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Everything posted by nuckspaz

  1. Stay away from this site.I thought it was alright as I did really well and won a considerable amount but the things they do are really shady and rather disturbing. When I first joined they were really good,always offering me something,but then of course I was hitting good and then nothing.I was given a VIP Trial offer and the only thing I got was $75 (which I had to pay back when I made a withdrawal)don't get me wrong it was better than the pathetic 40x wager requirement they have. I was given a couple weeks with this trial,but of course when I went to make a withdrawal,they told me the withdrawal processing time isnt included in this free trial,bu tthen when I contacted support to ask if the reverse timeframe could be waived,they said"it is actually quicker for you now during this trial period than if you wernt a VIp??????????Um ya,ok.IT never changed,the reverse withdrawal timeframe is anywhere between 3-5 days,case of course they can't process on the weekends.To me that alone is dusgsuting,and it has to border on unfair practice.I ahve seen how much players hate the reverse withdreawl time frame,and yet this site drags that on as long as possible. Nwo to the reason that made me clsoe my account.They have a promo going on"cash back magnet"This promo started ont eh 12th of September.I origionally made a withdrawal on the 9th,buuut becasue it was a weekend it wasnt getting processees,so I reversed it throughout the weekend,and then eventually at 0029 monday morning I made the witdhrawal for the last time.So During the promo I depsotied $500,usually I deposit way more ,but I won a bit so I had some to play with(yes I ended up losing it all)and was expecting $50 yesterday for the 10% cash back. I contacted them as I dint receive it,they said there was a delay.Contacted them today,and was informed I am not eligible because I had a withdrawal on the 12th,They stated I had money to begin with and play with so I wasn't eligible.And in the same email they stated this "You have started the week on the 12th of September with a funds to play with and you had ended up with positive amount to your account. This is great, however this is the reason why you are not eligible to receive the cash back for this week as you did not lose the money, on the contrary- you had won and requested a withdrawal as well. And as it is stated in the Terms you can receive 10% cash back (real cash) if the House wins and only on any deposits made and lost in the current week. So I got screwed because the money i deposited the week befor won me some cash I am not eligible for this bonus,and really?less than 3 hours after,and I will add,I hadn't even opted into this promo yet. So technically ,actually no,not technically,I should have been given this promo as the house won,I lost all the money I deposited for the week of the promo. These people do end upo paying,but its clear if you do some winning they have ZERO interest in you,and will sue any loop hole no matter how ridiculous and pathetic it is to not pay. I hadd some issues at casino.com that came and slots heaven helped themselves to a banking issue,had I knon they wehre alll one I would have stayed away,but I hit big on my first few days and jsut kept winning so waited until more garbage arose,and well here it is. One other thing,yes I won a lot there,but I have to say,the losing slides I experienced there and the other mansion groups are something I have never seen before.Had I not won considerably the crazy tightness of the reels at times would have had me long gone ages prior. I know to some,this will come off as a sore loser,I assure you it isn't,it's a heads up to those who play often as I do and deposit in the thousands weekly to stay away if you want to be treated with some respect and not like a 2 cent player that deposits with a budget of $25 a week case thats how you will be treated in the end. ​i should have read more forums about this site as I have found today that I am not alone in my feelings towards them so look elsewhere is my suggestion.
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