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Posts posted by scuter

  1. I'm frankly a bit put off playing Progressives at the moment :(


    But my favourite Slot of all time is The Reel Deal [Vegas Tech].




    That's real $. And it's my largest but I have a dozen screenshots where I win 20-30k each from this insane day drunk in January where I came 2nd in a tournament for 15k, ran that up to over 100k playing The Reel Deal for hours.


    I really wish that's where the story ended.


    I got so drunk I ran that 100k down to 0.00


    I really wish that's where the story ended.


    The story is [ongoing, I guess] but I deposited 20k in the next week or two trying frantically to reverse my stupidity. There is a cliché for this - a rare cliché that is actually valid - I think it is:


    Throwing good money after bad.


    For Vegas Tech, I also like Tiki Lounge:




    and Lucky Lady [can't find a :sickbrag screenshot :( ]


    NetEnt Slots are pretty awesome also....


    My two favourites are Champion of the Track:




    ...and Dead or Alive:






    Both yesterday. If I'd hit another Wild in Reel 4 first time or Reel 1 second time, I would be Oprah rich. But the battle continues...

  2. I don't think this guy is going to score a goal in the tournament.


    It sounds like he may have injured his foot and they have a big game against Germany.


    Who are you picking on this game?


    Sigh. I was cheering to see I'd fluked Rooney in this promotion. I think I get £10 every goal he scores.




    I'm laughing all the way to the bank.


    I think Germany are going to dump them - unceremoniously.

  3. [chat continued from post above]

    me: Are you able to explain why Risk Management haven't responded to my email yet?

    Nathan: Probably because it was a public holiday here in Australia and they only work business hours.

    me: 4 day long weekend? it's wednesday morning

    Nathan: (Though if you had actually won 3.3 million someone probably would've come in on the weekend. Unfortunately, that is not the case as per Playcheck.

    Nathan: Backlog. And again- you didn't win.

    me: I accept that. I'm just trying to find out some more information - as you would in my position

    Nathan: All the information on the spin in question that you require is in Playcheck.

    me: But that can be coded, changed, it's not 100% evidence of anything...

    Nathan: The Gaming Commission would not allow that and we would be shut down and a criminal investigation would probably ensue. We do not tamper with results-

    me: Can I ask why there is a special secret Error message for momentary disconnects?

    me: surely this is in addition to the standard Error message which CS would know very well...?

    Nathan: It's not a secret. Otherwise a pop up window alerting you to it's presence would not appear

    me: secret enough that CS said it was impossible

    Nathan: No- that was just operator error.

    Nathan: And yes

    me: i'm arguing from a position of strength here...error or not, it's in addition to the standard Error message which she was aware of, is it not?

    Nathan: if you give me one second I'm double checking wtih Microgaming

    me: np

    Nathan: Error 10 specifically means

    Nathan: it's routine encoding error which closes the game. Again, not on the Casino server side.

    me: some coincidence...

    Nathan: it's hardly a coincidence that on occaision there are system errors.

    me: the definition of 'coincidence' is really all about timing of unrelated events

    me: 7,000,000 seconds without seeing Error 10 and then whilst the wheel is spinning for a Progressive Jackpot, it appears for the first time - that's the definition of 'coincidence'

    Nathan: No- that's a system error.

    me: perhaps. but it can be both a system error AND a very strange coincidence

    Nathan: People spin for jackpots all the time- we've only ever had one 5.5 million winner

    me: perhaps because all the winners keep getting Error 10 messages :)

    Nathan: I deal in probability- the chances of multiple million dollar jackpot winners is (though possible) highly unlikely- regardless of whether or not they're receiving Error 10 messages:)



    I'm not very technical, but I know that the Gaming Commission he claimed would "not allow it to happen" is the KGC who wouldn't have allowed Absolute / UltimateBet owners to code SuperUser accounts into their software and then steal from players for six years...or would they have? Who knows....


    And I know that if CS say an Error Message doesn't exist, even if they're wrong, it's a god damn rare error message. Obviously.


    So this spookily rare Error Message - which I haven't seen in 7,000,000 seconds - occurs in the 5-10 seconds whilst the Wheel is spinning for $3,300,000.


    And Risk Management has never responded to my report of the incident.


    Something makes me really comfortable about that. Would you be concerned in my position?

  4. Last week, annoyed at not having received any response, I jumped on Live Chat to inquire what exactly was going on:


    Please enter your FIRST NAME in the line next to the OK button and then press the OK button. An operator will be with you shortly.

