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Szklana45's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Askgemblars closed she account... Taths why i write now here because this case is about me awesome
  2. Second person sended from [email protected]
  3. Yes!!! she have maiils from askgemblars tath rejected complaint
  4. Playamo dont wanna tell anything about duplicat...only this is confusing information i tryed few times unlucky and i leave but few days leater i get email from other customer thesame situation about duplicate and she dont give up and after contact whit Antillephone license and playamo regulated she get mail where you can see 2 account what casino says duplicate and she resended to this account wath is on Antillephone mail. My acount.using lcb serwis she made complaint because askgemblars without really reason rejected 2 times and close account...one of complaint isthesame wath is on lcb serwis right. she told me. I proofed whit id, and mails from other casinos tath my account i use from 2015 and is full verifed everywhere.she sended id and proof tath she did 2 times payout from playamo if you look for document from Antillephone you see this "duplicate" exsist from first day when she play and now 9 months is.. I closed account in playamo on 21.04.2017 and they self reopen whitout me... Nice
  5. 2 person playamo told me tath i have a duplicat account.... but dont tell any details.....confiusion.... other person thesame story.... and we proofed tath we are two diffrent person other is a woman ;/ no is more then 50 days... even a lot o proof playamo ignoreg i cant belive how mark of trust ;/ ?
  6. Playamo confiscated 15000euro based tath detect duplicate account.... After complaint on LCB servis and proof tath playamo made mistakes and duplicate account never exsist. Playamo even have evidence tath wrongly confiscated 15000e they still ignore player and every members LCB dont anserw for any mail. Askgemblars please help us you credited then i hope tath get more respect from playamo.... Here can you all find <SNIP>
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