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Everything posted by vandewarmte

  1. i could agree with your 28 days and being active. I only joined to hopefully gain some extra money, its a nice extra because as i allready told i'm a student and some extra money would have been nice. What if you say no in the 28 days and i spend my euro's on 0,00 ? is that fair..? i was advised to use my email with my lastname for transparancy. This is discrimination just for having the same last name... Are all idk '' stevensons '' for example part of the same family...? as student, part of progressive environment, im surprised by the level of keep to our own atmosphere.
  2. first... for rest and peace he asked not to be bothered with it, stop with accusing please. i'm my uncle's nephew, i'm a student .. min 20 and max 50, how can i tamper. I supply like everybody: shot + log + profile who deposited / played but not public / pm to admin please. I provide admin with a copy of my ID and bankcard. You check with provider if needed, i'm cool with that. The combination cheating - convenient lucky discovery had nothing to do with me! So please, i would like a more independent and unbiased approach.
  3. @cocopop3011 u guess your talking about my uncle. He did warn me for sneaky comments but beside guiding me how to register and where to post what he ended with dont complain to me about it
  4. Are you taking in consiseratio. my participation in the contest with my uploaded screenshots bcecause the deadline is reaching?
  5. I also have screenshots of my profile and my payment ons hit and spin availeble but i would rather not post this public. @cocopop3011 can you tell me how i send those to you?
  6. Casino: HIT'N'SPIN Casino Spel: Boek van Buffalo Vermenigvuldiger: x261 Inzet per weddenschap: € 0,20
  7. Hi , i am Vandewarmte. I'm a new member and i would like to compete in this contest. link: https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.askgamblers.com%2Ftopic%2F17244-bragg-screenshot-contest-win-a-share-of-1000-eur%2F&data=05|02|maarten.duchau%40student.hogent.be|8a31cff50d084e170c7a08dc82eac0a0|5cf7310e091a4bc5acd726c721d4cccd|1|0|638529191979673455|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|0|||&sdata=uCw9EmhOgbYgfAlnaz9lTf1uKGkLeCcQ6ebyf41PnwI%3D&reserved=0
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