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    In the recess of my mind...and turn left at the junction marked London UK
  • Interests
    Yes...I have interests...x

Anonynanny's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Good Morning/ Evening/ Afternoon World ( start, middle...especially the bit at the end of the world ) x I should of looked-in here when I first signed-up this morning but I had no idea that this place would be soooo tempting for a button/tab clickr like myself & so I have been clicking everything in sight x I am Tina ~ Anonynanny here. I have taken the good advice given to me & thought I would give a quick hello and say thank you for having me as a visitor...to your world. So far so good...sooo unlike my own little world in the recesses of my little mind...and sooooo BIG. lol I hope I don't lose myself here as I may never get back to my world in time for being the Real santa Claus ( shhh, that is a secret which I trust you with...PLEASE DO NOT TELL THE KIDS ). As for me...well I feel like Christmas has come early and feel like a child in a toy-shop here, if I drive you to despair I apologise in advance...it happens...ask my kids...they will guarantee it x Right, I hope I have introduced myself in the correct manner and as advised and not left-out the really important bit...again I apologise...right, where are my presents....yayayyayyay its christmassssssssssssss xx ps I am not crazy...my reality is just different from yours ( Guaranteed ) x
  2. Thank you ValDes...for your prompt reply to my comment regarding the $5 per comment thing. I didn't think to read every single comment prior to leaving my comment ( I simply trusted the AskGamblers.com clickable banner which reads $5 for every comment GUARANTEED )...why I did not think to first read every single comment left by members rather than just to simply click the GUARANTEED button I can only put down to my being unable to resist temptation dis-order lol. In my little mind the word GUARANTEE means something totally different to what it actually means in real-life...but hey...I thank you for your reply, for your advice and for anything which I may have forgotten to mention...my thanks are true of that I can guarantee but unless your mind works as mine does I am guessing that you haven't got a danny what I'm going-on about!...which is ok...it is not compulsory to understand everything...after all that was my reason for posting in the 1st place. lol I Shall Of Course Heed Your Advice & Stick Around A While ( I cannot resist it...try as I might! ) Tina
  3. Hi. I joined ASKGAMBLERS hoping to find a coupon offering which does exactly what it states on the packet!...due to so many ( ALL ) casino sites not delivering the deals as promised in their promotion/enticers/snares/traps sent out to draw us in ( and suck our blood/cash out ). I signed-up here after reading a few reviews, offers, etc as I thought I may at last have stumbled upon a site which ticks all the boxes & delivers as promised & no-strings-attached etc ! ( all for free out of the kindness of your heart ). So, I am now in a quandry as to this offer which claims to award ALL reviews & EVERY published comment $5. Ok...pretty straight-forward some will say,many more will mutter DERRR, yes $5 precisely as claimed, where am I going with this comment...yes! Maybe it is due to my being British...more to the point a British woman from London that I find online offers of free cash so tempting...guilllible should be my middle name but here in London the locals would call me a mug ( kinda the same thing as being guillible but more derogatory ). Suffice to say, yes maybe I have been easily led/fooled into money traps more than once too often and no doubt I shall be fooled/led into many more such tempting offers in disguise...I can resist everything except temptation. Does your $5 promise be an American $5 which suddely becomes a £1GBP or less for us Brits ( especially Brit burds from London who talk too much )...Crikey I know what a pain in the butt they can be lol ! So that is my query...$5 USD or £5 GBP...if it is $5 USD could you please let me know how much is that in my language ( I speak fluent GBP, English & Bullshiiite )...all answers shall be received gladly! Ta Very Muchly Indeedydodahday x Tina x ~ ( Twitter : #AlfiesgirlT )
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