Before I write my question below I just want to say that I have never used this form of depositing (by adding the amount on to your mobile bill) nor do I agree with this method of depositing, In fact I think it is ridiculous that casinos even allow it for those who are vulnerable this method of depositing can just send them spiralling into debt..
But that's my rant over and this is what I wanted to say:
So, I was scrolling through some terms and conditions of a casino last night when I came across this particular one:
I have no idea if this is a standard terms for this deposit method since I've never used it however there could be other reasons a bill isn't paid, right? Innocent reasons I mean, not just that the person hasn't paid it? So then that person could risk have winnings forfeited I assume.
It's just such a risky way to deposit don't you all think?