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Everything posted by GoGrunge
Welcome Jim - What sort of experience do you have with online gaming? Apart from winning GoGrunge
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Awesome batterys! Congrats
I will definitely be having a look! GoGrunge
This was a interesting post .Q. - I come from Sweden and the Swedish government has had a state run monopoly for years and are now the threatend by private enterprises turning their high taxing gaming model on its ear. I think the benefits to the user are both better payouts and greater competition. Disadvantages being greedy shareholder and ethics of the companies behind those sites - but govts sometimes have the same problem but at least then the money went back to the national coffs for spending! GoGrunge
I pretty much found a good page with answers so I pasted it under the swedish section - thanks again lucky13
thanks Lucky13 I just checked it myself and found a better link http://www.skatteverket.se/funktioner/svarpavanligafragor/privat/ehandel/privatehandelspel/jagharvunnitpengarnarjagharspelatkasinoochpokerpainternetbehoverjagbetalaskattpadetsomjagharvunnit.5.dfe345a107ebcc9baf80007930.html
Här finns lite infomation om skatteregler för sverige och online poker Skatteverket redogör Vilka regler som gäller beskattning av nätpoker tydligt i Skatteverkets skrivelse 050131 . Pokerspel som anordnas för allmänheten utgör lotteri i lotterilagens mening. Vinster i pokerspel av det slaget som anordnas inom EU/EES inkomstbeskattas därmed inte. Vinster i pokerspel som anordnas utom EU/EES beskattas som inkomst av kapital. Detta gäller även för nätpoker. Problemet är hur man ska kunna veta vilka poker rum som skatteverket anser finns inom EU/EES. Pokerspelare har velat att skatteverket ska publicera någon slags lista över vilka poker rum som är skattefria, men hittills har man inte gjort detta. Det som bör vara avgörande för var poker rummet är beläget är var spel licensen är utfärdad, var verksamheten bedrivs är inte lätt att veta med denna typ av verksamhet. Ett annat problem är gällande de icke Europeiska poker rummen. Där ska alltså vinsten beskattas som inkomst av kapital, 30 % skatt och förluster är inte avdragsgilla. Detta kan bli förödande för alla som spelar cash games i dessa poker rum. Om man hårdrar reglerna så ska man skatta för vinsten i varje pott man vinner men man får inte dra av förlusterna i de potter man förlorar. Alla spelare, både de som vinner och de som förlorar i längden, skulle med det här sättet att räkna bygga upp enorma skatteskulder, som inte på något vis motsvaras av spelarens nettovinst. Om dessa regler verkligen tillämpades så skulle skattemyndigheterna få jaga hundratusentals pokerspelare, både vinnare och förlorare. Man kan nog vara ganska säker på att skattereglerna för det här aldrig kommer att tillämpas på det här sättet. Det skattemyndigheterna gör är att man följer de flesta stora live turneringarna, och kanske en del stora Online turneringar. När dom ser att svenskar placerar sig högt och vinner stora pengar kollar man deras deklarationer nästa år och om man inte har tagit upp pokervinsten blir man upptaxerad och påförs skattetillägg. För liveturneringar är det ofta enkelt att göra detta men Online är det svårare att få reda på vem vinnaren egentligen är. Och när det gäller cash games Online så kan jag inte tänka mig att skattemyndigheterna har några större möjligheter att få några uppgifter om vem som spelar eller vad någon vunnit. Men vill man vara på den säkra sidan när det gäller skatten så ska man bara spela i de poker rum som man är säker på att de ligger inom EU/EES. Och att spela stora live turneringar utanför EU/EES som WSOP och WPT är inte särskilt smart om man är svensk. Förlusterna är inte avdragsgilla och vinsten beskattas, och vid dessa turneringar får skattemyndigheterna lätt fram information om alla vinnare.
SUGGESTION : One of the big questions I have as a newbie is how I will be taxed on my new gaming millions I live in Sweden and its been quite a complicated process tying to find out what the real tax rules are for playing online but living in Sweden. I know its not a "sexy" discussion but i think its a question a lot of newbies need to get answered and therefore a perfect section for askgamblers to answer. I'm still in the process of working out the rules here but as soon as I know I will post the results in the Swedish section. Maybe others can do the same for their country - just an idea! GoGrunge
That work a treat! I now feel complete!
