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  1. Yes absolutely me too. I love what they do with slots adding storylines and making it so much more interactive! I think they made a similar game a while back but it didn't look as hmm bublegum fantastic as this one. Will deffinitively check it out!
  2. They're so cheeky these betting companies!!! Allthough I do agree that Amy will probably be the next one to sing the jailbird blues...
  3. Excellent just got 10% off on megamillions, fingers crossed now
  4. Love the reload bonuses at Rockbet
  5. Thanks Ella, I agree. I hardly place big wagers to impress others but I do love slots. Which is your favorite Casino to play at if any?! I like the interactive slots the most
  6. Oh this is great I love Jackpot´s promos
  7. Thanks for heads up once again
  8. I want to know I love slots but can never seem to keep any of the small wins when I do get them
  9. Thanx, I really liked this offer alltho the cash ran out really quick
  10. Spain! or why not a smaller country? Uruguay??
  11. Thanks this is great
  12. Thanks Paul Love the exclusives here!!
  13. I'm not a big fan of RTG games but this Crystal Waters game is great
  14. Thanks! they just added it for me :)
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