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weezerteaser's Achievements

Fresh Gambler

Fresh Gambler (2/8)



  1. Whoah, I don't know what to make of this, but if it's true it's good to know there are still people like this guy around! Way to go dude!
  2. I think at Bodog Poker you can get a 110% sign up bonus! That is if you're a poker person
  3. This is great news, absolutely looove Villento
  4. Apparently X UFC star Roger Huerta was in a street fight, what the?? Anyone knows more about this!
  5. Wicked I'm there! Is it only on today??
  6. how about SlotsJungle, anyone played there yet?!
  7. ouch, yeah knew it wouldn't be long!
  8. Probably won't be online for long as apparently they do not have any permission from the Michael jackson estate...weird, why do that? Check it out: www.michaeljacksoncasino.com
  9. my 3d glasses are so flimsy but i got them for a buck only. Maybe time to get new ones
  10. Just tried it out, nice layout for a wagerworks game. Also the multi hand blackjack is good!
  11. what happened to the toy story promo, is that still on?!
  12. This is wicked stuff, will deffo sign up to check it out
  13. Do any of them do Pai Gow Live?? Good article tho
  14. What, what's wrong with Playtech?? Which gaming software do you like then...
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