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Awena reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
Awena reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
I think they are going to void my bet after reading the term and condition, but so far everything is okay.
Hey guys, I think I just notice a very interesting thing here, when i watch the match between France and Honduras just now, I am thinking to place a bet on who will score the first goal in the match, at that time, the time in the game is 40 mins plus, I placed 2k on benzema at that time, but i did not place the confirm. The interesting moment happened here, later on I think a mins later, France been award a penalty, and I place confirmed immediately, tis all happened before benzema start kick the penalty. And the system accepted my bet. In this case, I just wondering, is this because I am lucky or actually I can do this all the time? I am thinking to try this again later on, if this really work, we can either place our bet on who will score the next goal if you know the team will and know who will be the penalty kicker or we can bet on which team will score the next goal. Any thought? Does anyone tried this before? what i noticed is right after I click the confirm, 5 seconds or less, the system become suspended. Although there is a risk the team who has the penalty will miss the shot, but the chance for us to win is much more higher than normal bet.
I think in the next match, if I want to buy some team win, I will buy it during the game play, I think in this way we can have some better deal? any thought? for example, if we decide to buy one team win, it is not really matter when we place the bet, either before the match or during the match right?
Hi Valdes, I am not really good at the football, however the game is amazing so far, the holland is winning at the moment. When I check with ladbrokes, before the match start, holland win odd is 1/4, during the half, it is 1/4.5, I am so regret I did not purchase anything on Holland win during the half match. anyway, It is really unexpected. what a game, so far 4-1
bigdk88 reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
The greece won the euro in 2004 is amazing, however I am not really good at football in this case, I just follow someone which I knew, and they gives me the information. so far tonight, mexico vs cameroon (2-1, mexico win) spain vs holland (1-1, draw) chile vs australia (2-1, Chile win) My feeling is mixed now, haha, as you can see, the information here is conflict, I bet on holland win or draw, and the list above is not. If I win, I will feel happy coz i have the money, but on the other hand, I lose the resources. haha Those informations are comes out from two of my friends, both of them are working inside the betting company, one located in asian, and the other located in Euro. Somehow, both of them indicated me that there will be a draw for Spain and Holland. Let's enjoy the game, and discuss this later. Game started.
Toiletseat reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
Hi Tolietseat, I do not want to post something which lead people to a wrong way, for me, recently I noticed that I have become to a risk taker , I would love you bet on something with high returns. But in my opinion, fake football happens everywhere, it may happened in this way. I will give you guys some tips if I can proof my sources are reliable, one or two game winning means nothing. There are many games behind for the world cup, so be patiences and see what will happened first.
Oh, forgot the most important thing, do not listen to my story and then go to buy the football tonight, even for myself, I am not sure what will going on later. But what I am thinking is, if the result is right as he predicted in 3 games in a row, I may consider to put more money on it. I hope you guys do the same thing.
Yes you are right John, every gambler has a winning story behind their back. And most of them dreamed to win it again someday somehow. By the way, I m started to watching world cup now, last night has a really good win on Brazil vs Croatia (3-1), i guess the right scores. Tonight I am on the match Netherlands against Spain, I am on Spain site, but I got some leak information told me the game will be 1-1, or a draw. Anyway, I bought 1-1 and 3-0 (Holland win, Sounds impossible, but there are some people telling me that, anyway, the odd is 1 to 90, so high risk high return ) In total I place the bet about 20k, 10k on Draw, 23/10, potential return is 33k, 8k on 1-1 draw, potential return 60k, and 2k on 3-0 (Holland win) potential return 182k. Hopefully Spain will win the game and proof the guy who gives me the fake information. But the odd thing is last night he gives the correct result and I make quite a lot money, so even today I lose, I will still make a profit. Let's see tonight Football Time. By the way, do you guys watch football?
And i would love to answer all the doubt. by the way, virtual roulette indeed will give player certain advantage, but you need do more practices. Here is a example, there is once, i went to a land base casino, and standing in front of a empty table, after the dealer spin the ball, i told him i won't place the bet, instead i offered him £200 if he can guess right which section the ball will land, and he does not allowed to talk, but he point out one number, the ball land not far from the number. in this case, what i believe is for a well trained player, they will have a huge advantage, let's assume every time we buy half or 20 numbers. and of course, an well train dealer somehow can control the ball's landing zone as well. In european roulette, I have seen one guy none stop buying second dozen, and the ball always lands between 29 and 32, which happened in a land base casino, so in this case, what I can say is the dealer can not control exactly where the ball will land, but in someway, they can minimise the landing zone to + - 10 numbers. At you can see, the number between 32 and 29, there is second dozen numbers. so is you want to buy outside like dozens, try to avoid the second dozen, the first and third, it is hard for dealer to control, but second dozen, it is easy. that because the layout of the wheel. no problem bigdk88, just try to have some fun inside the casino, there are many ways we can have fun over there. the problem here is we cannot use this strategy online, as most online casino requires us to place bet before the spin. the other problem is you much remember the number on the wheel really well, and have a team to help you place the bet, coz we need time to predict, and normally the accurate predict comes after dealer said no more call bet or no more bet, as we all know, even after dealer said no more bet, we still have 2-5 seconds to place the bet, but that time is not enough for one person to cover all the 20 numbers. I tried many times, find 3 friends to go with me together, each of us cover 1 dozen, for example the ball we predict will land between 7, 13 and 1 this half section on the wheel, you can just tell you friends, if they have good knowledge about the wheel, then they will immediate know which number they should cover in their dozen. If you practice this well, indeed you will win something from the land base casino. for beginner you can cover up to 28 numbers, in order to increase your winning chance, when i start learn the virtual roulette, I use to cover 33-35 numbers, although this looks not really cost effective, but it can help you to build up a general idea, and even by any chance, you predict wrong, but you will still have higher chance to win. but in order to win big, you need try to increase the accuracy to at least half of the wheel. Just try to watch more spins from liver dealer casino, it will helps. But trust me, it takes too much effort and you always need to focus on the wheel, it will makes you feel tired after half an hour.