    You are now chatting with Tibs.

    Tibs: Hi [my name]! Welcome to the Rewards Loyalty Team, how are you doing?

    me: hi Tibs

    me: my Casino Classic login is rcsv99999999

    me: um. on thurs? i was playing mega moolah and probably won the 3.3million

    Tibs: ok

    me: except i'm waiting for your security to reply? it's been 4 days

    me: 5 days

    Tibs: who did you send an email to ?

    me: <my email> to [email protected] date 11 June 2010 05:28

    Tibs: ok you need to wait until you hear from us I am sorry..

    Tibs: but you can also resend an email..

    me: that's it?

    me: only 3.3 million dollars in play i suppose. i guess i'll resend an email to people who aren't responding?

    Tibs: I am sorry but I cannot do anything about this/

    me: Can I speak to someone that can?

    me: this doesn't seem...appropriate.

    Tibs: I am sorry.

    Tibs: but this is all you can do.

    me: And what if 2 more days go by and they haven't responded?

    me: How about a week?

    me: A month?

    me: Tibs surely you realise this is ridiculous. This cannot be the "only option"

    Tibs: you can also send an email to [email protected]

    me: What's the point? they'll just try the same line you're trying...

    me: Can I speak to your supervisor please?

    Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Nathan'.

    You are now chatting with Nathan.

    Nathan: Hi [my name]- I'm Tibs' supervisor. How can I help?

    me: hi Nathan

    me: are you able to read the chat up?

    Nathan: Yes- give me one second.

    Nathan: Okay - if I can clarify-

    Nathan: you believe you have won the progressive jackpot on Mega Moolah?

    me: sigh i dunno fml

    me: the alternative is a 1,000,000:1 coincidence occuring

    me: a coincidence that is a Error Message that CS says is impossible

    Nathan: Okay - you'll need to be a bit more specific.

    me: [complete description of events thus far]

    Nathan: Have you checked your playcheck to see the result of the spin in question?

    me: ? Nathan.

    me: if I won 3.3 million, i would not be here right?

    Nathan: I don't see any record of 3.3 million hitting your account. Please be as clear as possible- I need all the facts.

    me: the facts are an error that doesn't exist....

    me: EXISTED. whilst i was spinning for 3.3mil

    Nathan: We have Error 0 which is a general casino error usually resulting from a slight lag between your pc and the casino server, however, the spin will play out in the Casino server and you can access the result in your Playcheck.

    Nathan: I can assure you that you did not win 3.3 million:( This time anyway:)

    me: Error TEN

    me: 10

    me: the number ten

    Nathan: The fact of the matter is that you had a dud spin I'm afraid- you can check playcheck and see the result of your last spin on that game.

    Nathan: Unfortunately it's not a winning one:(

    me: Error 10 does NOT exist!!!

    me: http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/4185/casinoclassiccasinoerro.jpg

    me: what playcheck shows is THE issue...

    Nathan: It means the exact same as error 0- general error. In this case, you're not in a game when the error was captured anyway- what does playcheck show for you?

    me: also i've played like 1500-2000 HOURS on microgaming. i've never seen this. so it's a 1,000,000:1 'coincidence'

    me: pls stop asking me what playcheck shows.

    me: as if that is the be all and end all

    Nathan: We have casino errors all the time- it's hardly a million to one. And yes- playcheck is the be all and end all as it is the legal record of each play.

    me: a one million to one coincidence!!!!!!

    me: and it's a casino error that doesn't exist?

    me: whilst I'm spinning for 3mil?

    me: come on Nathan.

    Nathan: you did not win 3.3 million.

    me: oh! okay then! thanks!

    me: i guess that answers it.

    Nathan: If you had've, both Microgaming and the Gaming Commission would have phoned us up immediately, and you'd probably be on a flight to sydney right now to collect an oversized novelty cheque.

    me: omg

    Nathan: Unfortunately you just weren't lucky this time:(

    Nathan: But Playcheck is the last word on these issues.

    me: How did Error 10 - which DOES NOT EXIST - occur whilst I was spinning?

    me: and no one wants to respond to my emails / screenshots. how come?

    Nathan: It does exist- it's a casino error and I'll speak to the operator you spoke with earlier.

    Nathan: It's really not that alarming. The spin did complete, just not on your end.

    Nathan: Thus, you can access the results of such spins in playcheck.

    me: it's a casino error I haven't ever seen in 2000 hours of play - that's 2000 x 60 x 60 seconds = 7 million seconds

    me: and it just so happens to occur for the first time ever at that moment?

