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Everything posted by benmq

  1. Hi Guys, Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the responses. I want to actually be fairly objective and let the images speak for themselves. My idea was to pair images together and present them side by side. On one side would be a photograph of where you like to game, showing the environment and context around. The other would be a waiste up portrait of the gamer, against a clean plain background. I hope that by doing this and photographing a wide variety of gamers we can start to see a portrait emerge of the wider gaming community if you see what I mean? I'm not trying to create any bias in anyway... I want the viewer to be able to decide for themselves. Thanks for the offer of productions manager too! Hope that helps! Feel free to ask any other questions!
  2. Thanks very much! Wasn't too sure! Hopefully! Think it could look really nice. Forgot to mention that everyone would be welcome to prints afterwards! Thanks again.
  3. Hi Everyone, Firstly I hope this post is under the right forum category as I'm new here, let me know if it isn't and I'll swap it over! So why I need your help… I'm a London based photographer, I do a lot of portraiture for the Guardian Weekend, Telegraph Magazine and Monocle. When I'm not working for these magazines I like to do my own personal projects. One that I'm working on at the moment is a portrait series of online gamers across the UK. I want the project to almost be like a survey of people who participate in online gaming in order to show the increasingly broad demographic of those taking part. I guess in a much broader sense (without meaning to get all arty!) I'm interested in what the "connected world" means on a social basis. Sorry, bit a mouthful! But if anyone would be interested (especially any in the southeast or london) in having their portrait any help would be much appreciated! I'm not sure if rules permit me to post my site, but I can always forward these details on if you are interested. Thanks very much!
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