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Everything posted by roccodivo

  1. Good day , I found out that the casino I have a dispute , is holding only 1 licence . Not a real trusty one . Anyone ever a positive outcome when they used there website to file in a complaint . Or is also scam . Reason when submitting you need to scan a lot of personal thing . Bankstatements and valid ID. Proof of income . just very interested if someone has feedback . TIA .
  2. Illegal gambling , giving free spins or cash money as VIP for good reviews on platforms . Inspection from highest gambling commission / inspectors of several countries including my country . Still promoting they have a valid licence on Curacao . Luckily got everything on paper or mails . Did a whole investigation. Regards
  3. Good day , Anyone have similar issues with this casino ? Just curious about other players . Any feedback would be appreciated.
  4. After 17 emails they adjusted it . Now hoping this casino drama comes soon to a end . Keep you guys posted .
  5. Unfortunately yes …….the problem now is they won’t come back with the right details from my account. I sent so many emails . It looks like they delay on purpose. i never filled in a refund form , they came suddenly with a email stated the refund and the wrong account number . I only sent with the KYC my original banking statement. So they casino is wrong . I try to adjust but no luck so far. It’s so frustrating… and you can’t proceed a payment if the IbAN number is missing numbers , they are fully aware about payments and IBAN numbers and how it works. They just refuse to sent me a email . I have no clue why?
  6. Yeah I sent multiple times that information… it even said , the money will proceed to the verified account, because with the KYC check I sent them already statement. I just want to move on and get my money .
  7. The email came in at 13.00 then I emailed directly back . It’s now midnight …. Can’t be that difficult to sent a email back with the right details . But in total ime busy with them now over 17 working days . The email with the first complaint on this page yesterday . And 4 hours later I saw rejected . but now that they admit and sent the mail with confirmation and amount . I need to have a stated email with right bankaccount otherwise I can’t give them 3-5 working days to sent me the money
  8. Unfortunately they don’t react on my emails that ik keep sending . So I guess another complain is coming .
  9. Hi , that would be wonderful, because they delaying now . The email they sent me where the wrong bankdetails. Directly I sent them the good one. 5 emails later they refuse to answer and confirm . email stated 3-5 working days . I drags energy…. but thanks so much for you’re kind help . They have my original bankstatements. So I don’t understand why they don’t confirm
  10. While the complaint was rejected by this platform I just received a email that they Gonne refund me. will update when money is there
  11. I tried but ime on holiday now , and it’s a restricted country … so I can’t fill in a complaint:( and only be back in 3 months in the Netherlands
  12. Hi Jan , thanks for responding. I had two cases with the same issues . I built up a case with both , yesterday the other casino payed back my money deposites , when I registered there was nothing shown as a pop up , block . Therefore they accepted my euros in the offered bank app with only Dutch banks . I googled them before ( and never I saw really bad reviews . So I played . The other casino took 11 days .. I contacted often for updates . I saw later that they changed rules for payments . So they don’t offer ideal anymore . Therefore I hope I can put a complaint here . I still have to figure out certain rules . I am not on a other arbitration side ( I did casinomeister ) but we closed the case because the casino didn’t want to cooperate. I didn’t knew from this platform untill yesterday … I’me not sure if they got information at the gambling commission. I got the answers in a day , they have no license to get Dutch people . I still want to file a complaint here … and see what happens. Even if I could choose the Netherlands you can put a blockage when you are registered as a Dutch . I sent them my details ( all Dutch ) . I have a complaint here , but not approved yet . I understand if you just started with a casino it takes time ( but 22 days now ) . So I saved all my conversation, screenshots… how they want to solve the case. I don’t want to give up now … the other casino also didn’t want to cooperate first , but at the end they paid my money . But I saw here in one of the rules , if you are on a forum you can’t open a case . So I need some guidance with experts people here how it works . I don’t mind to wait 2 days and then come back . First I need to be sure my complaint or review is not rejected. Because I truly think there is enough proof to have a case . thanks again for your help!
  13. Oh yes lol ….. yeah thanks for offering help , struggle a bit with this casino . Yub Cowman is my name …. But any input to solve this matter with the casino is welcome .
  14. Hi , thabks for coming back . Yes this email is from today . But not the first one . Been busy with already more then 15 days . Email conversation is already long there. Every time we are still investigating. Yes I did the normal registration. I did a normal KYC plus I sent them my papers, paspoort , bankstatements, and some other papers . But before that I deposit money from ideal . That’s only for Dutch players . The deposit option from ideal are only allowed for Dutch banks . So they where fully aware that I was from thr Netherlands. I trusted them because of that . So this is not the first email . Been busy emailing them back and forth already for more then 14 days . ….. so I gave them enough time to be unnest . The complaint is from 16 April . and I was able to register and select Netherlands , with my Dutch cellphone , adres etc. The email they sent are often the same answers . Only today was a bit different. So today 22 days busy with my claim . I’me I still not allowed then to put a complaint? thanks for you’re input , much appreciated.
  15. Good day , I have been reading the forum rules . Please let me know if I’me allowed this post . I’me new here ..so please let me know the do and don’t . Otherwise just delete the part or something what’s not allowed . Thank in advance.
  16. Hi, thanks for responding! have patience already 19 days …… and only now they come with answer . The answer from the gambling commission is already there for longer time . But keep you updated. kind regards,
  17. This is literally the answer i got from the Dutch gambling commission. So more proof then this and my bankstatements.
  18. Good morning , I asked them multiple times to give my deposit back , sent all details , file numbers . But they don’t want to cooperate. They know it’s not allowed ( I even sent them the answer from rules in English from the Dutch gambling commission. LCS the organization got last year a fine of a huge amount for the same reason I found out . Now they blocked me to go to the website ( wich is fine ) they keep telling me we are busy investigating. I think. Ofcourse I have track from conversations etc . I just ask them again via mail support to give a update . They are fully aware what ime doing concerning this matter . If you look for example on dutch Trustpilot they don’t score high . Ime not sure if I filled in a complaint here ( i think I did but it’s still under review . New here so I need to read first all the rules . The worse thing is they still advertise on the Dutch market. Got also screenshots from that . I think they just hope that I leave it . Because I ask my deposits back many times already . kind regards,
  19. Hi , I never use VPN. I signed up while I was in my country the Netherlands. kind regards
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