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  1. Ok I’m hoping someone can help me out here please! Without going into to much details, I’m having issues with NetEnt, Red Tiger and some microgaming games. I recently gave up my wireless ISP (which was a mobile account using a ZTE hub) never had any issues with these game providers when I was with my ISP but now I’m solely on my cell data and about 2 weeks into and only cell connection using my iPhone as a hotspot for my iPad I all the sudden can’t play all the game providers I mentioned . I’m in Ontario Canada but for some reason when I load the NetEnt games it’s a saying I’m restricted from playing in Quebec. My ip shows my actual location in Ontario when I google it tho. The Red tiger games just don’t load at all anymore and certain microgaming games give an error. Also when I did have my mobile isp I could play evolution games on that connection but never on my iPhone connection. I’ve called my cell provider and spoke to live chat on about 4 didn't casinos but no one can tell me why this has all the sudden happened. anyone know, had this experience and can help me resolve? It’s greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. I don’t come to the forums, it’s my first time so I don’t know the abbreviations. I have been gambling online for about 10-12 years now I guess, maybe that’s not seasoned enough. Anyways with very few issues. Most sites just want to give you a hard time when it comes to taking out your money. I have filed complaints in the past because things just get pretty stupid for such a small amount of money. Generally research the sites before I sign up . I didn’t read anyone complain about such an excessive requirement so my bad I signed up and now I will comply, at least if it had of been more than a small amount im pulling out it would be worth it! At this point it’s just been a hassle and turned me off the site !
  3. KYC? Sorry I don’t know what that means! I’ve deposited just under $1000 since mid September 2019 and finally I’m getting a $200 cashout, that alone is reason enough to close my account ! Yes first time giving my documents had no reason to before. Shouldn’t be this difficult, but there a very few online casinos that don’t try and find a way to not pay, stall or give a hassle ! I’ve taken note of your casino mentioned and will avoid! Thing is I’m pretty good at using AG site for information, ratings and reviews for researching any new casino I plan to sign up to and I’ve never read on any casino reviews about being asked for a selfie and home made sign. That’s a hard pass for me, I wouldn’t have wasted my money! Apparently I’m not the only one!
  4. The casino requesting a homemade selfie sign is Wildtornado . It’s extreme and ridiculous, especially for $200. and when I told them so the reply was “Do nor worry, it is a standard procedure and it complies with our rules.” WOW NEVER heard tell of that before....anyone else? also I was told in an email that my documents will be verified in an hour and it’s been 16hrs AGAIN it’s $200 cash out and mostly as a test to see how easy or in this case ridiculous and difficult to actually get my winnings. I won over 30K on ANOTHER the site and they never batted an eye. I was already verified and had only about 6 months game play at the time. I BELIEVE There is not another casino online that wouldn’t give me tons of hassle to pull out that kinda money. So if $200 requires a selfie among all the other documents I imagin Wildtornado would want a blood and urine sample for a big jackpot win! I can only post 1 message so in reply to the person whom had their bet lowered as “standard system check” or whatever it was,,,,, close your account. It happened to me, was playing small bets and slowly increasing to $1,$2,$3 and had a few good hits took out about $1500 over a few days then went to,play my usual games to find out they forced me to play a max of .10 yep ten cents. I said ***** you Jack and closed my account! Oddly enough AG had them blacklisted right around then and It wasn’t me who made the complaint!
  5. I like to think of myself as rather seasoned gambler, I have gone through a lot of verification processes on a lot of sites and and have even won a substantial progressive jackpot but only in my Adult camming Days have I ever been asked to provide a selfie with a homemade sign to include the casinos name the date while holding my picture ID! pretty extreme considering they have every piece of ID I own, and the withdraw is for a small $200! anyone else? Is this even legal?. I have signed up with many casinos based on the information I have received from ask gamblers and its ratings and feedback’s. However I have to say, In my opinion and experience the highest rated ones are not the best casinos Just saying! Thanks!
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