You guys are quite busy apparently considering the amount of tweets!
screenshot uploaded to my privat album!
Hi Lucky13 - I realised I had uploaded a profile picture, my issue is with avatar uploads - but thanks anyhow! If I go to User CP > Edit Avatar - this is the page I have presented (notice no mention of uploading avatar) ------------------------------ Your Current Avatar No Avatar Specified Avatars are small graphics that are displayed under your username whenever you post. Do not use an avatar Note: if you have a custom avatar selecting this option will delete it. ------------------------------ - something is weird - feel free to delete these post at will!
Hi Lucky13. I have really got into the site - you have all done an amazing amount of work - it´ll take me a couple of weeks to read though the bits that interest me but I am learning all the time - thanks! One small problem isthat I can´t seem to add a avatar to my profile - it might be turned off or some but it could also be an area. Cheers GoGrunge
Askgamblers Noobie question #1 - Who remembers their first big win?
GoGrunge replied to GoGrunge's topic in Casinos General
oops - this was intended for the Beginners Questions section - I seemed to have post it in the wrong area. Lucky13 - can you move this to the Beginners Questions? Thanks -
Hi Winthelottery! - You honestly wouldn´t have seen me anywhere else - I really am a noobie to the online gaming world. I have finally taken a few steps back from my hectic life and started to relax a little - I find poker with friend sa fun way to past time but have never had the time to try online - now is my time to shine - and make a dime! Are you new as well or been on the circuit a few laps? GoGrunge
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I have a whole list of questions I´d like to ask from a newbies perspective. I think the thing that attracts most people to Online Casinos is the dream of the big win. Since this forum is called askgamblers - I´m asking. Who remembers there first BIG win, Which casino was it, How long did it take you to get there? How much was it and did you do anything in particular with the winnings? Do you still consider it a big win? I look forward to some inspiring replies! Thanks all! GoGrunge
It looks legit - fromthere T & Cs "Players must wager at least 12 times the amount of their deposit and bonus so as to cash out the winnings or as stated in a specific promotion or bonus requirement"
Be assured I´ll be around for a while - Askgamblers will shorten the learning curve, save me Bucks and get me quickly up to speed. The site is awesome - your clear description of casinos and bonus systems has save me a lot of time & research. Keep up the Good work - I hope your new incentive for forum posting means I´m not the only lost soul looking for advice here! the more people that get involved the better. Cheers GoGrunge
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Thanks Lucky 13 - I had a good look around askgamblers.com yesterday and found a lot of really good information to get me started. I apologise if my questions are to basic but we all have to start somewhere and I don´t mind looking like the village idiot as long as I learn stuff along the way! Full tilt poker is definitely a brand I know - with regards to that are the smaller casinos as trustworthy - do online casinos go bellyup? Thanks once again GoGrunge
Hi this is GoGrunge - been meaning to get into online poker for a few months but have found it hard getting over the first start hump! Askgamblers has been very inpirational and informative - I´m looking forward to learning & winning in the near future!
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The Twitter updater is a great idea
EXCLUSIVE: Rockbet Casino, $50 No Deposit Bonus
GoGrunge replied to Lucky13's topic in Exclusive No Deposit Bonuses
Do these deal require Credit Card Details? - Whats the catch? -
Seems I may have jumped the gun a bit - I checked out one bonus system and it had aload of restrictions Lucky18 Casino Bonus "its good for the slots and keno" - so no blackjack at there casino -does anyone know of good Blackjack bonus enable casinos?
I thought this was a great post - I have had a hard time understanding why the Casinos offer such huge bonuses. But they keep you there as long as possible. The blackjack tip is interesting so in theory if I start with $100 - get a 100% bonus I have $200 to play with - if continue to play 30 times to meet the Wager Requirement and average 99,5% I can still walk away with $170 - a 70% return on my investment! Thats not bad why not do that as a strategy and move on to the next casino with a bonus? Is this to simple?
I´m just starting out with online poker and need to get up to speed as quickly as possible. I play a bit of "low quality" poker with my friends but need to bring it up a bit - Can anyone suggest a good poker scholl to get me started - some casinos have them but they seem to be more guides on how to leave your money with them! Any tips welcome.