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Everything posted by brassnuts

  1. Morning, Monday has come and gone and another myriad of excuses along with it but still no payment... That said, apparently I will get paid today. I'll keep you posted.
  2. Ye I did and it was accepted etc. I just can't find it
  3. Soooo, Chipstars contacted me via WhatsApp today and they will be sending the money some time before Monday so I am told. I will update once it's received. Btw I cannot see the complaint thread anywhere. Do I need to put VPN back on to see it? i.e. is it region locked?
  4. Good news. It was rejected by mistake, apparently. I've just resubmitted it again.
  5. I forgot to save what I wrote... Even after reminding myself 10 times. It was similar to what I wrote last time i.e. they have been delaying and delaying in between long periods of them not communicating. This time however, I added the fact that their most recent request is completely impossible to provide. It seems AG just think I wrote the same thing again which I absolutely did not. This is what they said I have sent an email to AG mentioning everything I mention here. Perhaps they will understand once they read that.
  6. Complaint rejected based on it being a repeat complaint... This is crazy considering how clear it is that this company is attempting to scam me. Chipstars do not even reply to me anymore. What on earth am I supposed to do?
  7. Morning Coco, Chipstars haven't replied for a week again even tho I've sent them an email every single day. So, I've resubmitted a complaint. Please God I hope they accept it!
  8. So shall I submit an entirely new complaint tomorrow? Btw, Chipstars haven't replied since I sent the last batch of bank statements 4 days ago.
  9. They want and I quote: I have sent them a screenshot of how I funded my crypto wallet which I already felt uncomfortable with. However, they rejected it because they want 'all the data and names for my crypto transactions'. That is impossible to provide just because of the nature of crypto, and they are aware of that and just trying to scam me. I did send them 3 months of bank statements.
  10. Apart from all of the screenshots I wrote this along with it, which I did save.
  11. I didnt save it because it was mostly screenshots of emails. The complaint contained every email i've exchanged with Chipstars. I was hoping that would be enough because you can clearly see from those emails how bizarre, and impossible, their demands are becoming.
  12. In a shock twist, AG rejected the complaint because the casino can request any verification they want, be it impossible to provide or not. That is outrageous and it seems like Chipstars may have worked the system leaving AG in a position of being effectively useless.
  13. Another player here going through something very similar. They asked for a notarized document then claim that he violated the rules. The player even went as far as getting documents notarized just for them to tell him it was all in vain. https://casino.guru/chipstars-casino-player-s-winnings-are-confiscated
  14. My complaint still hasn't been approved, fwiw.
  15. I noticed they had resolved most of the previous claims against them by AG members so there's still hope, i think....
  16. I've submitted the complaint but it's yet to be approved. While I have showed them how I funded my crypto wallet, which they did not accept, i do not understand even slightly why it's relevant to them. Every player who plays on their site has to deposit with crpyto. Do you think they check all of this ***** every time? Absolutely not. It's got nothing to do with anything. Btw, it's about the 5th reason they've come up with not to pay out, so far. It's just something new every time. Clearly just delaying hoping that I give up.
  17. Also, it's not like they're trying to hide they accept UK players. Here is one of their most recent emails to me.
  18. But surely if they pay me then all this goes away and nothing happens to them. They are causing a stir and will get found out going this route.
  19. I think what is happening is that they are going to try and claim I am money laundering simply because I won. I have no idea what reason they will come up with for that because all I did was one deposit via crypto, just like every other customer who uses their platform. That is it. How that could ever end up in a money laundering accusation I have no idea but we'll see what garbage they can come up with.
  20. Btw I have offered multiple times to Skype with them so they can finally get this nightmare over with. I have never had even a response about it. Imo you should give Chipstars a completely different review. They are nothing but scammers.
  21. They have now replied, just asking the exact same thing they asked a couple of weeks ago. I have now sent them months worth of bank statements, once again. Perhaps, as if by magic, they will approve of that. My crypto account was funded by winnings from another site, which I've shown them. This is all just obviously another delay tactic. Anyway, here's what they wrote:
  22. They actually replied to me today! Fingers crossed this equates to something. 'We are contacting you regarding your withdrawals.We see that your withdrawals have been pending for a long time.We will send a request to the financial department to check what exactly is happening with your withdrawal request, don't worry, we will check everything and when we have new information we will contact you by email.Thanks for your understanding!Sincerely,Ana TaylorSUPPORT AGENT'
  23. I'm just writing that complaint up now using a vpn. I tried a Dutch VPN and that did not work, so far. EDIT: USA works fine, tho.
  24. Morning, I've been away hiking for almost a week so haven't been able to follow up much over here, however, I have been emailing Chipstars and they are not even replying to me again. It's been 8 days since any reply.
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