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Everything posted by casinoian87

  1. Yea, Im sick as a dog, so I didn't go to work today, so I will try to get at least two tonight, hopefully a few more over the weekend, I wanted to hit 40, but I feel like *****..ugghhhhhhhhhh
  2. Nevermind, it worked on instant play, not on the download part, probably because I was trying to use it for poker lol
  3. Jupiter Club Review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/jupiter-club-casino-review-r210#leave-comment
  4. Roadhouse Reels Review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/roadhouse-reels-casino-review-r234#leave-comment It's posted all but 5 sentances, so I posted them seperate, above so when you read it, you know so it makes sense, Im using my same Support warning intro on all of the GP reviews I do, because it applies for all of them, so they will all be long, if you've read one of my GP reviews, skip down past that part, and my review of the other parts of the casino are available.
  5. oops, I just saw I posted it before I fell asleep dont I feel like an *****, sorry for getting aggressive, but competition motivates me , I hate loosing, albeit this isnt a contest, It is in my mind
  6. Keep in mind guys I wrote this on almost 2 days no sleep, after doing a random spring cleaning on a 3500+ sqft house and basement earlier, and I was never a drinker, I hated the taste A, B. If I drank 2-3 I would be buzzed bad, anymore Id be drunk, Ive only been drunk 2 the point where I probably said or did things I normally wouldn't do, less than you can count on 1 hand. I remember writing the top half of this review but not the bottom half, its 4000 words, and I don't want to look at it, so whatever I wrote, I wrote, the reason I talk about drinking is because they say its similar to being drunk, the cause for me being up for 48 hours and this might sound silly to most of you is first my basketball team blew A 15 point lead at the start of the 4th quarter. Second I did survey on Nutrition and fitness, and when I was young 14-15 I lost 75lbs I was a fat kid, then for about 2 years I did steroids on and off, and was in the best shape and mind state of my life, and there was a question on there, who do you take your advice from about fitness and nutrition (and I was self taught, hours and hours on the internet reading articles, reviews, tips, even scientific journals on sites like pub med, I went to Arizona State for a degree in Exercise science (Kinesiology) and I was having a blast till I caught mono, I stopped working out and skipped every class my second semester and never finished school, but more importantly I lost that body image I had worked for years to get, to be honest I haven't had a solid stretch where I have dedicated more than a month to working out since then due to drugs, and then working crazy amount of hours, and it just set off something in me, it triggered a bad memory of me not being able to leave my dorm room without a panic attack a severe one, I would only leave to smoke and eat, and I even started buying food just to eat in my room, and I would stay up all night playing online poker, and sleep all day, and I'll tell you something if you ever have a stretch like that where you don't see day light, it really F's your head up bad, its been proven, that why some people get seasonal depression in the winter, myself included, anyways I slept for about 12hours or so, and here is my review, it reviews Casino Grand Bay but if I recall I probably reviewed the last 10 years of my life as well, and don't be hard on me I was passing on the keyboard, I don't remember much of it, It was like I was "drunk in a way" but here it is my review on Grand Bay http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casino-grand-bay-review-r4321#leave-comment ***they will never be that long again, but thats the same intro I will use regarding every Grand Prive Casino I review, it applies to all of them*****
  7. Casino Grand Bay and I think the last 10+ years of my life review, 4000 words, 48 houra no sleep, I don't remember much about it, delirious at this point, but I see I have competition, I like that I will have redbull running in my veins if it takes writing less than another person, no more 4k words, Im doing 400 words max, o yea almost forgot my review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/casino-grand-bay-review-r4321 Almost forgot, that's how tired I am lol, wait till the next one, if you saw how I brought the true colors with support on this one, it''s not better than the next one I pulled off
  8. Its been a weird 2 days, I haven't slept in about 44 hours, I found out I had no work 2day so I made 20$ on some site doing surveys, and then cleaned my whole house head to toe, carpet shampooed and all, for no real apparent reason, my brain is so weird its like I get stuck on one subject and just go in on it. So now Im focusing on reviews, I said 5 by the end of today, I got 3 to go, and If I can stick to under 600 words, Id have have like 20 done already, the next you guys will find funny or at least expose a Big Networks Support team ***Miny spoiler***, I'm working on it now.