    Nathan: you did not win 3.3 million. Our systems are very reliable so you won't encounter casino error messages often, but on occaision you will. Probabilities are not linked.

    me: Can you please cut / paste all the info you have there re: Error 10

    me: the technical information

    Nathan: sec

    Nathan: "We have a Casino error, please try again later."

    Nathan: This error refers to not being able to connect with the casino server, either being unable to connect, or lossing connection

    Nathan: In the event of an unknown error, the player should disconnect from the casino, and attempt to re-connect.

    me: i never lost connection

    Nathan: Tadaa

    me: i was connected the entire time whilst i was taking the screenshot

    Nathan: No, but that doesn't mean your ISP didn't have a blip with the casino servers- your data goes through a lot of points enroute from Bangkok to Montreal-

    me: i was DUMPED from the game

    me: yes and it has done so for 7 million seconds without my ever seeing this error

    me: and why do I have this feeling I'll never see it again?

    Nathan: It was most likely a connection interruption somewhere between Bangkok and Montreal- could've only been a nano second, but the play DID play out and can be accessed on playcheck.

    me: Can you please cut / paste all the info you have there re: Error 10

    Nathan: It's a general error, and no.

    me: Sorry?

    Nathan: At the end of the day

    Nathan: the result of that spin is on Playcheck which is the legal last word in the matter-

    me: You can't give me more information on Error 10?

    Nathan: Secondly, I'm not able to give out in house technical information- that's why I gave you the general synopsis only

    me: you said it was routine though?

    Nathan: It would be like asking me to give out the formula by which we calculate comps- somethings are sensitive and not public.

    me: so Error 10 is sensitive?

    Nathan: You've been given all the information you need as well as how to find the legal record of that spin.

    Nathan: And no, it is not sensitive

    Nathan: However

    Nathan: I'm not able to give out in house technical information. Which is standard practice for any business.

    Nathan: You've received the general synopsis, and how to resolve the issue. [Chat continued in post below due to character limits / post]

  5. Prologue: I estimate I have logged about 1500-2000 hours of game time at Microgaming online casinos [thousands more at Prima poker rooms, but not sure that's relevant to the issue at hand].


    Incident: A couple weeks ago I was playing Mega Moolah Isis Progressive on Max Coin / Lines at Casino Classic [CasinoRewards]. As anyone who plays the MGV Progressive would already be aware, the Jackpot spins occur [ostensibly] randomly. And they are not common. I mean, I burned through over $1000 at $6.25 on Mega Moolah without seeing a single one.


    The Progressive Jackpot wheel is obviously Weighted but it looks like this:




    I think it spins for roughly 5-10 seconds.


    So the Wheel popped up, and I pressed Spin and it was spinning. At which point, something I'd never seen in 7,000,000 seconds whilst playing on Microgaming casinos occurred during that 5-10 seconds where I was spinning for $3.3million:




    The game had just been killed and I was in the lobby looking at that error message. I was not disconnected from Casino Classic or any of the dozen applications connected to the Internet.


    When I went back to my game, I see this:




    I've seen that particular Jackpot 'win' on all 7 of my Mega Moolah spins lifetime. This was the only time I was concerned to see I'd 'won' ~$10.


    I kept playing for a little bit but then decided I was too uncomfortable with what had happened to continue so I jumped on Live Chat. If I was concerned before, you can imagine how I felt after chatting to CS:


    What this chat doesn't show is the 40min or so duration of it. There were very long pauses before I was given answers.


    Please enter your FIRST NAME in the line next to the OK button and then press the OK button. An operator will be with you shortly.

    You are now chatting with Anne-Sophie.

    Anne-Sophie: Hi ! Welcome to the Rewards Loyalty Team, how are you doing?

    you: hi Anne-Sophie

    you: May I call you simply Anne?

    you: I shall take that as a No - I do apologise

    Anne-Sophie: How can I help you today? :)

    you: I am doing good but tempered with concern

    you: what causes a "casino error" non-disconnect?

    you: simply game shuts down and I'm in the lobby with a message that says "we have a casino error"

    Anne-Sophie: Do you have any error number?

    you: um let me check

    you: Error 10

    Anne-Sophie: one moment please

    Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Sandra'.

    You are now chatting with Sandra.

    you: Evening Ma'am.

    Sandra: good evening

    you: ? scuter: My question mark here was after waiting for 5-10min of silence.

    you: Were you briefed at all before I transferred across?

