Recently I noticed that when a casino accepts deposit by credit card, there may be two different ways of processing that a player had better be aware of in advance. And that is: some casinos issue a simple request to your bank for a credit payment, while others ask to your bank a cash advance from your credit account. The difference may be more or less important according to each person's situation, because a cash advance implies not only 2.5% of commission, but also a consequent high rate interest on the amount of cash involved, while a credit payment has none of that and offers just all conveniences of a credit card in its basic meaning. The worst side of this is that casinos usually don't explane clearly in which way they will process your deposit by credit card (don't expect the support members of a casino to clarify this point at live chat, because they will all confirm that the request will be issued for credit payment, not cash advance). So you may end up having to pay some money to your bank because of commission and interest without being aware of it in advance! I myself have so far made deposits at various online casinos with credit card and it has always been processed as a simple credit payment. In my case, I have always had an agreement with my bank not to accept any request of cash advance, because I know I will never use my credit card for that. Thanks to that, when my bank recently blocked requests for my deposits from three new casinos where I signed up, I came to notice the other way of processing by calling my bank. I hope this information may be helpful for some of you.