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Everything posted by Beck79

  1. Hi, everybody! My name is Bahram (Beck79) This is official form, English transcription, for docs etc, but actually second letter of original looks different, has no presence in English alfabet, sounds something between "a" and "e", and more likely to last one, so I prefer to write Behram when it comes to unofficial matters, that you can see, for example, in my email - [email protected] I deeply realize that above-mentioned info is not in the sphere of interests of dear users, but decided to indicate it, for any case... I am from Baku, Azerbaijan, male, 45 years. Its my great pleasure to meet you, to be here, to open for myself interesting world of gambling, and hopefully many other "to"es will inarm me further. Anyway, I love connect people, especially foreigners, and this is another point of my coming here, besides actually games. So, hi again, guys!
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