    Sandra: yes I read the above conversation

    Sandra: Just a moment please

    Sandra: Please double check because the error 10 doesn't exist. You must have missed a number

    you: That...is concerning.

    you: nope. I have error 10

    you: but now I'm REALLY concerned.

    Sandra: You will have to write an email to our Risk Management Department since the support team is not aware of this error. Please write an email to the following address :

    Sandra: [email protected] in order to get advices.

    Sandra: Unfortunately we cannot help you further regarding this issue here on the chat.

    you: okay. i guess. if there is a factor in this that makes it maybe an emergency do you have an emergency risk team?

    you: that is ready like now. and not contactable via email?

    Sandra: Sorry they can only be contacted via email

    you: Okay. I shall tell you why I'm concerned to see if I have a reason to be or not

    you: I'm playing max coin on Isis $3,000,000 plus Jackpot game

    you: i go to the Jackpot spin.

    you: they're not exactly...um they're a bit rare if you play the game you'd know

    you: the wheel is spinning

    you: the game is dumped

    you: and I have a casino Error that you say doesn't exist

    you: i reload the game and I've apparently won $10.

    you: would you be concerned? in my position?

    Sandra: Explained it in your email addressed to Risk Management , please. Unfortunately the LiveChat support cannot help you further regarding this issue.

    Sandra: Thank you.

    you: right. thank you!

    you: is there a way I can save this chat pls?

    Sandra: Yes you can always copy and past on a word document ( ctr+C and ctr+V)

    you: That's not exactly saving it. i could write anything in a word doc

    you: there is no other way?

    Sandra: No I regret. Why would you change this chat conversation ? Sorry I don't understand you intention....

    you: It's not about me :)

    Sandra: ??

    you: It's about record-keeping.

    you: sigh

    you: never mind Sandra...thanks for your assistance.

    you: have a good day

    Sandra: Well there is no other way, sorry :-(


    Of course I immediately wrote a concise summary of the incident including screenshots and emailed [email protected] with a request for urgent response.


    The email was sent June 11, 2010. 16 days ago. To this moment, no one has replied to that email or attempted to contact me in regards to my concerns over the incident.

  6. Account deleted! Try to login with you another account and let me know is your problem resolved now?


    It's an interesting bug. If I go to http://www.askgamblers.com I can't login. When I click on Forum or New Posts tabs, it auto-logs me in as scuter [great].


    But from there, if I click on Complaints or anywhere outside of the forum, it logs me out and won't accept my [correct] login details:




    But then if I click on Forum again, I'm auto-logged back in again! :blink:

  7. I think England are following suit France, a bunch of super star players who doesn't know what the word "team" means...this is more and more wanting me to start vouching for an underdog...at least the smaller countries show a "togetherness"


    I do love the jokes flying around - you heard this one yet?


    The England team visited an orphanage in Cape Town today. "It's heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope" said Jamal, aged 6.
  8. Scuter,


    it should be some problems with your computer since everything is working proper in all browsers, especially Chrome which I'm personally use at least 4 months.


    I can delete your old account with username "HowCanYouSleepAtNight" so, probably you'll be able to login with a new one. Let me know.


    Oh yes pls delete that account. It was just a silly impulse account to criticise Virtual casinos :)


    I imagine that could solve my self-caused problems...

  9. TNormally, we cannot change our reviews just considering one player's experience. We'll keep monitoring them all and eventually move them on-off the Recommended list.


    That's not only reasonable / understandable but clearly optimal. As long as players are allowed to share their experiences, anyone can then come along and make up their own opinions based on the various anecdotal evidence.


    And we all know individuals [and I am not immune by any means] can over-react or use emotive language or misunderstand / misrepresent a situation at any time. I mean, Casino Rewards aren't in my 'good books' yet - they have a long way to go - but yesterday they sent me the first honest, non-insulting response to my valid concerns in maybe 60 emails back and forth. It's amazing how just one honest, respectful email can swing my mood from "ROGUE ROGUE ROGUE" to something more like "well they're quite out of line but the word 'rogue' is clearly not called for just yet". :o


    Please check again other browsers, and if you agree, I can delete your another account if it's causes a troubles.


    I think it's because I am so in love with Chrome I forget to try other browsers - but will make a note to definitely try IE and FF before attempting to convince the world to join me in the Google Cult of Awesome B)

  10. Hi everyone, my name is Jonny. I was once a very talented high-stakes poker player but those days are long gone. I am happy to help out with poker advice on occasion if requested, but I rather enjoy Slot Tournaments these days and discussion of anything really - I'm quite opinionated and will often argue an opposing position to my own just for the learning experience etc...


