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Eug3dertted's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. People usually think that they will "fit in" by using The F... word more often instead of being those that doesn't, and stand their point of not using it just because is non sense. There's always a better word to replace the F word instead, even when you're mad.
  2. HAving to wait that long for that amount is nonsense tbh. Maybe they do it with the intention to attract people who dont gambling that much, just to try. These kind of people aren't used to read terms and conditions and don't deposit big ammounts neither. It's still a bad strategy because at the end people feel cheated, don't recomend the casino and even trash talk about it, which is worst and completely natural with this situation.
  3. There's many online casinos out there that are safe to play, you just need to look at their license or read their Terms and conditions to be sure. Also, reviews from other players come handy, so is just about finding the right one for you with great bonuses
  4. Great post! Its always better to read the terms and conditions, but many of us skip some parts hehe, this post showed me some variants I didn't know about.
  5. What do you mean by a secret ingredient casino ?
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