  9. No go for me, I used my old email for that account that got shut down because someone hacked it they said ?? go figure, and I probably didn't get it from this site originally, whats up with some Betonsoft codes? USA is happy your 6 years old )) I still haven't slept and Im writing my 3rd review for 2day at the moment in spurts, during work.
  10. Its for exisiting members? and they arent excepting new NY players? the existing NY'ers are ok? well I wont be for a while after the knicks game last night but casino wise??? lol
  11. My Bella Vegas review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/bella-vegas-casino-review-r4297#leave-comment Club Playa http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/club-player-casino-review-r78 2 down now 3 , eyes are droopy, gonna do 1 more before I pass out, then 2 after work 2morrow, maybe 1 during lol **Edit Bella Vegas Jumped to #2 in my favorite Grand Prive Casinos.
  12. She got her reward $$ and thought it would be fun to.....
  13. My atlantis gold review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/atlantis-gold-casino-review-r4338#leave-comment 1 down 4 to go, I really have to shorten these up, I only need 300 words yet I wrote 1530 lol, I am gonna start making them a bit shorter.
  14. Luciana what about $ for a review for every slot or other game in the casinos list ?? Its another good idea management might like , anyways I'm in a terrible mood I've had one of the worst weeks in a while, im going to write at least 3 but push for 5 tonight even if it takes gallons of coffee I'm going to do that, Ive been juggling doing surveys for $$ and it doesn't pay nearly as well so I don't know why I do it but I do... But find out about the slots/other games as individual reviews, since being an american player cuts 75-80% of the list away from my use, unless I can do playchip reviews??? LOL
  15. If there's something I know its how to motivate people, some people don't understand the concept of losing 5$ today to make 50$ in a week, but in a much bigger scale, just a question I wanna throw out there, I can only review x amount of casinos being from America and all, you guys looking for slot machine reviews as well? **Also I wouldn't want to know the bonus, after all it's meant to get the most out of people, that includes me
  16. After loosing hours of typing due to hitting the wrong button, I just started (Probably shouldn't give away my trade secrets and lose out on places to review, lol JK) I just write it up on microsoft word and copy and paste it over, its a lot easier, and it lets those know if you hit 300 words fyi, I end up writing like 10x the requirement, damn add + add medicine makes me super focused at the task at hand, plus I don't like doing a half assed job, even though It probably cost me 20-30$ last month.... lol, One day im just going to go on a marathon, and write ten? Luciana or Lucky13 I have a question, more like a proposition, if I hit 50 reviews this month, 40 plus the ten I had, do some sort of bonus? or sliding bonus scale, like if I hit 50 out rite in a month, and at the same quality and quantity of words my reviews have been ( It's in my sales blood, and Managerial blood, offer out a bonus to the highest producer/ best quality or whatever random reward you can think of as a bonus) for example Id give out random bonuses some times for the first into work the most times that week, the most sales, the most improved, the person who worked the most hours, it would always be random so my employees would work as hard as possible, and come in early and stay late on the whim thats what the daily or weekly or monthly bonus would be.... Just a thought
  17. Happy B-day!!! any B-Day contests
  18. Congrats!! It should be the winner who starts who starts this months story.........
  19. Here is my Bernie Madoff I mean CP review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/club-player-casino-review-r78#leave-comment If anyone doesn't believe me I have a screenshot of my Big Hand, it was the first screenshot I ever took. I got 10 in now I was posting the screenshot else were Figured Id put it here also http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/2720/52handroyal.png lol
  20. Here is my Rich Casino review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/rich-casino-review-r3589#leave-comment 9 down, I plan on having 11-12 done by April 1st **side note if you read this, 1 lucky F*** in Baltimore,Maryland won the 640mill Mega Millions, lucky POS (@U)YEUHUEILFHLUIFHULHUI:E*Y#79Y78qt9 7rit 82rgsflguizifbhnm
  21. He knew where he lived, and waited there for .......
  22. I probably still have it in my trash bin or spam lol, they have weird promos.... lol
  23. DiceLand Review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/diceland-casino-review-r4245#leave-comment My 8th so far, I plan to hit my 10th review by the end of today
  24. Here is my Rialto Casino review http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/rialto-casino-review-r4209#leave-comment , Im going to have a few more later.
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