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Everything posted by Lucky13

  1. Here: http://www.askgamblers.com/software/real-time-gaming/ US players welcomed.
  2. Please abide by the following extremely reasonable AskGamblers Forum Rules if you intend to post in the forums.
  3. Duplicated content. Post removed.
  4. Hi guys, I want to announce that the VirtualGroup of casinos has been removed from our Blacklist today. The following casinos are affected: Cool Cat Casino, Club Player Casino, Palace of Chance, Wild Vegas, Cirrus Casino, Prism Casino, Slots of Vegas and VIP Lounge Casino. They've been there for the past three years and have received a lot of complaints from players due to slow payouts. However, their staff is now dedicating a lot of time to work hard with us to assure that each issue is resolved and each player is paid out. Besides the folks that have posted complaints, we have noticed that players in general really like these RTG casinos. Although some may still experience slow payouts, we have strong reason to believe everyone will eventually be paid. As such, we do not think that they deserve to be on this rogue list anymore. More info: http://www.askgamble...blacklist-n5501
  5. AskGamblers Annual Awards handed over last week in Dublin. This is our first official awarding and we hope that we will continue with this in future! More info and pictures from awards, you can see HERE.
  6. Enjoying new AskGamblers Forum!

  7. Hello folks! As you might noticed, we just launched new, improved Forum! All your information and topics remains same, we just have added new useful features and functionalities. Feel free to report all problems that might occurred due to recent update as well as to suggest new features that you would like to see here. I hope you will enjoy!
  8. Hi Ian, good point! Time zone (GMT) rule added now. It's definitely missed at the beginning. You don't have to be worried about payout, it will be paid in May circle. Since our fault is that wasn't mention before, we can pay you these few reviews now, but I'm afraid that it might cause confusion for further calculation and misunderstanding to other participants. No offense, you choose.
  9. Hello Guys, This thread can be used only for posting links to the reviews you have written and not arguing about what SEO is and why duplicated content can badly affect our ranking. If you have any misunderstanding, please PM me our moderators or send email to our support. Other people who would like to join us in this work, will get lost in your off topic discussion. Such a posts will be removed from this thread. Obviously, posting 10 identical reviews in one day can be considered as a cheating and it's equivalent to voting 10 times from different IP addresses, therefore it's clear and should not be especially mention in the rules. We have let you to post reviews immediately without human approval, but it doesn't mean they are not moderated by our staff and can be changed/censored/removed. As it's stated in my first post here, we want your personal opinions and experiences, and not just the bunch of identical content. I hope it's all clear and we can continue this great teamwork.
  10. Hello Alex, As long as your reviews are quality and based on your opinion, and not just a filler content to reach certain amount, you will be paid. Webmoney is not an option that we can support at the moment.
  11. Congrats klopklop! Well, since the goal is reached, this contest will be closed for now. You will be notified if/when we reopen it.
  12. Alex, why don't make a comment about GoWild Casino?
  13. Great Alex! We will fix the bug you have in EuroGrand review
  14. Hi Alex, You can write about your experience with New Dawn Casino in their review, and earn additional money. Read about it HERE.
  15. Pretty25, I've already explained previously, if you don't have enough posts to post a link, just change http:// into hxxp:// to cheat the forum and you should be able to do that. I will now explain it in my first post. Btw, please post here only comments above 300 words, yours have just above 100, and our moderators will not count them for the payout, so before posting, be sure to fulfill all requirements.
  16. Hello Kkarismaa, Until you reach 15 posts you are indeed not allowed to post links. You can do a little magic and post URL in format "hxxp://" instead of "http://". Btw, your review looks too general, everything is fine, everything is nice, no complaints.Try to give some specific details from your experience, rather than speaking in general.
  17. Ian, it's actually much more than we expected! Congrats on this!
  18. Congrats Galfaroth. Downloaded, I like it so far!
  19. David, you can write and earn, but you can advertise here.
  20. Hi Cheryl, I would love to see some of your reviews!
  21. Hi Ingrid, Welcome to AskGamblers forums. It's not a gambling as long as you don't deposit real money and not take a risk to lose anything.
  22. Hi Anya, Where do you want it to play? There are many poker rooms that are offering sit'n'go tournaments. Find more poker rooms HERE.
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