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  1. Just to give an update...still no response or refund. I managed to get through to someone on online chat again yesterday who first said that .. The security team were waiting to be sent a bank statement (which I've already sent twice), so i sent that again. Then he said it was still being investigated by the relevant department and that this will take some time as they cant return the funds to my daughters bank account and they have to make sure 'the procedures' were being met and they would get back to me when 'progress had been made'. Then when I argued against this he understood and escalated my complaint to 'the relevant department' who would review my case and gave me a complaint reference number . When I said that I already made a complaint on 1st September he said he was ending the chat as he was not authorised to continue with it. I went through the list of Casumo employees on LinkedIn last night and emailed about 15 of them directly, not one of them has responded.
  2. If the refund ever does come through, I might keep it for myself as compensation for the inconvenience and time I've wasted trying to sort it all out . Either way she isn't keeping it in her account...its money she has been saving towards her car insurance when she passes her test so she can transfer me the money until she can be trusted. I'm not really expecting too much from the Barclays complaint, I just submitted the complaint just to express my annoyance with the whole situation more than anything.
  3. Not sure when the refund or response will come, but its a step in the right direction. Thank you everybody for your help and advice over the last few days, it is much appreciated. I've made an official complaint to Barclays too, so now its just the idiot teenager to deal with
  4. Sorry...it wouldn't let me screenshot as I'd contacted them in an incognito window so I copied and pasted onto word. But yes she said the following: V Thanks, one moment while I have a look Hello? V It appears that our security team has made the decision to close your account at Casumo permanently. We will also refund all the deposits made to Casumo 9:29 pm Please can you advise when the refund will be made and when someone is going to respond to my complaint ? Complaints are handled as soon as possible, but I will contact the relevant team about it now as well. V One moment while I check if we need any documents for the refund When will the refund be processed please? I have already sent all required documents last week V I've forwarded this to the relevant team now and they will get back to you via email as soon as possible
  5. I have just managed to get hold of them on live chat:
  6. its Barclays bank. I have an update of sorts. [email protected] sent an email this morning to the email address that she set the account up with (not my email address that I originally sent the complaint with and have been trying to contact them with) saying the following: Hi there, Hope this e-mail finds you well today! It seems our verification team has requested a couple of documents from you. Kindly send over the following: Picture of your ID: We accept one of the following photo IDs: Passports, driving licences, National ID. Selfie: A photo of yourself holding your ID next to your face where we can clearly see your face and the details on the document. Proof of address: A council tax bill, utility bill, bank statement or government issued letter, showing your full name, address and issue date, that is no older than 6 months. Bank statement showing your full name, account number and at least one deposit to Casumo. Birth certificate. Photo of Visa ending in *9038, front and back, showing the first 6 digits and last 4 digits, full name and expiry date. Let us know if you have any questions and we'll happily help you out. All the best, Mia I had already sent them a copy of everything they have asked for above in my original complaint, however i have replied to this email and sent it again. No reply as of yet but I will keep you posted.
  7. To be honest I had never heard of Casumo before last week so I can't personally comment on what they used to be like before vs now but I've been doing some research on the over the past week and it does seem like their reputation used to be a lot better than it is now, even the reviews from their staff on glassdoor.com used to be all 5 star and are now generally 1 star reviews, this is the most recent one
  8. Just after i posted my last response I opened a new incognito browser window and attempted to contact them by live chat again using a fake email address and said I was having problems depositing and an agent called Martin responded to me within 1 minute asking what the problem was and how he could help, I then replied stating who I really was and why I was contacted them and they havent responded since, that was 2 hours ago. So I think they are definitely seeing the messages, but just choosing to ignore them.
  9. I'm surprised that the bank allowed the transactions to go through as she is under 18, but apparently gambling transactions are only blocked by default on children's accounts and she upgraded her account last year to a classic account so that she could have a contactless debit card. I've emailed [email protected] and requested a SAR. I even emailed Reading FC last week as Casumo sponsor them, I know it has nothing to do with them at all, however i was just hoping they could provide some contact details for someone at Casumo that would actually respond. They were really helpful to be fair and their head of partners responded to me whilst he was on holiday and said that he had contacted his contacts and was advised by them that someone would be in touch with me and to let him know if that didn't happen. This was on Wednesday and nobody has contacted me yet, however i don't want to keep disturbing the Reading FC man whilst he is on holiday so will give it until the end of tomorrow until I go back to him.
  10. Thanks for replying, I will submit a complaint here and send them a SAR too.
  11. Hello, I'm looking for some advice if possible? Earlier this week I found my daughters bank statement stuffed down the side of her bed and saw £620 worth of card payments made to 'Casumo Malta' in lots of separate transactions of £10 and £20 between 31st July and 3rd August. My daughter is 17, she turns 18 at the end of the month. She has registered for an account at Casumo on 31st July, using: *My first name *Her own surname (we have different surnames) *Her own address (which is also my address) *A made up date of birth that doesn't belong to anybody living at our address. *Her own debit card from her own bank account She is in a world of trouble, but putting that aside for a moment, I dont understand how she was able to create the account and deposit all this money. She was never asked to provide any documents verifying her ID, address or her age, and she wouldn't have been able to even if she had been asked, as her ID wouldn't have matched the details that she used to register. Their terms and conditions state that they use technical partners to verify identity and age, however the details that she gave do not match a real person, so I don't understand how these checks were passed. I emailed Casumo on Tuesday stating all of the above and also asked them to permanently delete the account, but i have received no response at all. I also sent a copy of her passport, a picture of her holding her passport, her birth certificate, my passport, a picture of me holding my passport, a pic of the front and back of her debit card and a picture of her bank statement. I've also attempted to contact them on live every day since Tuesday and nobody is responding at all, I just keep getting a message that somebody normally replies within 20 minutes, however its now been 4 days and nobody has acknowledged or replied to any messages. They have obviously seen my email or messages because if you now try and log into the account the following message comes up "We've paused your account for security reasons. Contact us and we'll get it up and running again.' I have emailed the UK Gambling Commission and received and automated acknowledgement, but no actual response yet Does anybody have any suggestions for how I can actually speak to somebody at Casumo about this and get them to reply? Any advise anybody can give at all would be much appreciated.
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