    Lately, I've mostly been playing at CW Casinos after being burned badly by some - sigh - casinos that don't really subscribe to the whole "paying out winnings" concept. So CWC currently has my play for that reason with my favourite slots being Red Sands, Goldbeard and Outta This World.


    Also I been playing some NetEnt lately - favourite slots are Champion of the Track, Gonzo's Quest and Dead or Alive :)

  11. Wow I must have been pretty drunk on that day - oh it was my birthday I see...


    Not that the problems weren't genuine - I have all the same problems now, but I think it's an issue that is largely my fault perhaps...but also because I prefer to use Chrome.


    My fault reason: I have a confession to make which you guys might already be aware of :) - ages ago, I was searching for something else and saw AskGamblers for the first time. I saw a Virtual casino review raving about how great it was. I was so incensed [with a Virtual casino happening to owe me thousands for 5 months at the time], that I created an account purely to comment - my account name was "HowCanYouSleepAtNight" :)


    Fast forward to now, and Marty Davis got me paid super fast - and not only have Virtual improved a *little* bit, more importantly it was explained to me the reviews were quite outdated and they were quickly updated to be more balanced which impressed me no end. So here I am to contribute with a normal account - but no matter how many cookies I delete, do you guys use some "deep cookies" or something, cause my old "HowCanYouSleepAtNight" account pops up on occasion.




    Also, have you guys not yet embraced the pure delight that is Google Chrome yet?


    I assure you that it is the Jessica Alba of Internet browsers. I swear this! It's absolutely unbelievably better than Firefox [2nd best] and it makes IE look like Roseanne Arnold. True story.


    Just this year, Chrome has shot up from 11% to 16% of total market share. If it's not at 30% by end of this year, and the leading browser by end 2011, I'll eat my hat.


    And when the Chrome OS is released....well, it will be game over for the rest. Surely.


    Cliffnotes: Please make AskGamblers Chrome-friendly? :)

  12. As a purely objective gambler, I just want to throw in my $2 [my opinions are worth more than sense :) ] that Villento and RichReels are two great MG casinos. Right up there on the top shelf as far as MG casinos go.


    MGs on the top shelf are:


    32Red, Dash, NedPlay, Golden Lounge [all same group]

    Red Flush, LaVida [same group]

    Villento, Rich Reels [same group]


    Sitting on the middle shelf are:


    Jackpot Factory [All Slots, All Jackpots et al]

    Grand Mondial, Casino Share [same group]

    Gnuf, Betway [same group]

    Fortune Lounge [tentatively - could move to bottom shelf with any shenanigans]

    Vegas Partner Lounge [lots of casinos - tentatively - could move to bottom shelf with shenanigans]


    The bottom shelf holds:


    Casino Rewards [lots of casinos, crappy shoddy scamming group trying to pretend they aren't]


    The garbage bin holds:


    Spin Palace, Cabaret Club, Piggs, Roxy Palace etc [The Palace Group - ROGUE ROGUE SCAMMERS THIEVES LIARS SCUM - these guys are everything that sucks about this industry - they are worse than Virtual]

  13. I am here to support AskGamblers.com - not to cause trouble. However:


    Most trusted casinos reviewed by our experts and sorted by specialized rating system. AskGamblers monitors and certifies the reliability and fairness of each casino software, bonus requirements, excellence in customer service and many other things.


    If the team at AskGamblers wants me to provide evidence of the comments regarding the Recommended Casinos I criticise above as Rogue or Thieves, obviously I have that evidence to back up my allegations.


    The fact is some of those casinos [spin Palace in particular - are pure thieves, they should not be on a Recommended List].


    Also Casino Rewards have just scammed me for the 3rd time and I told them yesterday that was the final time I would allow them to insult me whilst defrauding me. I have all the evidence to support these allegations, of course.




    Further to that, I've attempted to submit a Complaint or two [not really because I think I'll get my money back but more to educate other gamblers and force the casinos to respond to the evidence I have of their theft] - but after submitting twice, the page just refreshed and the Complaint was not listed. Am I doing something wrong?

