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Everything posted by madmonkeyfun

  1. Quick update, my money went in on yesterday morning, £230 back, those that have replied back to the emails, they are getting through them, mine took about 3 weeks to process from the first email to getting the payment
  2. F1l1z they are taking a long time to catch up, they will get there though, do you know which casino the accounts were from? if so maybe you could contact the relevant ones and ask them what the deposits were and then at least you would have a rough idea,
  3. I got 2 emails today confirming a payout of £230 which is good, I was hoping it was more, but I should be happy to get that back, hopefully, it should be in by the weekend, I will keep you all updated.
  4. I think that there have been a few others that have also received their refunds back as well cocopop3011, which is always good news
  5. Thanks, F1l1z I sent my original email on the 1st of June, with my details on there, I also sent follow up emails every 3 days, but never heard anything back, I then sent them 3 new emails to different addresses on them, with all of my details on there on the 16th and I have now just heard back from them, so in total including the weekend it took about 4 days.
  6. Finally had a response from cassava, they have processed my refund and it should be in my bank in 5-7 days
  7. poppysmu83, that's really good news, good luck with it and enjoy it,
  8. Richdun66, send them a new email with your details including the incident number and ask them in the email to send a reply to you to confirm receipt, send the emails to the addresses in my previous post and you should hear back from them, let me know how you get on
  9. Carey80, I sent loads of emails to them and heard nothing back, I then sent an email to bingosecurity, casinosecurity and operations all at cassava dot net (can't post links so replace the dot with a .)and asked for them to reply back with automated confirmation emails just so that I knew that the emails had been received by them, less than an hour later I had 3 automatic emails in my inbox. hopefully, I should hear back in the next few days, I was advised that it could take up to 5 business days to respond, and that was received on Friday 16th June, that's my only contact with them.
  10. That's good news, at least you have had an email saying that they are processing the refund, judging by a couple of people on here that have had refunds they do seem to pay out on time, I imagine that it should go in tonight for tomorrow,
  11. I know what you mean I was constantly checking my bank account, from my understanding on here, they will send you an email first to confirm the amount and that they are processing the refund and when to expect it into your bank
  12. Hi poppysmu83, I have done the same, called them and confirmed its real, several people have already received their refunds, which is a good thing, have you had a confirmation email from Cassava that they have received your details?
  13. poppsmu83 they are struggling to keep up with the refunds at the moment, have you had any reply from them at all? if not just send them a new email to the email address that they sent you the original email from, I would start it as a new email, include the incident number along with your details and they should reply to you. F1l1z they are still experiencing long delays, I have been waiting since the 1st for a reply, I sent them a new email including my incident number and received an automated reply, which means that they have at least received my details, I called them and my case was apparently escalated, but I still have not heard anything from the original emails, as I said if you send them an email and ask for a reply to confirm that they have received it, at least then you will be able to relax a bit, generally though it's a case of playing the waiting game I'm afraid
  14. Nice one, I'm not sure what mine will be, hopefully it will be a good amount, did you send them your bank details jzah, I hope it doesn't go into a different one as they are no longer active
  15. quick update, sent 3 emails all saying the same thing and actually managed to get a reply to all 3, not sure what's going on there. surprised to say the least, hopefully now they will be able to give me an update a bit quicker
  16. I know Jzah I am trying to be positive about it, Might just try to send a general email to them and see if that generates a reply,
  17. I've heard nothing back at all, despite sending 5 emails to bingo security and operations at cassava neither one have replied even with an automated email, I have also called a couple of different casinos to try and see if I can get a number to call them on, but still nothing, I get told that the casino will escalate this matter for me and I should hear back within 72 hours, and guess what nothing comes back, It's getting frustrating now, it would be nice to at lease receive an automated email to confirm that they have received at least one of my emails. Sorry for the rant, just needed to get it off my chest, if any of the mods know anyone at cassava that could look into this for me that would be great.
  18. Thanks Amyec25 I hope they do, I will keep this post updated, I am in the same position, I deposited across a few sites from Cassava/888 and was banned from them almost immediately, I guess it's just playing the waiting game to see what they will be refunding,
  19. That's good to hear Amyec25 I still haven't heard anything yet, do you mind me asking how much of a refund you got back? I was registered to several sites and hoping that they are doing full refunds of the deposits.
  20. Thank you for the update cobblers_3, guess I'm just being impatient, hopefully I will hear something soon,
  21. I agree carey80 I have since sent 5 emails and not one of them has received a response, not even an automated one
  22. I also had this email, but with no mention of any money to be refunded, I sent my details and have not heard anything, for the people that have not had emails back from Cassava, have you received any payments yet?
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