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Everything posted by lashun316

  1. I only recently got the on 1/11. I deposited the check and they held it for a day. Had the safe issues as usual with Canadian checks they always want to know what its for because the check doesn't look legit because they are unfamiliar with such checks. which is why i prefer Bankwire. I had this issue with Both Planet7 and Royal Oak casino checks. But they told me that they were having issues with sending Bankwires to Wells Fargo Banks and the banks rejecting the Bankwire. I had no issue with other casinos doing that.
  2. I have finally Been approved for my withdrawal that is $250 in Bank check although I did give them Bank wire details. I was approved today on 12/20 Requested on 12/08 so yeah 7 days. I thought I was going to have a delay due to them declining and re-requesting my withdrawals the same day due to me requesting through the wrong kind a bank and them emailing me to let me know to give them another bank to use with which I have had successful bank wires from planet 7 before. I just forgot that when I requested that the withdrawal that the Account I used was closed and transferred to a new account because of a Target Breach affecting my account. SO I was not sure if I could still receive Bank wires on that account during the 90 days temporary account that only accepts incoming transactions and not outgoing from that account.
  3. I have a withdrawal pending as well it was $500 but I played it down to $250 because I was kinda bored not being able to play. I got invited form Isabelle which was from Silver Oak casino. From what I understand so far Posh casino is a VIp Benefits casino that starts at the first level of VIp status and so on. I was VIp as Silver oak casino but I did play at PLanet 7 which I recently received a withdrawal from in Mid-Nov for $2700. I also play or have played at Royal oak and only had one withdrawal there. It is true that it is invite only but from what it seems is invite for Vip players at different casinos but I could be wrong.
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