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Everything posted by Bigmanone

  1. Well we have come to a conclusion that all things considered I'm happy with. After I had won the 1000 euros on the Sunday I had deposited and lost a further £240 over the next 4 days as won money is easily lost I feel. It's a lot lot more than I would normally stake but thinking I was getting a big pay day soon I Gambled more than I usually would. The casino gave me back all my deposits for the week. Which was £260 in total. Considering I was also tied to a x10 win limit (which I just found out) all I could have won would have been £200. Reflecting on the situation I realise whether I agree with the ridiculous terms and conditions and wagering limits is complete irrelevant. I did agree to them so I have to take it on the chin. What made a nice wee twist for myself was they put all the money into my balance and I actually got it up to £380 which I withdrew last week and went into my bank yesterday. Thabks for all the help and advice and most definitely lesson learnt. If I can offer advice it would be keep cool and treat people dealing with you the way you would like to be treated yourself. Don't moan insult or become aggressive. They are just doing there job. Be courteous and polite. I genuinely believed it helped sway things my favour. As it's human nature if someone is being nice to you then you feel obliged to help them back.
  2. To give the casino credit they have put a fact finder onto it who has been really good and I have given him my account of things. I have asked if they would consider paying out my balance at the point I raised the stake past the 33%. He says I should get an answer on Tuesday. I still don't see the outcome in my favour and do intend to ask some questions outwith the casino. Will certainly keep you guys updated
  3. Hi yes the casino is on the list. Out of curiosity what is the list. Is this a list of casinos with this sort of problem. Am I within my rights to take the case further and have it looked into. I have accepted the reality that I will never see the winnings. I am going to pursue a little further though as I feel it's a win win situation for the casino by having what is essentially a self destruct button. The minute I make an innocent mistake by upping my stake size they confiscate winnings and if I lose they obviously keep the money. From that second that button is pressed all money in my account was there's regardless of game outcomes. But I do accept it was my mistake. Thanks for the feedback guys and when the casino gets back to me with details I shall make contact with the adr and licence provider. Even if it makes them aware of what I see as unfair loophole. I will certainly keep you guys updated as I appreciate your time
  4. Strange game for me this. An appalling slot in the bookmakers fobt machines but actually quite good in the online version
  5. First of all would like to say hello and thanks in advance for any assistance offered. Apologies for the long winded post but just wanted to create hopefully a clear picture. I am an experienced/addicted slots player. Purely for enjoyment purposes. When I say addicted it always has been with money I can afford to lose. A lesson my dad taught me well. Over the years I have had many highs and many lows. Any slot player who says they have more than wins than losses is kidding themselves I think. I recently registered with a new company who unfortunately is not on your list re complaints. In fairness to them I'm not sure it's fair to name and shame just yet as they do seem to be pushing my complaint higher up their ladder although I suspect I know the inevitable outcome. Basically I joined. Deposited £20 received a 400% bonus to play with. I play a very rough stake to balance ratio when playing slots. So started off at about £1 a spin. As my balance crept up so did my stake. After playing for around 4 hours I was up at around £1300. I withdrew £1000 and played and lost the remaining balance. I got an email saying my withdrawal was denied due to irregular play. In the t +c it states I cannot place bets higher than 30% of deposit in play. Obviously I was unaware of the rule or I would not have breached it. After 2 1/2 hours of play and over 2000 spins I did start playing £10 spins when my balance was roughly £700. Quite normal and in keeping with my rough stake to balance ratio I had used for the previous 2 1/2 hours. I had not breached said rule up till then. I completely understand the rule of irregular play and it is really to stop people doubling up and basically trying to burst the casino. There was absolutely nothing irregular about my play all night. I feel they are just using the rule basically to stop paying out my winnings. I had a huge win on mr smith casino a couple of years ago in near identical circumstances and they paid out no problem. The total then was nearly £3000. I am just really seeking advice and if I am flogging a dead donkey pursuing it any further. I have asked them three times now for their alternative disputes provider and who issued there gambling license so I can take it up with them. Unfortunately this information I am still waiting on. If you are still reading this I thank you greatly and feedback good or bad is greatly appreciated.
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