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    Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii
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mdwoodfall's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



About Me

I live in Alaska, Nevada, and Hawaii. I know, that speaks volumes about me. It just worked out that way as I have little fledgling businesses in each local. (clients) Nevada is the most recent addition as it was primarily added because its warm and much closer to commute from Alaska in the winter then Hawaii when I only have a week or two. Plus, it's VEGAS!

I spend most winters in the northern most section of Alaska in the Arctic Circle in remote oil/gas exploration camps for BP, or Exxon/Mobile.

I have been exploring on-line casino's for about a year. I must say that most have work to do in the management/customer service area. Perhaps, unlike Vegas, they don't see you face-to-face, ergo, they take advantage. It's a shame because they use the logistics of separation (different countries), as an excuse to slow roll, or no pay out, without constant vigilance. In today’s electronic age there simply is no excuse, or legit reason they could not pay-out within a few hours, once the verification is established.

Well, you know the saying about absolute control, or power, corrupting absolutely!

Prior to playing online, I mostly played Blackjack a half dozen times a year. I am what you could refer to as an "advantage player", but, the “myth" and TV movies are blown out of proportion, to actual day to day play. It requires extreme discipline and a childlike faith in the math. For me it’s a great hobby and I am the best I have ever encountered at it.

Frankly, if you can’t sip a beer and carry on a full conversation with pit-boss, dealer and waitress, you’re wasting your time. Oh, and for those who play blackjack on-line, have fun, but realize that no matter how many decks they say they are using, the cards are shuffled after each hand.... I repeat, the cards are shuffled after each hand. Period.


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