  14. If this is a genuine question, I can provide you with quality [unbiased] advice. I have played at most online casinos in the world at some point. Of the Recommended Casinos on AskGamblers.com...I'll split them up into "Should be OK" / "Tread with Caution" / "I wouldn't play there!" and "No opinion" [for ones I've never played at]


    Should be OK



    All Star Slots [ClubWorld group - good people - kinda]

    Aladdins Gold [ClubWorld]

    Manhattan Slots [ClubWorld]

    Club USA [ClubWorld]

    Lucky Red [ClubWorld]

    High Noon [ClubWorld - I haven't yet played but looking forward to it's launch]

    Sloto Cash

    Crazy Vegas

    Mansion Casino

    Golden Riviera [Vegas Partner Lounge has a bad rep but they make some other groups look very pedestrian]

    Aspinalls [Vegas Partner Lounge]

    777 Dragon [Vegas Partner Lounge]

    Maple Casino [Vegas Partner Lounge]

    Sun Vegas [Vegas Partner Lounge]

    Cinema Casino [Vegas Partner Lounge]

    River Nile [Vegas Partner Lounge - AG have them listed incorrectly as part of another group I think]

    Casino US [haven't played here but they are Vegas Partner Lounge apparently]

    Lucky Club Slots [Jackpot Capital have a good rep]

    Betsson Casino [NetEnt with good rep]


    William Hill [very well respected Playtech casino]

    Bodog Casino [you won't get ripped off here - very safe]

    Expekt Casino [good people at Expekt]

    Unibet [very safe]

    PKR Casino [very safe Playtech]

    Party Casino [very safe, part of huge publicly traded company on LSE: PRTY]

    Carlos Place [very cool little NetEnt with cool functionality - I've never cashed out though so..]

    All Slots Casino [Jackpot Factory - good group]

    All Jackpots [Jackpot Factory]

    Red Flush [very good casino - professional, top notch]

    PAF [good NetEnt]

    PaddyPower [backed by big sportsbook]

    ChiliCasino [good NetEnt - caveat: I am a poker affiliate for ChiliPoker - big company]

    Casino Euro

    Betfair Casino [huge Playtech download casino, Chartwell instant play]



    Tread with Caution


    Winner Casino


    Golden Tiger [Casino Rewards are slowly going rogue]

    Music Hall [Casino Rewards]

    Aztec Riches [Casino Rewards]

    Yukon Gold [Casino Rewards]

    Zodiac [Casino Rewards]

    Golden Reef [Casino Rewards- AskGamblers has them listed Casino Action, mistake I think]

    Nostalgia [Casino Rewards - AskGamblers has them listed Casino Action, mistake I think]

    Casino Classic [Casino Rewards]

    UK Casino Club [Casino Rewards - the worst of a shoddy group]

    Lucky Emperor [Casino Rewards]

    Casino Kingdom [Casino Rewards - AskGamblers has them listed as NetInternational, mistake?]

    Virtual City [Casino Rewards, AG has them listed as Virtual City, mistake?]

    Captain Cooks Casino [Casino Rewards, AG has them listed as another group]

    Blackjack Ballroom [Casino Rewards]

    Phoenician Casino [Casino Rewards - AG has them listed as other group]

    ChallengeCasino [Casino Rewards - AG has them listed as other group]

    Wannabet [played when they opened, they were inexperienced and unprofessional, but not rogue]


    I wouldn't play there!


    7Red [i signed up here but page kept refreshing - I backed away cautiously]

    Slots Jackpot [is Rival so be careful, pretty bad software provider - started promisingly :( ]

    Lion Slots [small Rival - risky]

    BlackLights [i think you'd have to have rocks in your head to play at a TopGame casino]

    Vegas Days [small Rival - risky]

    Lock Casino [unprofessional, shared private info of player with rogue 3rd parties like CasinoMeister - steer well clear]

    Spin Palace [The Palace Group - ROGUE ROGUE ROGUE - Do NOT PLAY HERE! - thieves]


    No opinion


    Chance Room

    Sexy Stars [my gut has a bad feeling about Sexy Stars but they licensed in Alderney]

    Win A Day

    Maria Casino [probably safe although NetEnt and Malta are no guarantee of squat]


    Strike It Lucky [iTS - never heard of them]

    Rockbet [Rival so...]

    Virgin Casino




    Wow that took me lot longer than I thought it would - hope it helps you make smart decisions where to play. gl

  15. There is absolutely no hurry with this first trial complaint - it's with a big casino and the complaint is very straight-forward. Just really more WOW what's going on?....than anything else.


    I emailed it through in case I'm too lazy later to figure out how to post it....again, absolutely no urgency with this one.

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