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Newbie Gambler

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  1. Thanks for the answers ! I've read your posts about bonus so the last time I didn't apply one thanks! And don't worry about being straight forward. The truth is the only thing that matters Is this connected with 'monitoring' written in the terms and conditions? I had a feeling it happend two times. Every time I get a profit around 120€ the troubles starts. If it could help if I limit my playing time or my winnings to a specific amount and then quit for a while or a few hours. And yes, I've read about the pattern in the terms of conditions.... But English is not my native language so with come words I don't know exactly what do they mean. This are the terms and conditions: I think that my pattern is not mentioned here, but the question is, what do they mean with 'pattern'? For example if I have one lucky number, or lucky colour, they can easily assume that I use a pattern, because I think they don't specify it right. Because of this general meaning of 'pattern' every game style you use could possibly be asumed as cheating. And the last questions are If this things only happen in less aknowledged casinos. And if it's better to play online on their site ( so I could delete the cookies afterwards, if they got something to do with my patterns) or playing with a software. I appreciate your disponibility and thank you again for the answers!
  2. Greetings to all! First i want to ask a question about winning money with bonus. Example:I deposit 100e on casino with 150% bonus and get 250e to play with. The thing I want to know is if the winning increases my real money or my bonus money. Second. Is there fraud involved with the games especialy with the roulette. I don`t want to accuse anyone, but does any of you experienced gamblers noticed that while playing the roulette with a specific pattern and continue winning without loosing for around 1 hour. The sequence of the numbers and colours changes to a pattern opposite of the pattern that you are playing with. And so resulting with you loosing your money. I am asking this becouse I was playing like this at playmilion casino. When I was using my winning patern in practice mode, I kept winning 8 hours straight if not more without loosing. So I got confident and tried to play with real money and the thing I mentioned above happend. Thanks for the answers and sorry for any mispelling. Happy christmas to everyone
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