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Anonymiss's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Thank you very much for your speedy reply! I quietly figured there had to be some allowable measures one might undertake to prevent the ENTIRE disclosure of his/her financial and personal information. What a relief! You're awesome! Thanks for enlightening and reassuring me and an especially big THANK YOU for this site! There is such deserved uncertainty and distrust regarding the integrity of some online gambling sites; it's comforting to know someone else has done for you the investigatory 'hard yards' that may have otherwise left you ripped off and ultimately raging, lol! AskGamblers rocks! Anonymiss
  2. Hi, I was just wondering what is the appropriate identification legitimate and honest casinos will ask you to submit in the event of a winnings withdrawal request? I have been asked for a few pieces of ID, which are logical to me; however, I have been asked to submit a copy of BOTH sides of my credit card (in addition to my driver's licence, a utility bill displaying my address, etc.). That mentioned in brackets I do understand, however, BOTH sides of my credit card?? Every minute detail of my credit card (the entire card number, the CVV/CVC, my name, expiry date, issue date, etc.) seems inappropriate & unnecessary, suspicious and very invasive to me. I have not yet sent any ID. Please help. Thank you, Nicole BTW, thank you for this site. It's an indispensable must with online gambling!!
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