bigdk88 reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
Do not do that biddk88, never risk your money on something which is uncertain. I have been trying many different so-called winning method, but be honest with you, most of them is not working. Of course, none stop doubling maybe is a good way, but in this case, you are chasing your money back, and you may suffer more in the future if you do not have enough bankroll or you reached the betting limited. I use to play in Ladbrokes here in the UK, the minimum bet is £2, and max is £100k if I am not wrong, in this case, doubling is good if you have a health bank roll, for example if you have 200k bank roll, you can take up to 16 times lose. However, if you have 200k, Are you really willing to risk ur money for a £1 profit? If you check my betting history carefully, all my winning is generated from the winning money, I think most people know that is you win, then double your bet or triple ur bet. I observed most people do flat bet when they are ahead, and double their bet when they are losing. This is exactly what casino wants us to do. try to think if you are a casino owner, and when you see people winning, do you want them to double their bet? Plus, when we lose money to casino, which means casino wins the money, and if we double, that means they are happier, coz they are on the winning site, and they doubled their bets. What do you think? I do lose in the game as well, but if I lose, I will use flat bet in most cases. this is part of the strategy which you can find in most cash-flow management part. Regarding to what you said the ball will land on which number etc... this is correct as well, but you need to make sure the dealer who spin the ball is really bored, and not really care about who is winning or losing. They use same strength for every spin, and in this case, which we called dealer-bias. But in my opinion, either way you mentioned will not give you a huge win or long term profit. The dealer's physic condition change all the time, and this affect the result as well. I am here to answer all your questions tonight, ask as many as you want. Furthermore, as I said, do not risk your money on something is unfair to you, you need to make sure you have good chances to win, in blackjack, people do card counting to increase their win probability, because cards have memory (every card which out, the dock will change). However on the roulette wheel, there is no memory, if you bet a single number, every time your winning chance is 1/37 in european roulette and this will not change at all in the next spin. There are many co-relations in the roulette table, for example a red colour out, it may lead to another colour comes out as well in the next spin, or if the first dozen comes out, the second one will lead to another first dozen numbers. there are many many things like that. But it does not mean when we place our be on it, it will comes out. For me, I am from a mid-income family, and I have a master degree in statistics. My passion is to beat the wheel, even I formed my own way to beat the wheel, but still, there is some kind of risk, I can not guarantee a 100%, however I know on average my winning chance is more that 60% with a return on average of 1 to 3.4. I have seen some high rollers in London place 10k per number and covered 35 numbers at a time, his winning chance is more than 93%, however the return is not fair, and even one lose, they will suffer a lot in their bank roll. What do you think? Casino is unfair to its customers, so if you want to make money from them, be careful, and do not try to learn some strategy which public online, if the strategy really work, why they teach you? On the other hand, the casino people also doing a lot research online, and try to see what people do and think. In the UK, once betfair casino offered no zero roulette, which make the house edge become 0%, and they suffered a huge lose in those year, and as a result, they closed those table. Which we can see, even just remove a 0 from the table, which lead the casino to lose ton of money, for us, the game just become 50-50 if we bet on black or red. Which means casino do not win us by their luck, they win us by their math.
Key here is to win the money by winning money. However, there are many tricks as well. I do agrees with John on some point, it is possible for a people who has very good luck to win a huge amount, however do you think the people who has good luck can win two separate games section within two days? Furthermore, I have won almost every time when I went online, as a result, the ladbrokes ban me for that, haha, who cares, as long as I have the money. I am giving you guys more pics to have a look. By the way, I am not a millionaire, and I do not have a very good bankroll at beginning, I have around £20K bank roll, but I only use half to achieve that. There are always something secret behind the wheel, however 99% of people won't understand it or even I tell, they will not understand the basic concept, maybe that's why the casino still survive in this world. If you based in the EU or can access to grosvenor online, I would love to show you guys something, but online for small amount bet, such as £1 or £2, and I will tell you guys which number or dozen or colour will comes out during you play. I can promise you will win every game, but a three game in a roll winning is guaranteed. Pic 1.pdf Pic 2.pdf pic 3.pdf pic 4.pdf pic 6.pdf pic 7.pdf deposit history.pdf do you think math can tell.pdf Do you think this one is purely by LUCK.pdf Finaly balance after section one.pdf Finaly section today.pdf New section.pdf
Luciana reacted to a post in a topic: how many high roller here
you can see it from the transaction history, i m playing live dealer, so it is hard for me to capture the screen shot.
Sorry, just notice the pic I post is not relate to my £490 turn to £170K, here is the right now, it is a screen cut from Grosvenor Casino online. New section.pdf do you think math can tell.pdf Finaly section today.pdf
I just drop you a PM john
here is part of my withdraw to proof Pic 1.pdf