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sunnyx's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. I find the best way to prevent the dreaded reverse withdraw is to request a week cooling off period to allow the account locked in order for the funds to withdraw smoothly. We've all been there, reversed and lost the winnings and own deposit. It is very embarrassing! I recently won a large amount and there was no cooling off period. I withdrew on Wednesday, 48 hour pending period. One day for the payments team to check documents and approve the withdraw. As it was the weekend and not a 'business day' that didn't count! So it was pending over the weekend and Monday the withdraw was finally approved! So basically 4 days of pending period which isn't good at all. The only option was to exclude myself. Not the best idea but it allowed me to withdraw my winnings If casino's are going to drag the pending withdraws then I will set a cooling off period. If they can't enforce that then exclude myself. Sorry but our temptation to return should not be taken advantage of or exploited. After all they stress about responsibly gambling so what I did in my opinion was responsible. When we make a withdraw we expect to be paid promptly.
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