Stephanie): send an email to here: 17 : 50 : 09 (Stephanie): [email protected] 17 : 50 : 12 (Stephanie): ok? 17 : 50 : 24 (Me): Why do i only have 250 in my acc suddenly? 17 : 50 : 36 (Stephanie): read what i just wrote 17 : 51 : 55 (Me): Yeah.....your acc manager is quite rude in his judge and jury actions. Who said i was finished? 17 : 52 : 10 (Stephanie): you said 17 : 52 : 33 (Stephanie): no? 17 : 52 : 45 (Stephanie): that is what you told me ? that you want to cash out 17 : 53 : 22 (Me): Hmmmm 17 : 53 : 36 (Stephanie): look 17 : 53 : 47 (Stephanie): go ask to cash out 17 : 53 : 53 (Stephanie): you have won the max you could! 17 : 53 : 55 (Stephanie): i will add now 17 : 54 : 00 (Stephanie): 50 free chip to your account 17 : 54 : 02 (Stephanie): from all the mess 17 : 54 : 16 (Stephanie): which have a100 max cash out on him as well if you win 17 : 54 : 28 (Stephanie): mmmmm 17 : 54 : 33 (Stephanie): what do you think? 17 : 55 : 16 (Me): I can see the spot your in. Ill go with that to make things a bit easier.......i will always be thinking of that other 1500 though!! 17 : 55 : 31 (Stephanie): lol 17 : 55 : 33 (Stephanie): you right 17 : 55 : 39 (Stephanie): though you really did go to the max 250 17 : 55 : 43 (Stephanie): which is briliaant 17 : 55 : 46 (Stephanie): most players don't 17 : 55 : 47 (Stephanie): :0 17 : 56 : 06 (Stephanie): ask to cash it out with the WIRE TRANFER OPTION 17 : 56 : 11 (Stephanie): OR NETTELER 17 : 56 : 22 (Stephanie): which is also available for you to cash out with 17 : 56 : 26 (Stephanie): you decide 17 : 56 : 32 (Me): Ok. Which is quicker? 17 : 57 : 03 (Stephanie): netteler 17 : 57 : 07 (Me): At the end of the day im still happy
  6. Hi. This is my 1st time posting and hopefull i am in the right place. Before submitting a complaint i thought seeking advice on a chatlog over a bonus might be sensible. Im not sure wether i can copy it to this forum under guidelines or not, but would like somebody to officially view it and tell me if i am an idiot or there is any substance to my concern. Thankyou all
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