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  1. Progressive Baccarat Card Games This is same as the standard Baccarat it’s just an addition of chances to win a progressive jackpot. 12 Bet Casino offers seven decks Baccarat. Read the Baccarat Rules if you’re not familiar with it. PROGRESSIVE BACARRAT RULES
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  3. During the dangerous Ball, when member placed a bet, out system will show waiting, then count down for 5 seconds: 5, 4, 3, 2,1...and repeat again 5, 4,3,2,1 until dangerous ball become safety. But for this new function, if member choosed auto accept 20SEC, so, our system will accept the member's bet after 20sec. But, In case, During the dangerous ball has goaled in, we still have the right to cancel member's bet. If you have any question, please let me know, I will explain to you again.
  4. first time for me to have an interest in casino. actually there are lots of online casino that you can be seen through out the net. why i enjoy going to online casino? this gives me entertainment and money. here's some tips on how to avoid scam from online betting: After a deposit has been made, casinos will state that a player is not qualified to receive a bonus. Yet players still continue to play their deposits. This is what casinos are expecting to happen and they have achieved their goal. If you do suspect that you are a victim of such a scam, do the following: *As soon as possible, stop making deposits. *If you can cash out, do it immediately. *Contact the site's customer care if your cash out attempt failed. *They should respond within forty eight hours to your inquiry. If not, contact them again. *If credit or debit cards were used to deposit funds, contact the establishment to inform them that you might have been a victim of internet fraud. So they could take all the necessary precautions. And as needed, cancel your credit card. *If you have used Neteller take out all funds left in that account. *If ten days have passed and still no contact was made by the casino site, contact them again. State your demand firmly. *The Online Players association can be of help in mediating to settle disputes between parties. Ask their assistance. *Wait and hope that all will be settled. *Report to certain web portals the incident. So this won't happen to other players. Keep in mind, there are as many "fake" casinos as there are "real" ones. Always check the site carefully. Better be sure than sorry.
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  7. hello everyone, i am thomas. thanks for accepting me in this community. i am so glad to be part of this gambling community.
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