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  1. My concern is largely due to the time lapse as well as nobody will even respond to my messages emails nothing It's been weeks I waited for a wire to go through it never did so I canceled that and switched to Bitcoin because it said 5 days which is still ludicrous to me but better than weeks so here we are that time lapsed only on the last day 5th day I was told Oh yeah by the way you need more verification so I sent that in and it was accepted it said processed and accepted approved and here I am still no winnings. Needless to say I'm way past the universe of frustrated And I am now entered the universe of accepting I'm probably never going to see a dime of that $2,500 and I'm very angry because of What seems to be the blatant purposeful process there is no excuse to tell somebody you're going to give them something in 5 days then on the 5th day so you need more in order to do it That's a pathetic customer service situation that is beyond so I guess I'm hoping not for those to follow behind me but I'm hoping this is the norm only for the hopes of maybe I might receive what's rightfully mine
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